"Buck"ing Up: The Transfer Question

Hey there ladies and gentlemen, Markco here with another outside the box question for you about making gold:

Should you transfer from a server because you aren't making enough gold?

Nope. Next question? What? Where you expecting a long winded explanation? Ok ok, I'll provide some reasoning behind my answer.

$25 For... What Exactly?

You're going to spend $25 to get access to a new server and ditch the old one. Maybe you'll be doing some cross server arbitrage of common and high priced goods? Especially on a large scale, it's possible to buy out hundreds of stacks of normal priced common trade goods and resell them one item at a time on the other server. If you're transferring from horde to alliance, you can also do some really cool stuff with cross faction trading.

Reasons for Leaving?

While I agree with you that there are many ways to capitalize on the differences in prices between two servers, what happens after you've made your money and are now "stuck" on the new server? Obviously, if you're changing servers for any reason other than simply for the gold rush, you will have something else to do. However, if you were changing servers because of competition, what happens if you run into it again? Wait six months and transfer a second time? No, no my friends, this is not the JMTC way.

Learn and Dominate

You have much to learn about competition and learning is exactly how you should be handling the situation. You should be made aware of the fact that experience is worth far more than gold, so take some risks in order to learn more about the auction house and how competition wars work. Here are links to places where you can and should learn more...

Competition Links

P.S. The recording of last nights meeting will be posted later in the day - check back for it later!

    3 comments: on ""Buck"ing Up: The Transfer Question"

    1. competition is no reason to transfer. Big whoop, set 12 hr auctions and under cut. Diversify into other markets. faction transfer is a bad idea. Create an alt account and get a 2 seat mount plus 1 month for a little extra then you can cross faction trade as much as you want. But transferring can be some big money. If you find a tcg mount cheap. Like blazing hippo, chicken, rhino, spectral etc. for 50k, transfer to a high pop server and sell it for 200k. spectrals go for about 400-500k on my server. That's the only time I think a transfer purely for gold is worth it. But if you're transferring anyways atleast make some money out of it. load up on volatiles/true gold/ pristine hides etc if they're cheaper.

    2. The decision to leave a server is a big one since actual cash is involved. Let me pass on a tip I use with my kids when they want something: Ask why you want to do it (get a xbox, turn your hair green, transfer servers, whatever) and then give me 2 reasons why. Using server transfer as an example, leaving because the market stinks is one reason, and if you can come up with another one, then you should. This trick keeps me out of a lot of regret.

    3. I'm actually thinking of changing servers to join a friends guild. Will also include going from Alliance to Horde.
      My question is whats the best way to find out what sells well on the new server that I can buy cheap on my old server?

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