Glyph Changes: Patch 4.2 Speculation

This post was written by Brendon as his application to become a contributor at JMTC. Are you interested in reading more posts by Brendon? Leave a comment with what you thought of the post!

Glyph Changes 4.2 : Speculation Per Class

We’ve heard about all the news about stockpiling Truegold and Pristine hide but glyphs have been getting the raw deal. Here’s a quick and dirty guide to glyph changes that will change the game! Please note that changes in character abilities will cause many more changes in the glyph market that may not be as noticeable at first. Keep your eyes on ElitistJerks to find updated guides for each class and compare their theorycrafting recommendations with popular glyphs from 4.1. When new guides are written you may find a more gradual change in select sales. Always have an idea of what sells most and keep your post counts updated appropriately!


NERF Glyph of Soul Swap now applies a 30-second cooldown to Soul Swap, up from 15 seconds.
Affliction warlocks should already be using Soul Swap but this is a small nerf to a very popular ability. You may see a slight decrease in sales for this glyph but don’t worry about it too much- the ability is still damn awesome and will be used frequently.


HIGH Glyph of Unleashed Lightning (new Prime glyph) allows Lightning Bolt to be cast while moving.
GET. THIS. GLYPH. It will be imperative that you cash in on this gem and it will require 3x ink of the sea per craft. My suggestion is to have a few stacks of cheap inks ready and some inscription books. Log off your scribe right in front of the trainer and be ready to create and post as many of the glyphs as possible right off the bat.


MED - Glyph of Seal of Truth expertise bonus now also works when Seal of Righteousness is active.
Many ret paladins, but not all, use Glyph of  Seal of Truth at the moment. Seal of Righteousness should generally be used for ret dps and although it’s just a simple fix the change in this glyph may warrant ret paladins who haven’t used the glyph before to start using it.


LOW/MED - Glyph of Berserk duration increase is now 10 seconds, up from 5.
Ferals are the new awesome. Kitty form is getting a huge buff in almost all of its abilities and druids who haven’t been having luck in pvp may be enticed to move toward feral. Bears are getting some nice buffs too. This is a glyph all ferals should already have in their pvp spec. Some druids may try feral for the first time so they may try it out.

MED- Glyph of Ferocious Bite has been redesigned. It now causes Ferocious Bite to heal the caster for 1% of maximum health for each 10 energy used.

This would be amazing if it were bear- but for kitty? The only use for this is to slightly decrease healer strain (and only a small percentage if that at the cost of energy). Ferocious Bite is getting a damage buff, to be fair, and it does quite a bit of damage already. The area this glyph will shine is in PvP. Currently ferals have been using the very-nerfed Glyph of Entangling Roots only because they have nothing else to put in the slot. A self heal that goes for 2-5% of a druid’s health multiple times in arena without taking the healer’s mana at all could potentially be a game saver. Hardcore raiders may switch to the glyph as well to do the same. This glyph has great potential and you should be prepared for it.

NERF - Glyph of Innervate now causes the druid to gain 10% of his or her maximum mana over 10 seconds when Innervate is used on a friendly target, in addition to Innervate's base effect.

This glyph has gone down 10% from 4.1 but druids don’t have a lot of options in that tier for resto. The only option is really glyph of healing touch, which just doesn’t make it in most environments. Expect very little change if any. 

No other glyph changes are known for 4.2. Make sure you get on top of that new shaman glyph and take advantage of the Ferocious Bite buff!

Do you want to write for JMTC? Send in a post to Markco and if it makes it past the initial screening process then I will publish your submission on the blog. JMTC pays 50% commission to writers on the day that their post goes live.

28 comments: on "Glyph Changes: Patch 4.2 Speculation"

  1. Very well written article.

    I support this product :D

    Straight, simple and informative, this is what we like...or at least i like.

    Hire this guy :D

  2. "Seal of Righteousness should generally be used for ret dps a"

    lolololololno Prot and Ret paladins will already have Truth glyphed in 99% of cases, and that 1% isn't glyphed because they're swimming in Expertise.

  3. Sorry, for some reason it was like "u want post now?!" instead of letting me finish.

    Anyways, you've not taken this post as deep as it should. For example:

    "Glyph of Ferocious Bite has been redesigned. It now causes Ferocious Bite to heal the caster for 1% of maximum health for each 10 energy used."


    Your incorrect paladin glyph observation.

    Even if your paladin glyph observation were on the mark, the demand wouldn't spike. Why? Because that glyph is already used by 2/3 specs. Chances are everyone has Dual Spec, so they've already likely learned this glyph.

    Compare that to Ferocious Bite. Ferocious Bite is only used by cats so essentially 1/4 specs, and a up-until-now misrepresented spec as it is. This will mean that we will likely see many people seeing Cat as a viable spec that they didn't have before and will snag this glyph, unlike paladins who likely already had that.

    Also consider the actual glyph. It effectively gives Cat druids an effect similar to Recuperate which will be great for PvP and makes Hard Mode Theralion & Valiona a cakewalk. Add to that the fact that normal modes are being nerfed and we're only getting 7 bosses in 4.2 and this means that a lot more people are going to be going back to do hard modes, and since not everyone has a subtlety rogue, this would be a great option for them.

    Thumbs down on this one. The whole post was about the change to glyphs and what it will do to demand, and he drew the wrong conclusions on 1/3 of them, at least. (I can't speak much about Warlock since mine's a vendor camping alt!)

    Plus, with the single line breaks instead of legitimate paragraphs this came out as a wall of text with colors intermittently placed. Bad post.

  4. Fantastic post, simple things like that are what makes the most money :D

  5. You hooked me and I like how you directed scribes to pay attention to the glyph suggestions at

    >Go to EJ > Forums > Pick a Class>
    Scroll down to glyph suggestions > Make and sell those glyphs!
    (You are not gonna find a handy dandy list of best in slot glyphs, but each class page has them listed towards the bottom of each article.)

    I definitely will train Glyph of Unleashed Lightning on patch day.
    I've been buying cheap Glyph of Ferocious Bite and stocking up.
    --Not really expecting a rush on the glyph, but I'll sell more than usual. Glyph of Ferocious Bite will become a must have glyph for cat druids.

    You should write for JMTC or better yet, make your own blog!
    I saw 2 JMTC posts on The Undermine Journal today and that's why I visited. Now if only TUMJ
    will list blogs in addition to
    providing a fabulous auction house pricing service.

    Love it!

  6. Don't like the change in font for this post - it's very hard on the eyes reading wise compared to previous JMTC posts....

    But a good post nonetheless! Very informative :)

  7. What a speculative waste of my time. This entire post could have simply been "You cna has gold from new glyph." It read more like a piss poor class balance article then a gold making post. Breaking news for you, if you can make any new tradable good right away you will profit.

  8. Hmmmm, i'm not sure a competitive blogger should be reviewing authors on this site :-) Especially when he's harping on one small paragraph out of the whole work.

  9. @mcmule i think you are just jelaous because of 1 thing , and that is that maybe you don't have the time to write something like this , i think this post is detailed enough to show people some things they dont know and this guy had the time to write to TRY to help people out , go suck on a turd flavored lollypop.

  10. Pretty sure you were bad at speculation when you first started too, faid. I recall this post: . Obviously Insane achievements have NOT died and are extremely strong in some markets. Be a little less of a jerk to the people starting out, especially when it's just one little paragraph out of a whole work. There's a lot to be said of constructive criticism.

  11. My scribe is my prime gold mine at the moment, so I definitely liked this post.

    I'm not overly concerned if ALL his glyph speculation is not 100% accurate, as it still saves me time and gives me some key starting info points.

    I found it extremely well written, and I particularly like the way he broke up the paragraphs. Made it faster to speed read through. My only suggestion would be, to skip the yellow font next time. It's hard on the eyes.

    Nice post!

  12. @Anonymous who said:

    "Pretty sure you were bad at speculation when you first started too, faid. I recall this post: . Obviously Insane achievements have NOT died and are extremely strong in some markets. Be a little less of a jerk to the people starting out, especially when it's just one little paragraph out of a whole work. There's a lot to be said of constructive criticism."

    Actually that post was 100% accurate at the time of posting. I'm not sure how much you know about Insane, but Blizzard outright said it was being removed in Cataclysm. I made that post. Later they went back on their word.

    My post was not "speculation" it was fact based on fact. Blizzard lying to their customers does not demerit what I said based on information we should have been able to trust. (If you're not sure if I'm telling the truth, you can read the very post you linked and see what Blizzard said and draw the same conclusion I did.)

    If you're going to peg a post I was wrong about speculation in at least talk about my Truegold post! Come on, man, take some pride in your trolling and give it your all.

    Now, I'll assume you actually did some research and instead linked my Truegold post in which I was wrong. ( )

    I was wrong. And someone informed me of that and I posted a retraction the next day and learned something. That's right. Because someone commented on my post a false statement was corrected, I learned something, and the blogosphere improved by just a tiny amount.

    If people are spouting absolute falsehoods you should say something. It's not being a jerk, it's called calling for accuracy in posts and that is constructive criticism.

    @Anonymous who said: "Hmmmm, i'm not sure a competitive blogger should be reviewing authors on this site :-) Especially when he's harping on one small paragraph out of the whole work."

    What is that? You're effectively implying that because I have a blog my opinion doesn't matter or I am exempt from pointing out shitty reasoning in posts? And what exactly is "competitive blogging?" Is that like competitve eating? Because I don't like hot dogs. But maybe if it were pie . . .

    Since when are blogs competing with one another? Why am I not allowed to try to help breed useful and informative content within the gold blogosphere? Because I chose to write about gold making I can't have an opinion or be a blog reader anymore? Because I've chosen to contribute via my own blog I cannot contribute to others'?

  13. Most paladins already have the glyph of Seal of Truth learned, if they're not using it, so I doubt demand will spike (like Faid said earlier).

    However, what you might see is an early increased demand for the minor Glyph of Righteousness. (Probably not Glyph of Truth since I believe most paladins already use this.) Due to the changes in how Seal of Righteousness will work, Seal of Righteousness will be the prime DPS Seal for trash (multi mob pulls), while Truth will remain superior for single target. This means that rets are going to be swapping Seals a lot more, and will put more value on the lowered mana costs for Seals from the minor glyphs.

  14. Brendon I liked the way you set out the post. It was easy to read on the website, rss and on my phone. I also liked that you got straight to the point and offered your ideas clearly.

    @Mcmule If you already knew you could make gold with new items or with glyphs, I wonder why were you so interested in the article that you read the entire thing, and then commented, despite alleging that this was a waste of time.

  15. Very interessant, and a good info, which is not really apparently.

    Hint: Links to the glyphs would be very useful (especialy for all "non-english" users).

  16. What will this net me? Like maybe maxium 1500g over 2 weeks with undercutting every 2 hour. If you're not in the glyph market allready don't enter it because of maybe 1 or 2 glyphs will see a little higher demand, just not worth it.

  17. "Since when are blogs competing with one another?"
    ...Since every blog makes advertising revenue. JMTC's failure means more hits and more money for you. A company would NEVER hire a major executive from a direct competitor. If someone from flooded Best Buy's product reviews with negative comments there would be some serious issues and the integrity of the reviews would be completely nullified and likely thrown out.

    You quoted everything else everyone said but unfortunately straight up ignored the "constructive criticism"- the most important part. No one cares what you're saying if you're being a total dbag about it and raging in paragraphs upon paragraphs when everyone else is being calm and collected and helpful. Go troll another blog- JMTC doesn't need your kind of feedback. I like to think this is a community of helping not trashing ideas and the guy you quoted had it right from the start.
    For the record, I did have "nerf faids" on my personal rss reader. I've unsubscribed because I personally believe he's being a warmongering raging idiot and I suggest others do the same.

    The article itself was VERY well written and Markco should have no reservations with inviting the author into the staff. Speculation is an extremely tricky subject and getting every single class correct (who plays 10 classes actively?) is almost impossible. Good job!

  18. Just for the record - Faid is a female and not a male. Just trying to clear any confusion up

  19. @Ouroboros:
    "Since every blog makes advertising revenue. JMTC's failure means more hits and more money for you. A company would NEVER hire a major executive from a direct competitor. If someone from flooded Best Buy's product reviews with negative comments there would be some serious issues and the integrity of the reviews would be completely nullified and likely thrown out."

    I don't. I am in competition with no one. Even if I did, why would I want JMTC to fail? There was a time that JMTC accounted for about 70% of the hits I got on my site and I firmly believe most of the people who read my blog today would not do so if it hadn't been for my contributing to JMTC carnvials and, oh yeah, I've guest posted here at the request of Markco. (Undermine Journal seems to have pulled ahead on site referrals, but JMTC is still a large contributor.)

    I'm trying to foster a community with strong, informative, helpful content; content that isn't made up of complete rubbish. Perhaps in your mind constructive criticism means "lol good article" but for those who care to use the word correctly it refers to giving feedback meant to improve a subject, be it a person or a website or a painting or an idea.

    I gave feedback meant to point out that, within JMTC articles, there is outright wrong information including pointing out how the information was wrong.

    Being a douchebag would be saying "this guyz a tard do not hire" or "haha where u go to school?" But I didn't say that, nor do I feel that way.

    I gave constructive criticism in the purest form of the definition of it; perhaps you just don't know what it looks like or how to accept constructive criticism yourself?

    (For the record, I didn't ignore it the first time, if you actually read my comment "If people are spouting absolute falsehoods you should say something. It's not being a jerk, it's called calling for accuracy in posts and that is constructive criticism.")

    I'm not raging, I'm pointing out facts. It's people getting up in arms and accusing me of being a dick that's got y'all riled up. At the end of the day my point's been said: The blog post was poorly researched and the thought put into it lead the author to what will, almost certainly, be a false conclusion.

    You can remove me from your RSS Reader all you want, but the fact you don't even know my gender shows me you are probably lying and never read my blog to begin with so I'm sorry I don't feel the pang of loss. Then again, even if you did, I don't blog for profit and I don't compete with anyone, so a loss of readers is a meh issue for me.

    You quoted everything else everyone said but unfortunately straight up ignored the "constructive criticism"- the most important part. No one cares what you're saying if you're being a total dbag about it and raging in paragraphs upon paragraphs when everyone else is being calm and collected and helpful. Go troll another blog- JMTC doesn't need your kind of feedback. I like to think this is a community of helping not trashing ideas and the guy you quoted had it right from the start.
    For the record, I did have "nerf faids" on my personal rss reader. I've unsubscribed because I personally believe he's being a warmongering raging idiot and I suggest others do the same.

    The article itself was VERY well written and Markco should have no reservations with inviting the author into the staff. Speculation is an extremely tricky subject and getting every single class correct (who plays 10 classes actively?) is almost impossible. Good job!"

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
  21. You won't need to stock up on books of glyph mastery for that new shaman glyph, because Blizzard removed that necessity.

  22. May I add that Faid does not have advertising on her blog, or ask for any money for her work or hosting.

  23. I agree the Shaman glyph will have a HUGE demand when 4.2 drops.

    Glyph of Seal of Truth - Any PVE Ret/Prot Paladin not using this glyph already does not know their class. Period. Demand for this glyph will remain strong, but I doubt it will spike appreciably in 4.2

    Glyph of Berserk - This is a strong option for Cat Druids already, and this change will possibly make it more desirable than TF or SR for the third Prime Kitty glyph. That having been said, myself and other Cat Druids I know are already using this glyph. This glyph should continue to sell well. I don't expect this glyph to have a huge increase in demand.

    Glyph of Ferocious Bite - Currently this is a crappy glyph. However, this upcoming change could make this a strong Major Glyph. After all, if you did a 70 eneergy FB, that would be 7% max health instantly restored. Since PVE cats will already be taking the talent increasing healing effects done to them while in cat form, this would be a strong complementary glyph. Whether or not players recognise this benefit is another matter. Since this glyph is largely overlooked, it's new value might not be recognised right away. Its demand will incrase simply because it has no use/demand at present except for fleshing out ones glyph pool.

    Glyph of Innervate - This glyph is not being nerfed at all. In fact, its effect is not being changed whatsoever. Currently, the glyph makes it so that when you Innervate someone else (they get 20% of the Druids' max mana) you get 50% of that effect, which is 10%. However because innervating someone else will now only give them 5% (as of 4.2) they reworded this glyph so that the Druid will still gain 10% of their max mana. Whether or not Druids will want to bother Innervating other party or raid members is a separate debate, but this is currently a very strong glyph to have and probably won't be replaced in 4.2. If demand for this glyph drops, it's not because the glyph changed, but rather because the base ability changed.

  24. I dont get how this is a gold making post apart from getting the shaman glyph, the rest is all covered by the majority of scribs who use the shotgun approach and thus have all the glpyhs that get more popular selling and just recrafting more.

  25. Rich Uncle Pennybags said... June 21, 2011 at 5:44 AM

    I hesitate to post this because I hate to discourage new blood and the author writes very engagingly. But it’s June of 2011. Here's how Inscription for profit works: get three alts with Packs of Endless Pockets. Make a stack each of all the glyphs you can. Divvy them up among the alts by class. Don't worry- you only do that once. Don't skip the "horrible" ones because Blizz could change them and you'll have forgotten they exist. If you learn a new glyph, be CERTAIN to make a stack and send it to the appropriate alt. Decide on the minimum profit you'll want per glyph- I like 40 gold.

    Get TradeSkillMaster (TSM) and configure it accordingly. Autopost whatever glyphs TSM wants to. If you find yourself undercut quickly at any given time, tell TSM to post one stack of one each. If not so much, post a few stacks of one. Check for undercuts, cancel them, and autopost again as often as you like, depending on how hard you’re willing to work and how much gold you want. If things get goofy and you’ve got twelve of this up and one of that up and some auctions are expiring in five minutes and others in eleven hours, just cancel all and start from scratch. When a stack is low even though none are posted… wait for it… you’ve sold a lot. Make more.

    But now, in 4.2: Make a stack each of the new glyphs and mail it to the appropriate alt. Then, see above. That's about it...

    "... but the fact you don't even know my gender shows me you are probably lying..."

    Ahem. Words such as "taco" or "fischverkäuferin" have genders. On the other hand, animals such as "dogs" and "humans" have sexes. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.

  26. Well, if you really want to nitpick: Words and humans may have genders, animals do not.

    From my 2001 edition of the APA stylebook:

    "The term "gender" refers to culture and should be used when referring to men and women as social groups . . . "

    Now, I'm pretty sure if one were a follower of my blog they could probably tell whether or not I had certain genitalia, but perhaps not! That said, something they can tell from following my blog is that I adhere to the cultural standards of what most would consider female. Thus, gender was the correct term.

    As a follow up, I've just stepped out of the shower and can confirm that my sex, along with my gender, is female. :)

    Also, I enjoy tacos, we should talk more about tacos. In all seriousness, if you'd like to continue this further, I'm all for that and you can find ways to contact me. Let's leave this post as it is and not fill the comments with such off-topic things as the gender of "taco."

  27. As someone who is already active in the glyph market I found this post very interesting. Sure it's mostly information that I've read in the patch notes but it's information that deserved a closer look. I appreciated what was said from a gold making perspective, good stuff and a good reminder that changes are coming! I will be referring back to this article many times during the next week in anticipation of 4.2.

    I (Long time reader, first time commenting) clicked on comments to read what other glyph sellers are planning and was disappointed. I'm surprised some of the comments were allowed, having very little (and in some cases nothing) to do with the original article considering comment moderation is on.

  28. Just FYI, the new shaman glyph will be learned through Northrend Inscription Research, not a trainer.

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