3 Tips for Making Gold from a N00b

This post was submitted by Logo. If you'd like to see more articles written by Logo then leave a comment with your thoughts on this post.


I've wanted to post for a while just not got around to it yet. Let me introduce myself first off. My name is Logo on the EU server which I won't say (to hide my identity). Second of all - I am, as many would say, a complete n00b at WoW - except for gold :)

Here are a few of my own personal tips which i have not seen in any of the gold blogs (unless I have just skimmed over them and missed it)

1. - Guild Hopping

Yes you heard me, guild hopping. Now I’m not talking about moving your level 85 from your favourite lvl 25 guilds to a new lvl 1 and back again every day, but there is a lot of gold to be made doing this. How you may ask? "LF people to sign my guild charter - paying 20g" - everybody has seen this at some time or another why not take advantage of it? Create a lvl 1 human and park him in Stormwind, and every time you see this request simply sign up and collect your gold. Once the guild is formed just wait for the next one (i have seen people offer up to 100g a signature in times of desperation)

2. - Razormaw Hatchlings

I always used to farm this bad boy, he had a spawn time of around 4hours, so i would run around to raptor ridge every few hours, pick him up and collect around 300-400g a pop at auction. Since cataclysm his spawn is (from what i have seen) around about 1-2 hours, so simply park an alt there and collect him, the more of him you have means the less other players have which will of course bump the asking price at AH up.

3. - Deviate Hatchlings

Much the same as the razormaw, just keep running wailing caverns and hoping for the best, i can collect 4 of these in 5 runs if i have luck on my side, which is easily 4k minimum at AH, rising to 10k on a lucky day.

These are just 3 decent earners i use almost every day, hopefully i can share more with you if JMTC choose me ;D until then, have fun!!


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18 comments: on "3 Tips for Making Gold from a N00b"

  1. Finally, a nice easy to follow post with something I think is pretty easy to follow no need to get involved in AH or gems or that stuff just go out kill stuff and sell it,, ah the simple life... excellent post

  2. Guild hopping=amazing. In wrath I used to have a level 1 toon that all he did was sign guild charters. Easily several thousand gold worth on any weekend day for very minimal time and effort. The demand has gone down a bit I think since cata, but at the same time the supply of toons willing to sign, not already in a bank or legit 25 level guild etc. has dwindled, thus making the reward go up a bit.

    This is an excellent strat for anyone who has room on their character list, or who wants an easy way to make gold with zero start up funds.

  3. Thumbs up on the post. Only thing for me is that on my server US-Kil'Jaeden, noone really buys vanity pets for more than a few hundred gold, except for maybe the rarest of pets D: and if anyone finds out how to get them then they usually farm it themselves

  4. I hope, for the love of god, that JMTC doesn't choose you. My eyes are bleeding.

  5. The worse gold tips i have ever seen.

  6. I liked these tips as they are super simple and for many they work.

  7. Silverthorn said... July 5, 2011 at 5:43 PM

    The guild charter signing tip is reasonably well-known. It's real value is that you absolutely do not need any levels or gold, making this tip a great strategy for someone starting on a new server with 0 gold.

    I would add that while you are running towards Stormwind as faster as your little L1 feet can take you, when you die (and you will unless you take the road detour through Goldshire), take the Spirit Healer rez. You literally have nothing to lose and it gets you the rest of the way to the gates of Stormwind!

    The Razormaw Hatchlings are in the 100 - 200g range on my server and may not be worth camping any more than Lil Timmy in Stormwind for [Cat Carrier - White Kitten] which actually sells for almost twice as much, and, again, does not have any level restriction.

    WoWHead lists the drop rate for [Deviate Hatchling] at a meager 0.19% from two particular types of mobs in WC. Especially with the newly shortened Wailing Caverns, the author must have been pretty darn lucky. Even so, my curiosity has been piqued enough to give it a go some time.

    The writing style is OK to maybe a bit too casual. My biggest beef is the lack of supporting details-- I killed X such-and-such and got Y item Z's. I found the sticky-wickets at coordinates [32.4,55.3] and [44.1, 67.2] of Upper Lower Slobovia... and not even a single link to any relevant sites.

    Lastly, the title was a little misleading "Making Gold from a N00b" led me to think at first that this was some evil strategy for separating new players from their hard-earned coppers.

    TLDR: More facts and links would have been nice, and the article was an interesting, if not compelling read.

  8. I lol'd when he said that he hasn't seen these tips on any blogs, as all three have been on this one.

    I wasn't too impressed with him.

  9. Not a front-page headliner type post...I could see including those three very commonly known ideas in an article that (for example) lists "Ten Easy Tips for Newbies" or something similar.

    But a front-page main article devoted to just those three?


  10. As author of this post, and a first time poster too - i was eager to see what people thought of my tips, on the whole im fairly pleased with the responce, but let me just add a little. First off Dicci - very helpful comment, tells me exactly how to improve. As do the anonymous ones, especially whoever LOL'd.
    To Silverthorn, thanks for your comments, much more helpful - on the pont about the deviate hatchling droprates, while i'll agree they are pretty low i have either just een damn lucky in the past but i genuinely have seen this drop 2 times in one run, and on a good day 3-4 times per hourly reset limit.
    and to the very first comment, thank you - i hate the gem market and the hassle of fully learning/ constantly watching the AH - ive just passed 250k without ever playing the AH or gems (or glyphs for that matter) markets - there are always other methods out there, and i only play a few hours a day, dont have the best gear, and am a self confessed n00b ;D gl


  11. Ok, so constructive criticism..
    Your writing style is terrible, you need to work on how you present your ideas. Your content was limited, seen a million times before and not anything particularly helpful in making gold. It was short and to the point, but also nothing i want to read every day at JMTC.

  12. I always like to get information straight to the point. There is no need to right 10 pages if the needed info fits into 5 lines.

    Style might need some improvement. But in the end every single reader likes different styles. You will never satisfy all of them. ...too long...too short...too casual...no links...links to the wrong pages...by the way, wowhead-links to the hatchlings would have been nice ;-)

    Just continue to write and you will find your own style in the process. An important point is, that you should know 100% what you are writing about. Bad information and wrong facts will ruin your reputation faster than you can build it up. You will only last long if your posts are well investigated.

  13. This is how you should've started this post. " I hate the gem and the hassle of fully learnig/ constantly watching the AH..." That will draw the eyes to your post, because I know there are a lot of us sick of camping the AH, I know I am, still I do it...
    The idea of this post is not bad,just add 7 more, and make it your Top 10.
    And take away the N00b.
    Good Luck

  14. agree @ Dicci.
    Additional, I really dislike these kind of headlines (no real info in headline, and Leetspeach)

  15. @ Dicci

    Yeah, I want to see more information on how to make gold with the elementium shuffle, or how about the glyph market???

    Seriously, these are different ideas for those who face fierce competition in the gem/glyph/enchant markets.

  16. @sarcastic anon, sorry i thought "Your content was limited, seen a million times before..." might have shown my distaste for 'gold tips' that have been beaten like a dead horse. Pets aren't a new idea.. in fact the gold queen did a guest post here a few weeks back about pets, which resulted in some controversy about where she got her information from. Even then, Mageshadow has posted time and time again about camping pet nests for easy gold...
    These aren't new or different ideas for gold making, however i suppose it is a good change from the 4.2 stockpiling posts we've seen everywhere this past month or so.

  17. Dicci, for the love of God, please change your profile picure.....my eyes are bleeding.

    Oh sorry did you want constructive criticism? Allow me to generalize and give a generic answer to my comment like you seem to enjoy doing with all of your comments on these boards.

    Your "Facial Expression" is terrible, you need to work on how you "try very hard to appear like a sexy vixen from the ghetto's of farmville". YOUR content was limited, seen a million times before and not anything particularly helpful in assisting others to post more productively." It was short and to the point, but also nothing I want to read every day at JMTC.

    Wow now I seem to post like a pro.....Yawn.

  18. I was trying to think of something witty to say, but instead I just laughed. Your comment was clever and, although it was an insult to me, I liked it. :)

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