Patch 4.2 Profession Recipes

Last night while I was skimming through the forums, and other sites when I came along something very interesting. I found a blue post saying that patch 4.2 would indeed bring new raid recipes. I instantly thought that's awesome! Time to start preparing for that!

  • There will be epic recipies drops for all the usual professions.
So how exactly do you prepare? Personally I'd grab whatever materials I could and slowly but surely build a stockpile things such as volatiles, leathers, cloth and such. I was going to suggest stockpiling Chaos Orbs but the more I thought about it, It wouldn't be worth it. Blizzard is going to add ( I think it was already data mined ) a new type of "orb" that will either drop in heroics or purely from the new Firelands raid.

If you're a tailor, be sure that you're making that dreamcloth every cooldown. if you haven't been making them, start doing so again. it's safe to say that the new patterns will use dreamcloth in the recipe thus stockpiling dreamcloth will be wise. Any other profession, I'd stockpile raw materials. It'd be too risky to stockpile anything else. You'll want to keep them in their "raw" form to allow flexibility.

Also, you could be able to pick some of them up from the new daily quest hub location. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard put a rep restriction on the patterns, they've done it before and I don't see why they wouldn't do it again ( think ICC ).

What are your thought about stockpiling materials for the new raid/tier recipes? Is it too early?

12 comments: on "Patch 4.2 Profession Recipes"

  1. I personally don't think it's ever too early to start stockpiling mats. I started piling up my netherweave cloth about 6 months into Wrath and everyone thought I was crazy. Well I quit a month before Cata launched but I did give all my mats to a close friend, who in turn pulled 700k from just netherweave bags within the first 3 weeks of Cata. That being said, start stocking the things you absolutely know will make you gold. Volatiles, herbs, and ore are guaranteed to sell and when a new big announcement comes from Blizz (something like epic gems) you'll be so glad you started piling up early.

  2. I don't think it too early to stockpile materials. As a tailor, I've been making my dreamcloth religiously, but not using much of it.

    However, the one dreamcloth I've not made yet is the Dream of Destruction. I've been thinking "surely Blizzard will have some better tailoring use for the chaos orbs than simply turning them into dreamcloth", and therefore I have a stock of chaos orbs that is slowly growing. So I was interested when you mentioned that Blizzard is going to add a new type of orb in 4.2. Do you have more details? I couldn't find any, myself.

  3. I would think that starting to transmute truegold and holding on to it wouldn't be a bad idea either.

  4. When stockpiling, you need to consider not only the current and future price of the mats, but the opportunity cost of tying up your assets in inventory rather than using those assets to make money now.

    Just something to consider.

  5. I'm wondering more about how the patterns will drop; will they be BoE or BoP? WotLK made them BoP, but Cata has had new world drops for meta and bracer enchants that are BoE, and therefore sellable. I never liked the BoP pattern idea, so hoping they move away from that.

  6. I think now is a perfect time to start stock piling. With the long CD on dream cloths, you're going to be limited on how much you can quickly make. I had been making bags for myself but I think ill just buy them and save my cloth.

    Ill also have a blacksmith for 4.2, hopefully will be a great patch for me.

  7. My xmute-specced alchemist has been stockpiling truegold for several weeks now. Sadly, I'm not doing it to make a goldmine in 4.2, but to make sure that the three plate-wearers in my raid will be able to get the new recipes crafted for them without blowing a fortune on mats. I've also advised my raid mates to stock up on dreamcloth, pristine hides, dragon scales, etc for the same reason. These things are pretty cheap now that most people have the crafted gear they need, but there will definitely be a price spike when 4.2 drops and people start seeing the raid patterns.

    Also, it only makes sense to stock up on Dreamcloth if your tailor will have access to the new crafting patterns, since Dreamcloth is BoP. If the patterns are BoP and only drop in Firelands raids, and your tailor is an alt in leveling greens, no use wasting all those Dreamcloth cooldowns to craft recipes that you'll never get.

  8. I'm hoping that the new patterns are BoE. I simply don't raid enough to get access to the recipes quickly and to be honest, they will be more rare and more of a gold making oppurtunity if they are BoE raid drops.

    There are very very few raiders on my low pop realm so if they are BoE then I would be seriously tempted to import some patterns from another realm. The few serious raiders on my realm would be making the items for their own guilds, to be the only merchant specialising in selling the latest gear to the masses would be extremely profitable.

  9. The patterns are all listed on MMO now, oddly the tailoring items are BoP while the all the other crafting professions are BoE.... think that will get changed.

    So far none of the BS patterns use Truegold, just hardended elementium.

    Good idea to stock up on Volatile Fires and Waters, as these are the only volatiles used to make the new gloves and boots.

  10. Has anyone noticed that Truegold seems to be replaced with Hardened Elementium bars? I dont think I saw a recipe that required truegold. So far I'm planning my hording spree on Volatile Earth

  11. First time post here but i read the forums alot.

    I have just noticed on MMO that the new BS pats do not require True Gold, i have stockpiled about 30 so far i find it strange that the new Plate items do not require True Gold and just require the new orbs

  12. It's never to early to stockpile... And your stockpile can never be too big.

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