AHSpy: Latest in AH Comparison!

What is AHSpy?

AHSpy is an Auction House data comparison website, and recently they have added data for all US
and EU realms, thats right up to data AH comparison for the EU! They have also added localization
for French, Spanish and German. Taking data straight from Battle.net so all the data is up to date and

Highlight Good Deals and Visual Patterns

The charts on AHSpy are rather colorful yet simplistic, and therefore easy to use. You can use them to
discover and check for good deals, but also to find patterns in the market and hopefully a great item to
make profit from! When you’re considering buying an item for investment from the Auction House this site gives you all the data needed to make sure that it is worth it.

Pyrite Ore - Bloodhoof EU, Horde

The charts are especially good for finding patterns. I also found an extremely good example of supply
and demand today. In the above image I am looking at Pyrite Ore, as you can see the graph is extremely easy to understand and you can see that the lower the supply the higher the price goes and the demand becomes greater. When this happens it is a great time to sell some of your trade goods for profit.

They Make It Easy!

They also have several tabs for data; Alliance, Horde and Neutral. This is especially helpful for arbitrage. This means you can sort data easily, you can compare it easily and you can actually find out if an item is profitable through cross faction or cross realm arbitrage.

Why Is It Better?

The best part about this site is that they do not need to rely on users to gather data for them as other
AH sites do. All data is taken straight from Battle.Net armory so the data is up to date and probably the
best you are going to get! One of the things which stood out most to me from this website is that it covers every realm for both EU and US. The US have always had The Undermine Journal and the EU never really had a great AH data site. With AHSpy taking the data straight from Battle.Net means that you do not have to rely on others to submit data for you. You will always get up-to-date data.

What About Average Prices?

Due to it being new we will not see many avg prices and in some cases no data for very rare items such as the TCG mounts. I am sure this will change after a couple of weeks but they have only been retrieving data for some realms from as little as 4 days ago. So stay tuned for the avg prices as these will soon start to appear under every item!

Thanks for reading my post guys, stay tuned for posts like this at Three Silver Tips.

I would also like to thank Markco over at JustMyTwoCopper for giving me info on AHSpy a few days before it was released.

8 comments: on "AHSpy: Latest in AH Comparison!"

  1. So I had to google the site myself, because you didn't link to it once during the blogpost?

  2. have you gone cold on theunderminejounal?

  3. Where is the site link?

  4. The examples (ore) I have reviewed so far are missing a weeks worth of data at the recent end of the graph. If this is automated and comes straight from Battle.Net, why is it missing data. There are other useful features that Undermine has that AHspy does not. You did not cover that. I'm not seeing a reason yet to use AHspy.

  5. Sorry I forgot to add the weblink, it is www.ahspy.com would be greatful if Markco would edit that in.
    Also it takes a bit of time for it to update, which I am not sure why but the dev's have said they will fix this issue soon.
    If your realm was one of the last added that is why that data will be missing, some realms have only been up on AHSpy for a couple of days.
    The Undermine Journal also does not have any EU realms whereas AHSpy does.

  6. Here is the link for those asking:


  7. AHSpy has been out for quite a while now, and is becoming a great addition to the AH game, especially for EU'ers (WowTrader is another AH site).

    Blizzard has just changed the way that the info is "streamed" to these sites (API? Not a computer guru so not sure if that's the exact) so there has been a bit of downtime that occurred on all sites, but I believe they are all gathering data at 100%.

    Just some FYI for the folks reading.

  8. I just read the headline "API - HTML scraping no longer allowed" on MMO-Champion. Does anyone have an idea of what that might do to AHSpy and similar sites?

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