Many times I hear readers say that their servers are dead. That their raiding community is in the pits and that x profitable item sits on the AH for days not selling.
Don't take this as an argument against someone who believes this with their server. Servers and server population flux between activity and inactivity. Depending on population there may be a strong questing community and a weak raiding community. The reverse may be correct as well. A rush of players to get working on raiding content and not as much repeat leveling of multiple toons. Or the server may be truly "dead" with neither a raiding community or repeat questing. This is seen by large amounts of players sitting on trade chat with the call of "I'm bored" being typed repeatedly.
But how can a gold goblin combat this? If a server is truly dead, is gaining piles of gold impossible for them? The quick answer is yes, it's possible for them to make gold even in a weak market. The driving force is to figure out exactly what people are wanting, and looking to convert that knowledge into sales. Whether it's vanity items to parade the main cities in, or pets. It's very rare that something is not being sold on the AH, and someone is raking in those profits. It's this time that the creative goblin has to look at their tools to find some answers. Using their tools such as the Undermine Journal as well as forums for the server, a web of sales can be developed along with a plan of action.
If the server does become difficult or even impossible to sell, preparation for a server transfer might be in order. Blizzard announces from time to time free transfers to a new or low population server, many times within the first 4 months of a new expansion release This makes transferring a prime opportunity to take your sales conglomerate into more fertile soils. Even the idea of paying for a guild transfer with all of your toons attached might also be useful. I'm very rarely a proponent of paying real world money for world of warcraft projects. But 20 dollars a month is a lot to be spending sitting around Orgrimmar retelling the latest in fart jokes.
The choice is always yours on how you proceed with reviving a "dead" server sales opportunities. You may be suprised at just how alive your server is after you've done your research.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
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