Besides being a proud American and an enterprising entrepreneur, I am also a member of the Roman Catholic Church (tithing ftl). This being s...
Just My Two Copper's One Year Anniversary is today! So much has happened and been going on that I didn't really even notice the time...
Today is going to be really fun if everyone participates. Go ahead and place in the comments section your absolute favorite way to make gold...
When the black market auction house concept was introduced with Mists of Pandaria. Players drooled at the possibility of obtaining ra...
I really wish that blizzard would implement a 'dalaran solution' for Frost Lotus like they did with arctic furs and snowfall inks. B...
Undercutting is an art form in its own right. Some players undercut by 1 copper, others by 10-50% of the original price. Some use the Quick ...
Currently I am barely playing this game, yet I make more money than most players make in a week with just 15 - 30 minutes of work across fou...
Post taken from the JMTC Wow Gold Forums and was written by MadCatter under the "Farming Strategies" section. If you haven't ...
Milestones are helpful for everyone who tries to make gold on the auction house. What then should newer auctioneers shoot for when comparing...
This week was probably one of the best weeks of my life. I spent maybe two hours playing wow the whole week, but made about 4k gold lol. A l...
Leveling cooking on alternate toons can be tedious. It is exciting with your favorite toon because you get to check out new recipes and new 'tastes' that an expansion brings. Even leveling cooking on your backup can be just as exciting. Mists of Pandaria offered all of the different 'ways' of cooking that you aren't locked into leveling one direction to hit the maximum profession level.
When it came to leveling that 4th or 5th toon, leveling their cooking because as exciting as watching paint dry. The great search for another point towards getting him (or her) to be able to cook rice pudding or anything.
Thankfully, there is a method to the madness when it comes to having maximum leveling in cooking. The new Warlords of Draenor expansion are going to be tied much closer to having all of the professions being useful. Many of the foodstuffs that are showing up on the PTR's have active ingredients that are tied to other professions. Fishing will also become a very important part of a well rounded character progression.
Guilds will be emptying their storehouses in the coming months. A shrewd gold goblin will be keeping an eye for large bargains of food items, not just to finish leveling their own toons, but sales to up and coming players who do not want to take the time to farm their own materials. Where the daily food quests cut into the need to buy all of the materials continually, there will still always be a demand from the impatient player who wants to get that cooking leveling done now.
So watch both the Auction House and trade chat for players emptying their banks and personal collections of raw cooking materials. A small investment now can both both personally edifying (your quarter word for the day) and add to your bankroll in the upcoming months.
Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
WOD: Saddle Up Your Horses
Light At The End of The AH Tunnel
Grinding Gold Through The AH
WOD: The Next Step To Beta
Warlords of Draenor Beta: You Have Been Chosen
Patience At Ganking: All Respect to An Alliance Hunter
Midsummer Festival - Combine those tasks
Gold Making Is An Artform
What I did on My WowCation
Old Vs New: The Great Debate
Soap Box Derby
Discipline: The Most Hated Word in Gold Making
Crashing The Market
Pet Battling For Profits
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
1:53 PM
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I like to concentrate on the here and now when it comes to making gold in World of Warcraft. But some things really cannot be held back from what is seen in patch notes from the beta of Warlords of Draenor.
In the latest patch notes there was hidden among all the talent changes and different calculations a little addendum when it came to mounts.
Tailors since Burning Crusade had the ability to make flying carpets. For mount collectors, this was tempting because you could fly around everyone pretending you were Aladdin (Or Jasmine if that's your schtick). But anyone who didn't have a tailor on the payroll was out of luck to ride the carpet lightning.
Til now that is, because if things hold up with the PTR, flying carpets remove the tailoring requirements to use. Now understand this is still the a possibility. Things can always change in an update. But this is the important part of looking at all of the builds from the PTR and taking advantage of the changes.
The materials are relatively easy to purchase farm (Netherweave, Frostweave, Ore to prospect for the Monarch Topaz stones needed). Multiple runs through soloable raids can net a lot of the materials needed quickly. Just another good reason why you should be soloing old raid content on your off times.
It never is too early to start saving items for the next expansion. With the changes in how professions are leveled (boosted points, using current expansion materials for leveling) there will be a definite shift in just how much old world materials will be in demand. Any new areas of sales will be a welcome companion to your wallet.
Keep your eye on the prize and a hand on your wallet.
Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Light At The End of The AH Tunnel
Grinding Gold Through The AH
WOD: The Next Step To Beta
Warlords of Draenor Beta: You Have Been Chosen
Patience At Ganking: All Respect to An Alliance Hunter
Midsummer Festival - Combine those tasks
Gold Making Is An Artform
What I did on My WowCation
Old Vs New: The Great Debate
Soap Box Derby
Discipline: The Most Hated Word in Gold Making
Crashing The Market
Pet Battling For Profits
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:59 PM
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Tips, tricks and general suggestions are the bread and butter of what I write here. Sometimes they are simple ideas and other times they are the advanced ideas that have a high risk/high reward scenario.
During all of the expansions, one of the most high risk ideas was the swap goods between auction houses. Everyone has stories of late nights, spending time in Tanaris moving goods from the Alliance Auction House to the Horde auction house and vice versa. With the heavy cut that occurred with selling goods between factions, it became very expensive.
With WOD it was announced that all of the auction houses would be combined between factions. This is going to change the landscape for many cartels who made a lot of profit from selling to both auction houses.
Combined auction houses and how they will be implemented is still in limbo. But the big change will be markets that are controlled by one or two cartel groups will have challengers from both sides of the faction line. Some professions that are very volatile (Inscription, Alchemy) will end up being that much more challenging having to fight off indicators and players wanting to collapse markets. But the pluses can easily outweigh the minuses. For buyers it should open up rare items to become more available. With the race to 100 and obtaining much in demand items this will open up more markets.
Learning the basics of Auction House management will become much more important once the Warlords Of Draenorexpansion opens the Dark Portal to traffic.
So what will be the hot product to have when the portal first opens? Raw Materials will be in huge demand from the start. Players wanting to spend gold to run their professions up to the maximum as fast as possible.
It will be interesting just where blue gear falls during the great auction changes coming. Leveling has never been faster. Especially if you have BOA gear purchased from previous characters. Usually with a new expansion you get many new characters being leveled. With the new boosted 90 status that many new players will be taking advantage of it will cut down on the need for players to buy leveling gear.
Much of the changes to how the auction house plays will be depending on the Horde/Alliance balance on a server. A weak faction will become that much more run over financially when the auction houses are connected. Some point during Warlords of Draenor all of the servers that are scheduled will be collected and the landscape of the ratio between Horde/Alliance will be told on each server. A balanced faction level on a server will encourage action from multiple points instead of one faction dominating the others Auction Houses.
A simple change such as combining the Auction Houses, where it may seem insignificant, can make drastic changes in how the next expansion will play out. So be prepared for new competition and new challenges to putting gold in your pocket.
Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Grinding Gold Through The AH
WOD: The Next Step To Beta
Warlords of Draenor Beta: You Have Been Chosen
Patience At Ganking: All Respect to An Alliance Hunter
Midsummer Festival - Combine those tasks
Gold Making Is An Artform
What I did on My WowCation
Old Vs New: The Great Debate
Soap Box Derby
Discipline: The Most Hated Word in Gold Making
Crashing The Market
Pet Battling For Profits
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
1:31 PM
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Mommar here.
On some servers it was a barren wasteland as players ran to get the first few hits on their new gaming drug.
Others who weren't as fortunate to get beta invites tolled around the old world waiting for their new chance to get into the hallowed portal and take a wack at new content.
Everytime a new beta expansion is announced, there is a great shakeup with the Auction House. It is the unofficial announcement that an expansion is slowly coming to an end. Players start to drop out of their normal routines, sales begin to dry up (as if they haven't already done this) and grinding out gold becomes a little bit more difficult.
There are still some great opportunities to sell items on the AH for profit. But it takes a process of being selected not just on what you buy, but also what is crafted and sold. PVP gear is pretty much a dead business on many servers. High Ticket crafted raiding gear is stumbling along at deep discounted prices.
So keep this in mind as you start to gear your mind towards the next two months of living la vida beta. Look at your long term investments (raw materials from the different expansions) and the changes that are occurring as you look to square your books at the end of the expansion.
A couple of things were announced over the weekend that could affect how guilds are bought and sold. Good money was on the table to buy/sell level 25 guilds. With Warlords of Draenor there will no longer be guild leveling, and many of the advantages of level 25 guilds will be already built into a guild. So don't be surprised if you see guilds being sold in an attempt to profit on these changes.
Keep your head above water and look for those deals as players start to once again empty out their inventory. Especially players who want to take a long hiatus from the game till the next expansion. When purchasing a players 'guild inventory' keep in mind what you can sell now, what can be sold later. Before when buying a guild you also calculated the benefits of the level perks the guild has. No longer is this really a consideration in buying the guild. It ends up being a straight inventory swap for gold. So don't be fooled by 'well you get all of these perks'.
Information is power and now is the time to flex those muscles you have learned over the past year.
Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
WOD: The Next Step To Beta
Warlords of Draenor Beta: You Have Been Chosen
Patience At Ganking: All Respect to An Alliance Hunter
Midsummer Festival - Combine those tasks
Gold Making Is An Artform
What I did on My WowCation
Old Vs New: The Great Debate
Soap Box Derby
Discipline: The Most Hated Word in Gold Making
Crashing The Market
Pet Battling For Profits
Prime Time Professions
Retrain Your Gold Instincts: Trigger Words
It's Patchy McPatch Day
Timeless Coins They Are A Changing
I'll Buy That For A Gold Piece
The Value of Garrosh BOA's
It's Monday Already?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:49 PM
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I was up late last night working on some unfinished business (which is code word for playing on Farmville 2) when I received an email from Blizzard.
The powers that be last night released the first wave of invites to the Beta Program for Warlords of Draenor. With many of the expansions before this was a hot ticket to get. Spawning many people selling their beta invites for both in game and real money.
But thankfully Blizzard changed how the they do invites where it is just a flip of the switch on someone's account to get into the beta program.
This unfortunately won't stop people from taking advantage of others in taking their accounts or their money. With any of the WOW beta programs the con artists and scams come out of the woodwork. So keep in mind that any site (other than the Blizzard site) that offers a beta key or access to the beta program if you send them your first born son is probably trying to steal your hard earned account.
At 2pm PST the gates to the beta server open up for the enjoyment of others. I'm planning on taking the dive onto the beta servers to get a glimpse of my gaming life for the next two years. Expecting an onslaught of players on the beta servers, there will be slowdowns and a lack of resources to pick up.
The other thing to keep in mind is to be entering the Beta servers with a plan. Many players will want to get up to the highest levels they can as fast as possible. Since from the start not all of content will be available, it will still be a race to get as many quests as possible.
I have a lot of interest in how garrisons will play out and their impact on the professions. Farming at Halfhill during WOW: Mists of Pandaria gave a good preview of a system to open up different areas through quests and gold. Garrisons and having a house of your own will be a big draw for not just your hard core player, but for the casual player who wants to show off their trophies and achievements.
The other interest I have as well is just how much of an effect, there will be on farming. Many players will be able to obtain the materials they want through their upgraded garrisons. This could cause a change in how many people are willing to pay for raw materials overall. Sending your personal gathering force to obtain needed items/materials for a crafted item instead of paying large amounts of gold could deeply change the market.
So strap on the snacks and the soda intravenously. Look at your email and see if you will be joining me on the beta servers.
Edit: There were some codes passed on through some of the different events that Blizzard had booths. This included PAX and some other events. Most of these codes were non transferable. Also 'official' connections such as WOWHEAD are offering codes in their contests. Just keep in mind that no one is selling codes. Keep an open eye on scams for codes in your email.
Good Luck and Good Beta Profit Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Patience At Ganking: All Respect to An Alliance Hunter
Midsummer Festival - Combine those tasks
Gold Making Is An Artform
What I did on My WowCation
Old Vs New: The Great Debate
Soap Box Derby
Discipline: The Most Hated Word in Gold Making
Crashing The Market
Pet Battling For Profits
Prime Time Professions
Retrain Your Gold Instincts: Trigger Words
It's Patchy McPatch Day
Timeless Coins They Are A Changing
I'll Buy That For A Gold Piece
The Value of Garrosh BOA's
It's Monday Already?