Besides being a proud American and an enterprising entrepreneur, I am also a member of the Roman Catholic Church (tithing ftl). This being said, I have always felt that getting to heaven was the number one goal to hold for myself. I apologize if you are atheist or of a different religion and that offends you, but I have no problem with you expressing your own beliefs anytime you want on my forums or blog. Although Gevlon's attacks against me were a planned (notice he waited 6 days to make his post on a Tuesday?), unprovoked, brutal and brilliant surgical strike against myself and my blog, to retaliate would in no way bring me closer to my number one goal. So therefore I am not going to retaliate, however I will do my best to provide a thorough explanation regarding what happened for you, my readers.
Gevlon's Intent
What Gevlon did was attempt to assassinate my character, because, for whatever reason and I won't pretend to understand his thinking on this, he actually views my blog as a threat to him. Why I am not sure, but the facts all point to this irrationality:
1. Gevlon deleted perhaps a hundred comments from his blog (75 that I know of for sure). Every single deleted post disagreed with him or called him out for his actions. Seems like someone wants it to look like 90% of the commenters agree with the greedy goblin.
2. Gevlon brought Tobold into the mess with the hopes of spreading the news deeper across the interwebs. Tobold accepted and in one of his comments made the accusation that I was performing tax evasion. This of course was based on 0 facts and made him look rather biased.
3. Gevlon posted my personal email. This was not a big deal because I did send it to him. However, when commenters started posting much more dangerous personal information about myself Gevlon left the comments as they were. Judging by how actively he deleted comments he obviously wanted those to remain visible and that speaks volumes to his intent with the tabloid post.
4. Gevlon misinterpreted what I was asking him to do and exploded like he always does. However, in the past the greedy goblin has linked to me talking about how JMTC is the place to go to learn about making gold in wow and this sudden outburst just didn't make sense to anyone who had read those previous posts. In my email I tried to explain (although I was pretty angry in the second) that I wanted him to honestly and truthfully compare my guide to other ones. Coming from him this would of created huge buzz and generated lots of sales, and this would be a wise business decision unless of course your goal is to destroy JMTC.
5. Gevlon used the words lie, scheme, and marketing tricks throughout his tabloid article. First off I never lied in either of those two emails. You can accuse me of stretching the truth on my numbers, however they were based off of projections of readership vs past conversion rates on other blogs/sites. Second, there's no scheme here and the fact that my sales have gone through the roof since Gevlon's post and yet only one person has asked for a refund speaks volumes on the content of my guide NOT being a scheme. Marketing tricks? Since when does the greedy goblin know ANYTHING about marketing? There were no 'tricks' in my sales pitch. You can doubt what I said but that doesn't mean it's false.
6. Gevlon waited 6 days to post his response to my emails and perform his attack. Somehow I feel that if his actions were genuine and if he truly believed that I had wronged him that he would of reacted a lot sooner. The way he wrote it sounds like I had infuriated him into immediate action, but he actually took the time to carefully plan and arrange his assassination attempt.
The Fallout
There were no apparent winners in this Pearl Harbor style attack. The wow blogosphere showed how shallow it really is, with many sites following the greedy goblin and feeding off his every word without thought to the possibility that he could be lying. I have never had the support of the vast majority of wow related sites, but luckily for this blog that has not made a difference on readership growth. Every week hits go up, subscriptions go up, and the forums grow ten people per day on average. This is without the support of, and now the wow blogosphere. The real thing I lost in this was my pride, and that's something I am grateful to be rid of as it's one of the hardest things to shake off in your lifetime. I did learn some value life lessons from this, and I am prepared to move on as a better person.
Greedy Gevlon didn't win either. You see he lives off his subscription numbers like an IV to a dying child. This incident only made him cling to them more. Here is a true marketing tip for you Gevlon: hits are king in this business, not subscribers. Evenmore than subscription numbers Gevlon craves attention. This is why he will lie about anything that seems to put him in a negative light. Remember when he said that he was messing up on purpose in the raiding guild that he purchased a spot in? Yeah right, if he was good enough to raid with that quality of players then he wouldn't of needed to buy a spot in the first place. Throughout this dramatic story Gevlon proved himself to be the self indulged, greedy, and just flat out evil person I've guessed he might be all along. This whole incident smacks of him attempting to assassinate the character of someone he deems to be a threat and he's shot himself in the perverbial foot with this tabloid mess. What businessman will ever approach him now? What blogger in their right mind will trust him? In the end Gevlon has shown himself to be the very scum he accused me of being. I forgive him for it, and I pity him.
The True Winners
But someone must have won in this matter right? It's the clash of the titans! Do or die, someone must come up victorious, right?! Well I can tell you that there was one clear winner in this whole mess:
YOU. The readers of this blog.
I received 186 emails the day Gevlon posted. One email was from a 16 year old boy asking for help finding a job. Another email basically said I'm never coming back bai! 184 emails were sent by concerned fans and supportive members of this community. I was overwhelmed by this. Every time I opened an email that said "per the greedy goblin incident" I was expecting hate but got kind words instead. You are the reason I removed many of my comments on other blogs and took down my shameful post which attacked the greedy goblin back. You are the primary reason I managed to get my cool back after angrily reacting, and who wouldn't react angrily to what had happened? Who wouldn't want to lash out at the idea of those close to you being made vulnerable by a lunatic's actions?
I thank my loved ones for their support and the members of this great community for their overwhelming enthusiasm. This is the best gift I could of asked for regarding the one year anniversary. In fact I will go so far as to say that what Gevlon gave me for the blog's birthday was more than anyone could have: Determination.
Here's to another year, and thank you! I promise no more drama posts regarding this matter, I'd like to move on and get back to the gold tips. /cheer
I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. ~ Isoroku Yamamoto
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110 comments: on "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. ~ Isoroku Yamamoto"
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:12 AM
You could at least warn us for the incomming wall of text. Anyway no matter what I still read both blogs as I just enjoy to read opinion of different people.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:16 AM
I read both blogs daily, so it came as a bit of a surprise how hard he was trying to get you.
But for most part, my reaction to his rant was /care
Seems like a lot of ranting going on there lately, you'd almost think someone took his lolypop.
And just an FYI: Tobold = Gevlon
Doug said... November 24, 2009 at 8:21 AM
The tabloidesque description of Gevlon is spot on. I read him because regardless of the truth...his presentation of his perspective is entertaining.
You on the other hand claim to have moved on, yet continue to demean Gevlon in apparent defence of your now lost pride with mostly opinionated information (but hey its your blog so you can get away with it!).
Your use of brilliant quotes and religion is a daring debate tactic, but overcomplicates the issue.
Either way...I AM A WINNER!
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:25 AM
Gevlon is just an idiot.
Good example:
He transfered to stormscale for a new guild, he was feeling so cool because he said: *Someone give Hydrá a hug caus ive taken over hes market of greater cosmic essence*. Little did gevlon know that Hydrá is world's most skilled player in WoW (Fail for gevlon).
Thats just one thing gevlon would never speak about again.
Anyway Marcko, i like your blog allot more, Gevlon thinks hes God of WoW gold...What Gevlon did was just lame, forget about him. and keep your blog up! ;)
Doug said... November 24, 2009 at 8:33 AM
Also, a slightly trollish comment:
"(tithing ftl)"
This is completely untrue. Research into the Catholic ministries and charities will show how much good your tithes (when combined with the generosity of the rest of the church) can do.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:38 AM
to me the worst drama here is Marcko saying "of" instead of "have" omg
Tordenflesk said... November 24, 2009 at 8:44 AM
"Besides being a proud American and an enterprising entrepreneur, I am also a member of the Roman Catholic Church (tithing ftl). This being said, I have always felt that getting to heaven was the number one goal to hold for myself. I apologize if you are atheist or of a different religion and that offends you, but I have no problem with you expressing your own beliefs anytime you want on my forums or blog. "
And what exactly does this have too do with the subject at hand? Being agnostic(notice i didn't say "as an agnostic", it not being a belief-system and all) does not automatically mean I'm offended by religion, It's the actions justified by religion, and the whole "Base your life on something you have absolutely no proof exists"-thing that bothers me. Being a good person does not require you being a member of a club whose rule-book has had more re-writes than [insert novel/script that has had more than the bible, because i honestly can't think of one] and the leader drives around in a tupper-ware car preaching that people in poor African countries should rather stop having sex than wear a condom. Not exactly space-cadets.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 9:09 AM
LOL, you two are like preschoolers, amusing, but in the end extremely immature. Your "offer" to him was pathetic and immoral, his public response silly, and now you try and take the "high road" while still attacking him? thanks for the laugh.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 9:37 AM
I read both and find interesting information on both sites. You two are definitely different types of people. I would not say that one person won or lost. He made you look like one of the S&M begging for 1g but you showed how you have a end to your means.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 9:39 AM
Why are you still talking about this? You failed in your attempt to "sell" your guide to gevlon because you didn't do your homework on him. Anybody who has spent time reading his blog could have guessed he would react the way he lost.
Your rant is completely irrelevant to WoW gold making. Please move on before your readers do.
Frank said... November 24, 2009 at 9:43 AM
Did you really compare your stupid blog feud to Pearl Harbor? I suggest you read some history books and think about what real men and women went through in REAL LIFE and stop being so dramatic.
By the way, my money still says this whole 'controversy' was an inside job. Well done, sir.
Helen said... November 24, 2009 at 10:04 AM
I think you both overestimate how much we care. Get over yourselves tbh, we come here for gold making tips, not interested in how much weight you lose or what petty arguaments you have and especially not your pvp.
Only reason i keep this site on my bookmarks is the forums which you have very little input that i can see, without that this site would be a waste of time - just a vessel to sell your guide.
Gen said... November 24, 2009 at 10:28 AM
"Here’s how you could sell the guide and not put up a single ad: Create a post about gold guides and how you hate them. Give examples of guides and then at the very end start talking about my gold guide and use my blog as credibility for the guide. Perhaps you can mention that this guide is the only one you will even consider tolerating"
Right how do you misinterpret that.
freakpants said... November 24, 2009 at 10:39 AM
So that hatepost that only turned up in my RSS-Reader but got deleted on the web wasnt a retaliation?
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 10:46 AM
I would highly suggest that many of you read the article first, comment second.
I'm going to try my best not to delete any comments (the ones on religion are a bit over the top already). Keep it clean and feel free to vent in this post.
I have a good sense of humor and am willing to tolerate a lot of misguided hate, but don't push your luck with foul language or religious bashing.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:05 AM
Hey Marco,
First time, long time - I thought it was time I threw my two copper in. First of all, congratulations on the 1-year mark. You do good, consistent work. Second, thanks for putting your time into this web site. I can appreciate the time it takes to research and write. To do it on a consistent basis is impressive!
Finally, I want to tell you why I keep coming back. The information you post is good, solid stuff. I haven't purchased your gold guide, but I've read your posts and I've learned. After six weeks of applying this knowledge, I hit the 30k mark (liquid assets).
Most people would have kept this information to themselves or charged for it. You don't and I'll keep coming back for more (and in return, I'll continue contributing to the forums).
Even from today's post I've learned.
1) Gevlon is a douche (actually, I've known this for a while, but posting your personal info and encouraging others to follow his lead was just a dick move).
2) a lot of people who have left comments on today's post...are just flapping their gums (myself included).
3) I've learned from your mistakes - be careful in you dealings with others (this applies in and out of game) and some introspection is a good thing.
4) Profit!
5) also, irony is funny. The verification word is "uproar."
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Don't let him get to ya, your loyal readers are still here Markco, and we're not going anywhere.
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 11:07 AM
@Last Anonymous - oh you are going to love the anti-goblin posts I have planned :)
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:08 AM
I mostly agree with alot of the Anon comments. Gevlon comes across as a prick in his blogs, but he admits to not being a "social". You seem, to me at least, to be kinda pathetic. So proud to be losing weight for your internet girlfriend, and other personal crap that no one cares about (the religious comment was fail). It's like reading a retarded 14 year-old girl's myspace page. Stick to gold-making tips, I guess, or I'll probably remove this from my bookmarks...*shrug*
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:18 AM
I don't want to see posts concerning something between you and Gevlon. Stuff like this is to be handled between e-mail, and you publicly denouncing him for it is equivalent to stooping to his level.
johnjoiner said... November 24, 2009 at 11:20 AM
(Mostly) well-played Markco.
I read the Goblin's blog once or twice many months ago when you referenced him. What quickly struck me was that he's also an angry goblin, and I didn't visit his blog again until this fiasco.
I think you'd do best (and I as your reader will be happiest) if you just pretend he doesn't exist, and nothing happened. Treat him like a toddler having a temper tantrum. The worst thing for him will be to get no more attention from it.
You've got a great blog going. Don't let him drag you down to his level.
April said... November 24, 2009 at 11:26 AM
Maybe I'm just blind, but I can't find anything relating to Marcko on Gevlon's blog. When did it get posted?
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM
Marco, forgot to mention one more thing: I do like to hear about your personal life. Somehow you manage to find a balance between gold making and events in real life (something we should all work towards). It's what makes this a _blog_.
BTW, anti-goblin articles? You're not going to stoop to his level, are you? Or do you have something else in mind? Hm...
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM
This post was two fold - thank my readers for what they did for me and to provide a location for any disgruntled readers to vent. After today the matter is over and any comments regarding the topic will be deleted if they fall outside of the current post.
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 11:31 AM
Anti-goblin as in Anti-goblin methods with regards to inscription. I'm currently testing on my own server a few ways to get glyph prices higher and it looks like it's slowly working. Shhh! I've said too much already lol!
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM
If you were really guilt free, you would have just let it slide or even apologized for your actions. This is just another lame post trying to worm your way out of the mess.
CK said... November 24, 2009 at 11:49 AM
I have to admit I haven’t read your blog in the last 6 months. Here’s why:
1) Your blog is about making WoW gold!
2) Gelvon’s blog is a highly entertaining philosophical rant
3) I stopped playing WoW for medical reasons.
Sure I sometimes visit your site for your pvp videos but otherwise you don’t have much to offer me.
From a gold making perspective we compare gold making blogs:
Daily tips:
The daily tips given by JM2C are sometimes useful sometimes not.
Other gold making blogs have daily tips that are sometimes useful and sometimes not.
The big advantage for JM2C is the wide variety of daily tips. (Mob Farming, Node Farming, PvP Farming, Trade skills, AH, speculation…)
Other gold blogs may focus on a specific market and go into great detail…
At JM2C I can find detailed information on most markets by simply reading the forums… The JM2C forums have more information and tips on making gold than anywhere else on the internet.
I have not read your guide. That having been said it’s not a stretch to say that anyone who organizes the information from your forums in a user friendly cohesive way would have the best gold making guide on the internet.
From a sales perspective I think you made a few mistakes in your approach.
- Qualify, Qualify, Qualify
- Know your audience and prepare your follow-up prior to initiating contact.
- Never let your emotions get into the way of sales
Bottom line:
Gelvon has given you a great opportunity to capitalize on the publicity and make some sales.
Good luck in your attempts to capitalize on recent events.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 12:12 PM
Anti-goblin as in Anti-goblin methods with regards to inscription. I'm currently testing on my own server a few ways to get glyph prices higher and it looks like it's slowly working. Shhh! I've said too much already lol!
End Quote
And I suppose we'll have to pay $20+ to learn all about it, eh?
Oh, and to the person who admitted to liking Markco's personal ramblings, why? Oh, and WHY? I've noticed he's written little to nothing about how his meet-up went with said internet g/f. Is it too much to suppose that someone was disappointed? Both had matching genitalia? Inquiring minds wanna know... :)
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM
Haha no they will be blog posts.
For the inquiring (and nosey) mind, my girlfriend and I are having an absolute blast! I never thought you could find the right person online... I used to make fun of people who did that. I shouldn't of though, since I knew of two other couples that met from this blog/forum already.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Don't let the basterds get u down. Marco I love your blog and u made me at least 4000 gold in a month
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Nosy? You're the one who decided to advertise your personal affairs, not I. That said, I sincerely wish you the best in your relationship. I've known a few online couples who've managed to coalesce into something great.
Oh, and I look forward to your glyph piece (even if I'm not involved in that market). :)
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM
THB I read both blogs and will continue to do so.
I understand how you might feel regarding the recent events...
A wise man once said "turn the other cheek.." you should maybe take his advise...?
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 1:04 PM
That was almost the title for this post! Believe me I've been spending a week deciding whether it was even worth it to respond. The off-topic section of the forum has a whole thread on it.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 1:28 PM
I don't like you Markco and I've my reasons for this.
Being proud of your own country is kinda retarded, because you can't choose it in the first place and I don't get it why anyone of your readers should care about where you are from and whether you believe in god or not. (I don't believe in god but do respect people who can probably argue about it, but going to heaven is not an arguement ...)
Another point I don't get is this one:"Here is a true marketing tip for you Gevlon: hits are king in this business, not subscribers."
Gevlon doesn't care about earning money with is block. Otherwise he would have done it a long time ago. Furthermore he enjoys writing and probably reading the comments and discussions about his point of views.
There is a big difference between your and Gevlon's readership. You don't have to agree with Gevlon's opinion and philosophy but people can think about it. I don't see any posts from you related to those topics.
Sovash said... November 24, 2009 at 1:36 PM
Wait a second, Gelvon has two blogs now? The one I've seen is called Greedy Goblin, and is mostly dedicated the virtues of douche-baggery directed to his cult of stooges.
Sometimes he MENTIONS gold in the context of Warcraft, but never really elaborates, or contain any actual WoW gold making tips / advice.
Any one have a URL for Gelvon's gold making blog?
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 1:54 PM
OMFG, are you every going to stop bitching about Gevlon.
Get on with your own work, your crybaby blog is starting to put people off you.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 2:08 PM
Gevlon is nothing but the M&S he constantly write everyone else is. Why? He wastes his "talent" on something as silly as a PC game: WoW. Instead of making real money he puts time into World of Warcraft and is not entitled to call anyone a moron and slacker. He is nothing but a social parasite, a plague on society. PS you are both acting like two snotty 5 years olds in this matter.
hot_boy_ronald said... November 24, 2009 at 2:25 PM
Gevlon is upset he has no forums of his own
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 2:26 PM
While Gevlon may or may not have had a point... the "all out" solution was plain dumb. I like both of your blogs and will continue to read them.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 2:26 PM
I agree with a lot of the posters here. Marko and his site are nothing without the forums. His daily tips are useless. QQing about gevlon is useless, as you were clearly caught trying to be pushy with your equally useless gold guide.
Marko is just as bad as the dude on MMO-Champion that claimed that "he" came up with the said gold making methods. Both marko and that dude just plagerized their way into "interweb" supposed fame, without bothering to reference any of their legitimate sources.
Good luck coming up with anything remotely useful for the community without stealing it. I might continue to browse your forums, but without guys like zam, kev, and whitewolf, etc, your site is as bad as Gevlons for actually making gold. At least the goblin is entertaining.
I wish there was a forum out there that was run by someone not dedicated on exploiting it for gain, but for now, i have to make due with this one. Zamboni and kevmar, please start a forum somewhere else and quit making this dirtbag money.
Zan said... November 24, 2009 at 2:47 PM
Let bygones be bygones and just move on. It kinda feels like you're doing this in poor taste.
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 2:55 PM
When was the last time I posted ANYTHING directly from the forums or a user email without crediting them?
I love the level of communication and idea sharing in this community; therefore I never want to stifle it and that's why I created the forums in the first place.
I also try not to post too much in the forums because I'm afraid of people taking my word as the best way to do something instead of truly discussing it.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:00 PM
Markco you are a stud, and your blog is lightyears better than Gevlon's. Don't even worry about it, he's just a really really pathetic individual that gets a rise out of feeling like he's superior to everyone else in any way he can.
Keep up the posts, I love your blog and your guide!
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:07 PM
And you complain that Gevlon deletes negative posts.
Get over yourself Chris. You suck.
Taking you off feed, and going to badmouth your blog anywhere and everywhere I can.
BTW how does your boss feel about you using your work internet address for personal fincial gain?
WTB Ethics, oh you don't have any do you?
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 3:11 PM
@Last Anonymous: Not one post deleted so far. Don't you look silly.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM
I love how you built the forum and paid for it out of pocket for... 5 months?... before asking for money from the community
To the annonymous who hate at markco... why are you still here...
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:18 PM
"Here’s how you could sell the guide and not put up a single ad: Create a post about gold guides and how you hate them. Give examples of guides and then at the very end start talking about my gold guide and use my blog as credibility for the guide. Perhaps you can mention that this guide is the only one you will even consider tolerating"
How is this not asking him to lie? "Post that you hate all gold guides but mine"
And i'm not on his side either, I don't care for Gevlon's posts or strats. I liked it here much better but it seems you are more interested in making real life gold then creating a community.
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 3:24 PM
That's one of the things I was trying to explain in my second email to him but I let anger get the best of me. You see there's really nobody out there that has written a better guide so focused on the auction house and making gold in wow without farming. I was hoping he would come to that conclusion on his own and that he could then write about it by first showing the other guides and then saying mine was (truthfully) the best. I never did a good job explaining it though did I?
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:33 PM
Im very much looking forward to anti-goblin posts! I hate looking at his 'Morons of the Week' column because most of the people who he shows to be morons are very intelligent auction house players. Gevlon assumes that going with low prices on glyph's is the only way to profit, but it isn't at all, infact it's much the opposite.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 3:38 PM
Some of the Anon + responds are within the same minute if I didn't know better I'd think someone is entertaining extra in the comments section :D
Dahkeus said... November 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM
Eh, you're both being pretty immature imo. I wouldn't be surprised if Gev has bore his teeth, but your words are often pointed enough to make the whole confrontation senseless, regardless of your intentions.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 4:46 PM
Gevlon is just a confused wannabe. You actually become dumber by reading his propaganda. Thank God more and more people are fed up with his incoherent rambling everyday and stop reading it. There's still hope in humanity!
Keeva said... November 24, 2009 at 4:48 PM
Gevlon recently advised bloggers to delete comments that make you look bad or stupid (and if someone corrects you, edit your content and delete their comment as if you were never wrong in the first place).
He says that he doesn't delete comments that disagree with him (only the true trolls), but he does. It's his blog and his right to do it of course, but it does skew things a lot, and make it look like everyone agrees with him. Lame, and a bit cowardly.
I do think your email was a bit on the shady side in its wording, but not as bad as many people are making out (I especially laugh at people criticising you for wanting to make money from your blog/guide. Wow..). But to post your email for everyone to see was childish and classless. Pretty disgusting, honestly. I had to laugh when someone applauded him for his "integrity".
Rise above it. Hope you keep going strong. And if you make a nice side income with your hobby, that's fantastic.
gelvon said... November 24, 2009 at 5:16 PM
i luv it up the bum
signed? GELVON
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Dear Markco,
If you were any more transparent you'd be made of glass.
You started this site, found it was successful, then got a big head and started to see $$$ everywhere. Greed got the better of you. Sure you love the community. Because they do your work for free and you get to charge for it.
You tried to set up a slimy, under the table deal with a fellow blogger. You got exposed, burned and shamed. Be honest for once. The only motivation was real life cash for you. You were willing to deceive real life people for real life money...only you didn't want your ethics to be public knowledge. Hmmm, no wonder you were angry with Gevlon.
The way you proposed the deal was corrupt and and unethical. It is no different to, for example, a drug company offering a doctor a free holiday to prescribe only their drugs, despite the negative consequences that this may result in for the patient.
You tried to use Gevlon's position of authority and respect in the community to get real money for you at the expense of the truth. (You were basically asking for a paid for advertisement that would look like the honest and considered wisdom of a respected community member).
Do you see what you did there? Imagine Joe Innocent, intarwebs citizen and wow player. He's been reading your blog and Gevlon's and a few others for a while. Imagine he sees all of Gevlon's posts pretty much showing that he does what ever he likes and believes very strongly in what he says, for good or for bad. At the very least Gevlon looks like a person who lives by what he says, ie has integrity. Then one day there is this piece on gold guides on Gevlon's site. Wow, it looks authentic Goblin style. Maybe I'll buy Markco's guide. His cash is now in your pocket. Good for you.
But hang on, that WASN'T an open an unbiased appraisal of all the gold guides on the web. It was a behind the scenes deal in which Gevlon gets a cut of the profits. What if your guide is not the best value for money on the web? What if the honest conclusion of an honest review was that you are better to do your own research for gold tips? You left no possibility for those cases, therefore you corrupted the integrity of any such "review" by Gevlon. You WILLFULLY deceived Joe Innocent, abused his trust (and so would have Gevlon), and took his money.
Your initial offer was in NO WAY open and honest. Your subsequent scrabbling to claw back some credibility is quite entertaining. Remember the saying about polishing a turd? Well your initial offer was a turd, polish as hard as you like.
It's hard when your dirty laundry is out there for everyone to see, but just apologise and move on. The more you keep this crap up the worse you look.
TLDR: You stuffed up, admit it, deal with it, move on :-)
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 6:10 PM
Well written but terribly mislead
Travis Miller said... November 24, 2009 at 6:40 PM
You claimed that you removed your previous post attacking Gevlon. You were doing pretty well this time, up until "THE FALLOUT".
I believe in your post you used all of the following to describe Gevlon:
- Evil
- Liar
- Tabloid
- Attack
- Assassination
- Dying child
- Pearl Harbor syle attacker
- Self Indulged
- Greedy :-)
- Scum
- Pitiful
You also made a mistake with the first paragraph by making a "I'm a good christian and a good person" claim...
You claim to have gotten your cool back.. it doesn't look like that's the case.
I do like your blog more than Gevlon's.. and I do think you started off nicely by trying to be the bigger man. You slipped back below the line halfway into it.
Travis Miller said... November 24, 2009 at 6:43 PM
Whoops.. Excuse my english fail in my first paragraph
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 7:10 PM
Claiming Gevlon is evil isn't far from the truth. This planet don't need his breed.
Whitewolf said... November 24, 2009 at 7:18 PM
I find it extremely amusing that so many of those posting about the "ethics of business" make it pretty obvious they've never actually done real world business beyond an occassional garage sale or trading their old video games in for new ones.
And they make these bold statements in defense of someone who goes out of his way to exalt his readers with screenshots of their scam-of-the-day.
When you sell a strange dust for 100g with a threshold of 50g, you're not making a're setting a trap for a victim.
So not only do you outsmart the rushed 12 year old that bought it, you go on to ridicule the guy for daring to politely ask for a refund.
I believe the weekly "Morons of the Week" is appropriately titled. I just think that some of you in the shallow end of the gene pool don't realize that it applies to the posters, not their victims.
That isn't business kids. Business is selling 100's of strange dusts over the course of the time to many people at a price the market will bear.
As for Markco finally getting around to responding, he wasn't the one that made a private e-mail public in the first place because his "sensibilities" were offended. He didn't turn that e-mail into a blog entry. He didn't spur on his minions to vilify someone who's simply out to make a buck while enjoying his hobby.
All he did was make the erroneous assumption that he was sending that e-mail to an adult who would respond like an adult.
Bad Markco...baad! (rolls up newspaper...)
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 7:23 PM
You joined the internet lynch mob too? Et Tu Whitewolf?
Magz said... November 24, 2009 at 7:58 PM
I love the way all teh villifiers and rantes at markco all use an Anonymous tag to vent their spleen. It's rather cowardly to hide behind what you have to say.
Personally if someone want to try and make money from their hobby ie WoW or anything else then fair dues to them. THe anti Markco anger is jealously in its crudest form. IF I want to know about something or to learn something new about gold making I read JMTC ( the forums ). If I want to read rightwing fascistic commentary in order to fuel a sense of daily moral indignance I read Gevlon. What's even sadder is that people believe what Gev writes is near enough gospel which either means they are incapable of thinking sensibly for themselves, or that they like being lead blindly by an idiot who uses big words to convey what essentially is gibberish.
And whilst Markco may have unwisely adopted that appraoch to tryign to get Gevlon's backing for his guide, the response from the Greedy Gobshite was inexcusable, cowardly, malicious and ultimately rather sad. One wonders whether he was bullied at school.
Vereth said... November 24, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Gahh! I wish all you gold making lords would all just get along, post your informative posts and not act like 13 year olds. I love the blog, but I hate it when all this drama crap goes on.
Just MY Two Copper.
Whitewolf said... November 24, 2009 at 8:18 PM
Brutus Wolfus to Markcos Caesar:
"Oh, there's something on the back of your toga...let me get that"
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:31 PM
"When you sell a strange dust for 100g with a threshold of 50g, you're not making a're setting a trap for a victim.
So not only do you outsmart the rushed 12 year old that bought it, you go on to ridicule the guy for daring to politely ask for a refund."
Now if only Markco wasn't trying to trap real people's real money....
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 8:39 PM
"I love the way all teh villifiers and rantes at markco all use an Anonymous tag to vent their spleen. It's rather cowardly to hide behind what you have to say."
You'd rather attack the man rather than the argument?
If there is an error in the logic, debate it. Identities are irrelevant.
Keeva said... November 24, 2009 at 8:51 PM
Pretty sure anyone can get a refund if the guide isn't what they expected, or if they weren't happy with it.
Quite the "trap"..
Deltrus said... November 24, 2009 at 8:52 PM
This is what I would have written if I were you:
"Hey Gevlon, have you seen my guide? I'd really appreciate if you could say what you think about it on your blog. If you wish, I can try to direct a few subscribers over to your blog.
Thanks, Markco."
And if you already were "attacked" by Gevlon, you should have posted this:
"I tried to make a bit extra money by asking Gevlon to review my guide on his site. When I asked him to say "my guide was the best and the rest were not worth it", I assumed that he would have the same opinion as me about the guide that I have put so much work into. I did not want him to lie. I was a bit vague with my large paragraph to ask a simple question. I am however, a bit annoyed on how Gevlon deleted posts that were "pro Markco". But anyways, I know all of you just want gold making tips, so this will be the last you hear about Gevlon. I do not hold any grudges about this and will still read his blog with interest.
PS. Lol I gave to much advertizing to Gevlons post. He would be quite happy about this.
Notice how in my response I did not say that Gevlon was a bad person, or that I was a good person. Frankly, I get pissed off when I hear you say that he is a scumbag or slimy and that you were misunderstood. I do not care about your opinions. You should just have given the situation to us and let us form opinions on Gevlon. If you posted what I suggested everybody would think that Gevlon was a douche without you looking cornered.
Only give opinion if you are not biased!!! If we can see the entire situation, we can see if you are biased and many people would disagree with you. Now, Gevlon could possibly retaliate. Without any name calling or etc, Gevlon would look bad and he would not be able to do anything, because it was the truth and nothing but the truth. Right now he could call you childish because you look like you are
defending yourself instead of just giving everybody information on your intentions and what happened.
If I was in your position, I would have acted the same way. However, being a neutral party, it is very easy to see what should be done.
I read you blog daily and will continue to read it because of your interesting insights and overall great content.
PS: I find it annoying if you use the number "0" instead of saying "zero". It just feels like it breaks the rhythm of the paragraph. Instead of "word word word word" it is "Word word word number word".
Deltrus said... November 24, 2009 at 8:59 PM
O yeah in my PS I meant the the o that you put instead of a 0. It is just a spelling error and that's why I found that it broke the rhythm of the paragraph, I see now.
Jels said... November 24, 2009 at 9:02 PM
"Oh, and to the person who admitted to liking Markco's personal ramblings, why? Oh, and WHY? I've noticed he's written little to nothing about how his meet-up went with said internet g/f. Is it too much to suppose that someone was disappointed? Both had matching genitalia? Inquiring minds wanna know... :)"
lol thanks for the juvenile concern, but not everything about Markco's personal life needs to be out in the open it IS gold blog anyways
but we had a fantastic time together, and will again in a couple weeks
and it is such a shame to see someone try and belittle meeting someone on the internet, i guess if you are a close minded gelvon sheeple then i guess i can understand?
it is not like we couldnt find people in real life, i actually dropped my boyfriend of 3 years because of crazy schematics i doubt you'd understand
oh and for the sheeple seeings how you are amazed by his "I HAZ PHREE YEARS OF MONIES IRL FOR RAINY DAZES LOL" thats not really that much i mean the guy i dropped like it was hot for Markco, he was in line to take over his father's international business and make more than in a year than most people will make in their lifetime...well even most people in the industrial world will ever make
but i guess thats something to stroke the epeen about
if you let negativity surround you that is all you will experience in life
MS said... November 24, 2009 at 10:02 PM
I don't really care for drama. I've read both blogs, and of both blogs you offered advice that ACTUALLY MADE ME GOLD OFF THE START. I don't care about reading economics. It's a goddamn VIDEO GAME. Like any game, there are guides. Trying to apply ethics or any form of higher economics to a bloody game does NOT make you any better at the game. I used to read Gevlon's blog, now I don't. Easy and done.
Rob Dejournett said... November 24, 2009 at 10:04 PM
Wow, seriously, Pearl Harbor? Kinda offensive if you were there (I wasn't but the attack did happen in my home town).
Anyway I read both blogs daily. Really this whole flamewar is nice drama/entertainment, but beyond that I don't really care one way or another. Neither you or gevlon will 'win'. I applaud both of your contributions to the community and hope it continues.
You make money selling your leveling guide? That's great for you, i like capitalism. Other than that, keep up the good work.
Heinlich said... November 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM
Chin up Markco!
I find most of your mini-ramblings on the site to be quite entertaining. One thing I really enjoy about it is that its sort of a balance between playing WoW, pvping, and taking care of your personal life. And yet, somewhere in there you still manage to squeeze out more gold, higher arena ratings and cooler purple epics! I stopped reading Goblin's blog months ago due to his uncontrollable desire to mock others and their playstyle (M&S etc).
Good job moving on. I hope that your new-found determination will catapult this blog to new heights.
Please try to focus more on general gold making advice on the blog, and then going into more detail on the forums. I've been a long time reader of the forums and learned a lot about gold making through professions through there.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 10:22 PM
I read Gevlon's rantings as I like to be challenged intellectually by opinions that contradict mine. That being said I don't care one way or they other for him.
Some interesting points of logic arise, which some of you Markco lovers need to think about.
If Gevlon is truly so bad then surely this didnt just happen over night? Markco seems well aware of the contents of Gevlon's blog, both before and after their falling out. This raises the question, why did Markco want his endorsement?
a. Markco is dumb and didnt know Gevlon is evil
b. Markco didn't care Gevlon is evil and wanted to make money off him.
c. Gevlon isn't evil, but when Markco's intent was exposed, it made Markco look much better if Gevlon was polarised as evil.
Heinlich said... November 24, 2009 at 10:30 PM
By the way, this little incident kinda reminded me of this comic.
Anonymous said... November 24, 2009 at 10:32 PM
"lol thanks for the juvenile concern"
"if you let negativity surround you that is all you will experience in life"
And,...yet,...strangely your post, it...seems both juvenile and negative...*scratches head*
Darraxus said... November 24, 2009 at 10:40 PM
Come on Marcko, this is so last week. I read both of your blogs for differnt reasons. This is not really one of them. I enjoy some of your gold making techniques and get a kick out of the PvP videos.
Markco said... November 24, 2009 at 10:50 PM
Jels makes some awesome points, and she's also the most amazing woman I've ever met. Go figure I fell for a gamer girl.
Do not insult her, or else the powers at be will get angry.
Jels said... November 24, 2009 at 11:29 PM
"lol thanks for the juvenile concern"
"if you let negativity surround you that is all you will experience in life"
And,...yet,...strangely your post, it...seems both juvenile and negative...*scratches head*"
yeah i figured i had to dumb it down so you'd understand it
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 12:12 AM
For those that just visit the page/read the comments, here is the post that showed in my RSS reader:
"Awesome, a publicity nightmare has hit JMTC. That email you are looking at is an angered response by me after he childishly told me to get lost when I was honestly trying to help him out. I'm not peddling some shitty guide in backwater blogland, I'm actually selling the BEST guide online. That's right, it is by far the best one around, and I have had professional marketing gurus tell me that. I'm doing this to help people, and I tried helping the greedy blogger.
What does he do, he spins my words and turns it around on me. I told him if he said no I'd leave him alone, but he didn't say no, he instead wrote a childish response that flew in the face of what I was explaining to him. He also left out half the email which explained what I was talking about and 'softened' what I was saying.
Will I fight back against this low life twat? Nope. This blog is an amazing resource for players, I won't destroy it with posts discussing the blogger who makes personal attacks on me. I'm the bigger man. Moron of the week? I laugh my way to the bank and while he makes snide attacks to boost his ego, I give people gold guides worth far more than what I charge and provide the community with a free forum and blog. What has he done for the wow community besides brag in every post and boost his ego?"
Blog link goes to a now-deleted entry.
/waits for comment to be deleted
joeystar1 said... November 25, 2009 at 1:24 AM
There were so many comments here I didn't get through all of them...but I did stop to write when I saw this:
"I love the level of communication and idea sharing in this community; therefore I never want to stifle it and that's why I created the forums in the first place." -Marcko
I couldn't agree more. We all just need to ask ourselves sometimes- why do we make gold? For me, the casual player that may not even continue to play in the years to come for personal reasons, I don't have a good answer. Yet everyday, I read both JM2C and Gevlon's blog, and hop on my bank alt, and scan the AH, and do some saronite shuffling.
But most importantly, I scan the forums on JM2C. That's where I get the most knowledge. Newsflash, WoW isn't an individual game. It has its basis in community and teamwork; that's how it's different than the original Warcraft series, and that's what makes it so great. Gold-making shouldn't be any different. Similarly, no person could tell everyone what to do and have the entire world making gold; the competition would be so enormous the opportunity would go away. That's why the forums are important. To take anything out, you probably will have to put something in, and that's what both allows dedicated (or even casual/bored) players to succeed with gold-making. That's what allows for such a great proliferation of knowledge- the collaborative effort that the JM2C forums provide. There are the "gods"- Zamboni, and Marcko, and etc., but even they would have much less success if it wasn't for the community.
And that's where Marcko stands out to me from Gevlon and all the rest. He sells gold guides. Fine. He's a businessman, and he doesn't hide it. But he doesn't have a problem with other people finding other ways to succeed without his help, and for free. In fact, with the use of the forums, he actually encourages it.
I couldn't care less what Gevlon thought about JM2C and Marcko. By establishing the forums and posting on them often, Marcko is providing competition to his own gold guide, showing all the humility he needs.
Keep up the good work Marcko; I wish the best for you, your business endeavors, and most importantly, JM2C and the forums. I'll be sure to stick around and watch you succeed, I know you will.
joeystar1 said... November 25, 2009 at 1:37 AM
Forgot to mention:
Morons of the Week (Part 1/1):
Author Wendy May said... November 25, 2009 at 2:02 AM
Gah, this fiasco again. I thought it was all put to rest. At first it was rather amusing but now it's a bit silly. I come here to read about gold making tips not look at kiss-up/flame comments to either Marko or Gevlon. T.T
Rugus said... November 25, 2009 at 3:05 AM
You and Gevlon look like a gay couple who debate about bullshits. Who cares about all of this stuff? Who cares if you're a religious person? Come on, please... this is annoying as hell.
Readers perfectly understand who is a moron and who (maybe) is not.
Stop this wall of ranting, please.
Dillon Welch said... November 25, 2009 at 3:27 AM
"I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. ~ Isoroku Yamamoto"
I don't believe you're going for the total-war approach (quite the opposite in fact) so eh, I don't really feel the metaphor here.
" I am also a member of the Roman Catholic Church (tithing ftl). This being said, I have always felt that getting to heaven was the number one goal to hold for myself."
What does this have to do with the subject matter? Only things I can think of is about turning the other cheek (which you didn't quite do until now) or maybe some other "Christian" moral (which this is all the result of your pursuit to sell your [very good] gold guide, which I feel is a quite worthy goal, but the greed inherent in said selling is not quite Christian, unless you look at the Catholic church and not the parables of Jesus.) To ensure my point is clear, I am merely stating that I think bringing in your religion as a moralizing force in this matter detracts from the point you're trying to make and makes picky over-analyzing people like me think more about the semantics of your intro and detracts focus from your actual points. :P
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 3:45 AM
"Although Gevlon's attacks against me were a planned, [...] unprovoked, brutal and brilliant surgical strike against myself and my blog, to retaliate would in no way bring me closer to my number one goal. So therefore I am not going to retaliate."
A bit late for that don't you think?
Wiggin said... November 25, 2009 at 3:47 AM
Long time reader and commenter here:
It's an interesting situation with clear mistakes on both sides.
Markco: the idea you proposed to Gevlon wasn't bad, the problem was the over-explanation of maintaining "street cred," etc. Gevlon doesn't like being told what to do, even if it is in his interests. Simply put, suggestion more on the lines of "Hello Gevlon, perhaps we can strike some type of co-wow-econ blog professional relationship, cross promotion, etc, let me know how you feel about this."
That is an open-ended enough statement that allows Gevlon to come to his own conclusions, which you mistakenly put in your email. Had he come to his own conclusion of "this would be simple" or "this might be good for both of us" or "my readers wont mind an ad from a blogger they might already read."
But by giving him those conclusions ahead of time, you prevent Gevlon from practicing his favorite past-time, thinking. His ideas are often well thought out and layered (although independently often contradictory), and by robbing him of his thought process, he went directly to "no means no." Its wasn't the offer that turned him off, it was the content included beyond the offer.
Ultimately, after Gevlon said no, Markco should have probably left it at that, the damage was done and wasn't repairable, but might have stayed a private matter. The problem is, both sides acted unprofessionally with their responses.
Now, I will continue to read JMTC everyday because I find the posts more directly related to wow economics, as well as more interesting and ultimately, fun. Gevlon, well, my criticisms are best made in another medium at another time but neither side looks good after this incident.
In the end, it is time to move on, calm the fires and continue back to regular business, back to work!
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 4:50 AM
Its actually proven by scientists that when you are playing an avatar you are using the same parts of your brain when doing actions and saying things in real life. And thus what we can take from this whole incident is that Marcko might be a bit aggravated by this and is lashing back at Gevlon but in defense Gevlon is the most selfish person i have seen posting a wow blog. What an asshole.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 5:29 AM
why not prove gevlon wrong. Prove the advice in your goldguide is worth the drama that has unfolded between you both.
Throw down the gauntlet.
Pick a server, transfer a character each and first to goldcap wins.
Or how about dropping the issue and getting on with things, as fun as this soap style catfight was at the beginning it is wearing thin.
This post is nothin more than fuel to the fire and reeks of a deliberate intention of fanning the flames and to get a reaction from the goblin, thus creating more contraversy and publicity for both your sites.
Both you are incredibly astute at making gold in wow and approach it from different methods. However, I have no doubts both of you are smart enought to know the marketing benifits of this type of "blog war" and the interest it is creating for both blogs. If you truely wanted the issue to be resolved you'd have dropped it completely and let it be.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 5:38 AM
Great site, great forum, just continue Your job Marcko. Story is some sad, but not affected on me and (i guess) other people from your community. Tips here are too value :)
ps. Gevlon is smart but why so boring ? And completetely useless for me - His Business part - 1 post on month compare with Marcko site - 1 Post per day + many tips on forums.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 6:10 AM
Bravo. Nicely said. Gevlon is an example of real negativity at work.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 8:02 AM
Gevlon is a narcistic tool. i stopped reading him long ago. his blog is about whinning and you provide real content. keep up the good work!!
jimmyolsenblues said... November 25, 2009 at 9:02 AM
Marco hold your head up high ...I love your blog you do a great job..and I bought your $27 deal..So have a beer on me and don't let the bastards get you down.
Archangel said... November 25, 2009 at 11:00 AM
You made a mistake. Again. The "blogosphere" already putted this episode behind. But how on earth could you be so dumb ?
It not a mistake if you "bait and switch" your blog from a wow blog to a money scheme thing blog. It's your blog. It's your thing. People like me would still read it, without buying a crap from you. Because you are a interesting character nevertheless, and sometimes you do have some meaningful things to say.
It's not a mistake and try to sell your gold making guide. You're an American, it's in your nation's spirit after all. It's a good thing. I still wouldn't buy it, but who am I to judge if other people see value in it ?
I don't agree with Gevlon most of the times, like 80% or something. But what i do like is that the guy really makes you think. He can do that. Also I know that he has a big ego and he feeds on moron's tears.
Your mistake was approaching him on the subject. Gevlon has nothing in particular with you, so stop feeling so important. He doesn't mind as long as you don't act and look like a victim. He just smelled blood and he went for it. That's it. Like a shark : if it moves, I shred it into pieces. Period.
All the smart readers saw that and gave you the greatest advice ever : Markco, you did a mistake, and we all do. But you are a nice guy. Be smart and move on.
Now this...
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 12:23 PM
"I have never had the support of the vast majority of wow related sites"
It might have something to do with all the gold seller ads plastered all over your site, you think?
This needs to go away already. Markco tried the same kind of false marketing bull that large corporations pull over on us every single day. You think the Olympics accepts McDonald's advertising because the food is good for you?? But he got caught, hence all the intarweb nerdrage. Gevlon reacted as Gevlon does, that is to say unapologetically selfishly. He is what he is, and I would not want him to change, because then he wouldn't be Gevlon and he wouldn't be nearly as useful to us.
I read both blogs. Gevlon's blog is an interesting look from inside the goblin machine. Markco's site here usually has some good tips. Do I completely agree with either blogger? Hell no. But (perhaps in a very goblinish way) I read both blogs for personal gain and profit.
Sun Tzu taught us to know our enemies. Everyone here, is here because they are interested in WoW markets, and Gevlon and Markco are very public profiles of the kind of "enemies" you face on your own server's AH everyday. Information is the most valuable currency of all. You don't have to agree with someone to benefit from them.
You accuse Gevlon of waiting days to respond, then you do the same. Markco, you're stirring the pot trying to keep up the hits on your blog. Without this post it all would have been forgotten already. It's in your nature, so I don't blame you for doing so. But please be aware that we are aware you're doing it, and why.
Tobold said... November 25, 2009 at 2:12 PM
Actually I consider myself among the winners here, because I assume you won't approach me with any future offers any more. Nevertheless I'd like to offer my apologies if you are really paying full taxes on your gold guide business. Not many people declare their hard to trace income from the internet, so you can understand why I would think you didn't.
Anyway, I have a proposition: Why do a battle of words if you can hit Gevlon where it hurts? The server, character name, and business methods of Gevlon are public knowledge. All you need to do is to make a character on his server, use your knowledge to earn lots of gold, and then ruin Gevlon's business on the auction house.
Do you accept that challenge, Markco?
Markco said... November 25, 2009 at 2:38 PM
No Tobold, I can't understand why you would assume that. You made that statement with no evidence other than you don't like me which isn't evidence at all.
It shows you to be a shallow person.
I'm not going to give the greedy goblin one shred of my time after this post.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 4:41 PM
Markco said...
@Last Anonymous - oh you are going to love the anti-goblin posts I have planned :)
Markco said...
Anti-goblin as in Anti-goblin methods with regards to inscription. I'm currently testing on my own server a few ways to get glyph prices higher and it looks like it's slowly working.
Tobold said...
All you need to do is to make a character on his server, use your knowledge to earn lots of gold, and then ruin Gevlon's business on the auction house.
Markco said...
I'm not going to give the greedy goblin one shred of my time after this post.
Sorry anti-goblin isn't anti-goblin when performed against random AH scrubs. Anti-goblin is anti-Goblin when you go head to head with Gevlon.
Gevlon is a dick, Gevlon is a one-trick pony, but he's shown numerous times with logic and experiments how his system of deep undercutting works. He's even given scenarios for how various combinations of strategies would turn out head to head.
At the very best you would bankrupt each other. But if you stuck to your method and he to deep undercutting, you would lose. I suspect you know that :-)
Wiggin said... November 25, 2009 at 5:33 PM
I think perhaps the most important, yet not discussed issue here, is Markco IS the opposite of Gevlon. Successful, social and nice, something Gevlon likely can't understand.
We have seen his accusations of Markco as a "social" this or that, yet Markco is also incredibly successful through different means beyond the "goblin way."
The point here is Markco has already proved himself by simply being himself. He doesn't need to discuss the issue longer, transfer servers to gold-cap race, etc. Simply by being successful and continuing with his already successful methods is proof that there are means of being successful beyond the Goblin Way, and that auctioneers can have relationships, express emotions and care for others. Sounds pretty human to me :)
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 6:03 PM
Perhaps it's not been discussed because it has hardly a shred of truth in it?
Successful? How is Markco successful in a way that Gevlon is not? Both make stacks of gold, have IRL GFs, run widely read blogs, both are adept at internet drama and have pumped up egos.
Nice? Did you read all the abuse he directed at Gevlon? All the name calling?
Expresses emotions? Anger, vengeance, paranoia are virtues now?
Social? When he makes all the stacks of cash from his guide by compiling and publishing the gold making tips, widely available for free on the net, and also provided freely by his forum members, why indeed would he not be social? It truly serves him well.
No Markco and Gevlon are TOO SIMILAR, hence the clashes.
Additionally, Markco was the one relishing in upcoming "anti-goblin" business method and reporting their nascent success.
What people would like to see is him put his gold where his mouth is and test them against the source of "goblin" methods, Gevlon.
Anyone can shoot their mouth off and claim some crap. Show some proof that these methods are indeed "anti-goblin". If there are no deep undercutters working on Markco's server all his methods can be termed is "anti-scrub".
Wiggin said... November 25, 2009 at 7:35 PM
I appreciate your direct reply "anonymous" but I will regretfully have to disagree, not because I have piles of evidence, but because I refuse to stoop to the level you are asking myself, as well as Markco and Gevlon to go to.
"The internets are ablaze" many say...while the only ones throwing wood on the fire are the commentators.
"what people would like to see..." is what you would like to see. The back and forth has already been a prime example of poor communication and a lack of professionalism from both sides.
There is no longer time for petty disagreements, no longer time for silly comparisons, only time to move on. Whether we are fans of Markco or fans of Gevlon (I myself appreciate both of their hard work and dedication to their readers) it is time we (as a gaming community) grew up.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 9:33 PM
"assassination attempt" hah!
Jels said... November 25, 2009 at 10:08 PM
Ok so now it seems like a bunch of not crappy ideas are being thrown around, but if you consider the source....I am honestly not surprised, it seems not gathering all the info on something then proclaiming things to be true is how some people work. And if your goal is to look like an idiot more power to you, if you spin it right you'll get your e-fame for it.
Being a micro-celebrity is cool right?
Markco has said who he was directing the post at, before he even wrote this post, so don't flatter yourself making poorly informed assumptions.
Markco's not going to be giving Gevlon anymore free rent in his head so if you're looking for drama this isn't the blog for you.
Anonymous said... November 25, 2009 at 11:43 PM
You are foaming at the mouth sweetie and we can't understand you. Take a few deep breaths and chill out.
Who the hell are you screaming at?
Also it's nice to re-read what you've written. And, you know, use that thing you learned about in school, called a sentence.
"And if your goal is to look like an idiot more power to you"
At last someone who practices what they preach! Amen sister!
Jels said... November 26, 2009 at 3:17 AM
lol yeah that first "not" shouldn't be in there, the first version of it was too nice to my liking.
But thanks for the correction, sheeple would know all about listening to the preacher wouldn't they?
gary said... November 26, 2009 at 3:37 AM
Dear Marcko,
I am a big fan of the blog but after this post i am rather ashamed at what you have posted. After thinking you were a very chivalrous person i see that this is not very true. I would just like to point out some of many hypocritical sentences you have posted in this article:
"So therefore I am not going to retaliate, however I will do my best to provide a thorough explanation regarding what happened for you, my readers." Yet in this very post you are lashing back out at the Greedy Goblin calling him evil and selfish and saying how his attempt of assassinating your character/profile has failed.
"Gevlon misinterpreted what I was asking him to do and exploded like he always does." And this post isnt and explosion of anger????
"In my email I tried to explain (although I was pretty angry in the second) that I wanted him to honestly and truthfully compare my guide to other ones. Coming from him this would of created huge buzz and generated lots of sales, and this would be a wise business decision unless of course your goal is to destroy JMTC." This is what really made me mad and angry. The first reason you created this blog was to help those without the fee. Sure i believe you should be earning some ching for your hard work but this is just stretching it.
"The real thing I lost in this was my pride, and that's something I am grateful to be rid of as it's one of the hardest things to shake off in your lifetime. I did learn some value life lessons from this, and I am prepared to move on as a better person." So you have "lost your pride" and yet you continue to post this wall of anger and fury in retalition to Gevlon. Sure he might be a bastard but this makes you equally as bad Marcko.
"Greedy Gevlon didn't win either. You see he lives off his subscription numbers like an IV to a dying child. This incident only made him cling to them more." This yet again peeved me soooo much. This quote links back to the first one pointing out how hypocrytical you have become when you are blinded by anger.
Marcko, I am on your side in this debate if it is to heat up even more. But from this post, I no doubt know you have lost a lot of respect from the JMTC community. The only way you win this fight is to bow down gracefully, apologize to your readers and Gevlon (even if he is an asshole). When you have done this, I believe many will again see you as the chivalrous Marcko and not the fury blinded Warrior he is at the moment. An important lesson my teachers and my parents taught me when i was young was that if someone lashed out at me, the most mature way of retaliating is not to retaliate. Step aside Marcko and apologize and show that you are not the Greedy Goblin but the chivalrous Protection Warrior with great gold making strategies without farming. Hope this helps clear your head Marcko as i no doubt have heard flames in this comment section for a long time. Remember, Gevlon is an asshole, DON'T YOU DARE BE ONE ASWELL MARCKO :)
MLW said... November 26, 2009 at 3:38 AM
1. Gevlon deletes posts based on trolling, not on criticism. Read any older post and you will often see more people disagreeing with him than agreeing.
2. Gevlon used Tobold to validate the accuracy of the post, not for any moral support.
3. I agree on moral grounds that he should not have shown your personal information, but it's not Gevlon's responsibility to protect your privacy, and you're blaming him for your own mistake.
4 & 5. If Gevlon misinterpreted your intentions, then you didn't state them clearly. He posted your emails in their entirety. I quote:
"Create a post about gold guides and how you hate them. Give examples of guides and then at the very end start talking about my gold guide and use my blog as credibility for the guide. Perhaps you can mention that this guide is the only one you will even consider tolerating."
That's very different from asking him what he thinks of your guide. The only thing keeping it from an lie is the overuse of the subjunctive tone. Only you know your true intentions, but the wording of this sentence seems to request a bending of the truth for personal profit. Your second email supports this interpretation.
6. Gevlon plans his posts many days in advance, regardless of the content. That's just where yours fell in the queue. And you seriously misunderstand him if you think you angered him.
Gevlon doesn't care about money or business investments, and he doesn't care what you think of his. He never did, and he never will. He's moved on, and I wish you'd do the same.
[As for not admitting his failures, you must have missed his recent post about losing 12000g in a bad investment.]
Anonymous said... November 26, 2009 at 6:46 AM
Fair enough you want to defend your new BF, but you haven't contributed anything positive or worthwhile to the debate. You're embarrasing yourself. Shhhh
Anonymous said... November 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM
Yeah apart from the original post I don't think Gevlon has mentioned this crap once more.
Maybe a section in the forum especially for this Markco?
Maybe you could do a daily post called "I'm over it (Gevlon is a F$%^#&G Bastard!!)"?
What a drama queen you are Markco!! Involving your GF too! Wow.
Someone is really, REALLY butt hurt that Gevlon didn't want to be BFF.
Markco said... November 26, 2009 at 3:40 PM
This is old news now and the blog is moving on.
Since you anonymous dogs are not really staying on topic and are attacking people instead of ideas (have been this whole fiasco), I'm closing down comments. Atleast Jelsa has the cahonies to post her name eventhough she knows she's going to get crap for it.
If you are still unhappy I ask that you leave the blog and get over yourselves. Otherwise, enjoy the free content and amazing community.
Thank you to those that remained silent and sent me private emails of support and for everyone that participates in the community.
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