Ultimate Cataclysm Gold Making Addon

I've been dreaming of an addon like this for years. I used to have to keep track of dozens of gold strategies in my head while playing and more often than not I'd forget to buy an item on my snatch list or to post a bunch of epic gear in my bank. With this addon, even someone with as little time to play the game as me could keep dozens of gold strategies organized and automated for maximum efficiency. Did I mention that the best cataclysm gold strategies are already implemented into this beauty? Yeah, it's that amazing.

See for yourself:

Tycoon: The Mailbox Bustin' Gold Addon

Tycoon is the dream I've been having for over four years. A gold making addon that is updated for the most recent strategies, organizes them for you and turns your account into a gold making machine on auto-pilot. It's an auctioneer's wetdream.

No more fumbling with auctioneer settings. No more worrying about getting undercut.

Go see what I'm talking about. Check out Tycoon: The Mailbox Bustin' Gold Addon! You may not make 30,000 gold per day like the addon is promising, but I'm sure that you could easily make 5,000-10,000 gold with very little effort.

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