The Value of Material Assets

Any Gold Goblin worth their salt will tell you they like having assets.   With man speak this is translated to 'I like having stuff'.   The entire goal of our gold goblining (is that a word?) adventure is to make more gold than we really and truly need.

But lost in the translation many times is the advantage of not just having liquid assets but material assets as well.  I am a self professed packrat.  Rarely do I just toss something away.  Even venturing the limitless amount of food that is available from drops and quest rewards.  If it won't sell on the Auction House for a pretty penny it can sell to the goblin vendor I have to lug around on my might might yak of doom.

Material assets are also very valuable when it comes to bartering.    There are those times that no matter how much gold you have,  the item you want isn't available on the Auction House.   And no matter how much gold you throw out there,  the item isn't for sale.   This might seem strange because who would turn down a cubic ton of gold thrown at their feet.   But the value of anything is only worth what someone is willing to pay.

The key to bartering is to not just add items but also add services.  With a Blacksmith I can craft the entire PVP set for someone.  At some point gold becomes relatively meaningless.  But if I can trade for raw materials I can make more than the value that the item would be for just straight gold.  Ore and rarer herbs is especially useful for this idea.   2500g is a nice profit.  But give me 50 stacks of Ghost Iron Ore and I can make much more than 1000g in profit.

Also add to the idea that creative bartering can be enjoyable all by itself.  It's easy to craft,  place on the AH and then pick up your profits the next day.  At the beginning the numbers are exciting as they tick into your coffers.  But later making gold becomes a chore.  Bartering can sharpen your wits and your abilities to enjoy making gold once again.

So the next time you talk to a player about crafting an item,  quote them a price in materials instead of gold.  You will be surprised at just how valuable your materials can be.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

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