Crystallized -> Eternal

Hello all, here's another money making tip!
Crystallized earth, water, fire, life, shadow, and air are constantly circulating through the AH at prices that vary greatly from day to day. I'm not one to speculate on items so I won't go into the eb and flow of the AH or bidding low on monday and pricing high on thursday. However, you should always be on the lookout for a market which has materials of higher value then a final product. Eternals are a great example of this.

Look for any occurence of crystallized mats x10 selling for less then an eternal of the same type. For instance, if you see 3 crystallized earths for 20s a peice and the going rate for eternal earths is 6 gold, well you want to buy these out since 10x20s = 2 gold.

Pay attention to these markets (I'd check once per day for each) and you will snipe some great deals here and there.

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