The next big gold mine... don't miss out!

Here's a blue post that will interest you all in regards to the new and upcoming dual specs:

"It will swap your talents, glyphs and the position of buttons on your action bars. Note you actually have to buy the glyphs for both specs first. "

The key part is the second sentence. If you want to make a KILLING when this dual spec thing goes live then you better have tons and tons of inks saved up. Every single person on your server is going to buy 6 new glyphs PER character (3 major, 3 minor), that means TRUCKLOADS of money if you save up now. You will want to run the gammot of inks/herbs because the minors come from lower level inks and will sell just as well as the higher level inscriptions.

Do some research now and find out what inks you think will be valuable come patch day. For instance they are looking into changing the way flash of light works for pallies, making the flash of light glyph a hot up and coming item.

Stay tuned for more! On a side note, my little 17 orc hit 100 gold in under 48 hours and I will do a quick article on him hopefully soon.

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