Throat Peircers - Twink Throwing Weapon

Today's a quick tip:
Throat Peircers

Sold by Eralan

This is a raresale item in the ghostlands, and sells for tons of gold to twinks who don't want to go get the item or don't know where it comes from. You can also disenchant it for mats worth far more than the 6 silver cost.

As a note, all enchanting trainers sell lesser magic essences and strange dust far cheaper than the AH price, so be sure to grab them for free money.

Here's a post on a similiar item that disenchants into far more valuable mats:
Sharp Cookie

5 comments: on "Throat Peircers - Twink Throwing Weapon"

  1. These are some really good tips that you can use when you start on a new server, like the boar meat, you can sell to hunters for like 5s per meat, if you have 20 its 1g and you can take em at lvl 5.
    There are plenty items that you can acquire for cheap and sell higher at low levels.

  2. "Throat Piercers" are supposedly the best twink weap for lvl 19 rogues. Since they are only available for a limited amount of time, one can make much money by getting hold of this baby and smuggle it over to Ally side to sell for a fortune (400~1k-ish gold). An awesome thing like this shall not be de-ed...

  3. Hey I was just at Skroog's blog and a commenter posted this link, thought I would here too:

    Maybe I'm simply the last to know about this site, but you can search an item's price by server, horde/ally and see its price fluctuate over different spans of time. Really interesting.

  4. Anyone that knows something similar that can be sold even 100g but can be bought only from ally side?Thanks in advance :p

  5. Ahh, good ol' piercers. my gateway into the AH. I was looking for something to gear up my *actual main* who was lvl 18. these came up in thottbot, and i did a little digging to figure out where/how to get them. I even read a report that the vendor was ally-friends, so I corpse-crawled to the ghostlands. As a gnome rogue.
    Once I figured out the true value, i set up an alt to camp the vendor, and did the booty bay shuffle, sold them on the ally AH for about a 46,000% mark-up.
    good times.

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