My Server Pre Patch 3.3
Saronite Bars - 2 gold each (16 gold for a transmute)
Titanium Bar - 30 gold each
If you buy out Saronite Bars now on my server at the current price you will be able to sell after patch 3.3 for 18+ gold and make a profit. Just how low will Titanium Bars drop? I guess I should pull out my crystal ball and tell you... 20 gold each. I am predicting that Titanium Bars will fall 33% in price and saronite bars will go up to the point where one stack is worth around 2.5 Titanium Bars.
So let's say my perfect storm happens and Titanium bars fall to 20 gold, Saronite Bars rise to 50 gold a stack. Regardless of how you stockpiled bars to resell them as titanium ore you would be selling for the same price as just selling the bars post patch. This is important however, for if you do buy up saronite bars for 2 gold a piece or lower pre patch 3.3 then you will be able to sell both titanium bars and saronite bars for the same profit margin, thus making it easier to unload your stock faster.
What do you think will happen with the prices, make a guess in the comment sections on the price of a stack of 20 saronite bars vs a titanium bar.
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20 comments: on "Saronite Bars vs Titanium Bars After Patch 3.3"
Euripides said... November 15, 2009 at 9:01 AM
While in theory this would be nice, the reality is that saronite is easily farmed and is a much larger market than Titanium. I suspect we won't see any movement on saronite at all- the amounts of saronite that will be put into titanium are dwarfed by the numbers used for other purposes (crafting ench mats, mainly). The only effect this change will have is to drop the price of titanium to 16 saronite ore.
My 2 copper :)
mus1k said... November 15, 2009 at 9:29 AM
I concur with Euripides mostly. I'd stack couple of tabs of saronite ore just in case, but won't be hasty to convert it to bars even, so that i can prospect em, if titanium hits the ground.
More interesting question is: how will the price affect the ore price. One would think that the ore price must fall accordingly, but i feel it will not be the case for a while after the patch hits.
Goth said... November 15, 2009 at 9:47 AM
I believe Saronite will go down in price not due to the transmute, but in spite of it. With the advent of 3.3 we will be witnessing the death of the saronite shuffle - which is the main reason prices for saronite did not decrease dramatically during the epic gem shift.
Until jewel crafters can prospect epic gems from bars of titanium. I expect to see very little movement on the price of titanium ore until Blizzard increases its drop rate.
This is good (or bad) news for ilevel 200 starter epics since this change will make titanium bars readily available for titansteel goods.
Unknown said... November 15, 2009 at 10:22 AM
Don't forget...
A lot of people will be undercutting each other trying to unload bars. I have also been buying ore at the same price and prospecting a good deal of it (smelting some for part 2) to stock up blue label gems.
A lot of people are still working on saving up for BoA items and are still leveling alts. Crafted items for fresh level 80s are still good sellers for me, and with everyone getting titanium cheaper, the prices of Eternals and other common items for crafting might rise.
Cheap bars are nothing if you don't have the materials to go with them.
Goth said... November 15, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Let me explain this in a little further detail with hopes that every enchanter that reads this blog will pass the word and will immediately get on Blizzard "suggestion forums" and beg for mercy.
This is a critical junction for the enchanting profession. I have been an enchanter since the game came out - I was there when we had to work for tips - before the angel that is vellum came into being.
The auto disenchant function will render the enchanting profession all but sterile. I am a disenchanter and let me paint the picture so that everyone understands. I know the value of my goods and price them accordingly. The current increase in dust proc rate equates to 7 dust per high end green. 7-10 greens drop per heroic run and that will amount to around 2 stacks of dust, 3-5 greater cosmic's and 3 shards. You do the math and understand that disenchanting greens for instance runs is not the norm - I have "never" disenchanted a green because I know my bread and butter - an enchanter would only disenchant blues and purples if they are worth their spit.
Unlike myself and other disenchanter's we know the value of our goods. "JoeLoL" does not and he will be more than happy to unload that dust which use to sell for 40-60 gold a stack for 10 gold or less because he only vendered greens before anyway. That my friend is where the problem lies with god and everybody getting enchanting mats.
This will not only be the death of the saronite shuffle, but will very much be the demise of enchanting as a profession.
Please anyone that cares or anyone that is listening flood Blizzard's "suggestion forum" and beg for reconsideration.
Thank you.
Darth Solo said... November 15, 2009 at 11:59 AM
Interesting. On my server titanium bars are also 30G but saronite bars are cheap, hovering just above the vendor purchase price, i.e. 1.30 - 1.40 gold each. I'm not going to buy lots of these in the hopes of profiting post-patch because it's risky business.
Like someone else mentioned, saronite is very easy to farm. Just doing my dailies I would return with 2 stacks or so of saronite ore and currently I have a whole guild bank tab filled with ore and bars.
I believe that the prices for titanium bars and titanium ore will stay separate. Ore can only be gained by farming and it remains scarce, hence it will keep its high price. It is also in high demand by JC. Bars can now be created by one additional method, from a very common ingredient (saronite) and their price will go down.
I might be wrong but in preparing for this scenario I have liquidated all my titansteel bars and titanium bars at current prices, just in case. In any case, I don't need them for crafting so there was no point in stockpiling them.
As for enchanting mats, I have also sold most of my dusts and essences, keeping only a couple of stacks in case I need them. I too believe that their prices will drop a lot after 3.3.
Anonymous said... November 15, 2009 at 12:10 PM
I must have missed this part, but why would we expect Saronite bars to go up?
I can read that it has something to do with the enchanting change, but can anyone explain it clearer please?
Grodus said... November 15, 2009 at 1:09 PM
Saronite bars are going to go up because Transmute: Titanium (8 saronite bars) will no longer have a cooldown. It has nothing to do with enchanting, Goth just used this as a 3.3 speculation forum instead of discussing the topic at hand.
Goth said... November 15, 2009 at 2:08 PM
Goth just used this as a 3.3 speculation forum instead of discussing the topic at hand.
Yep, I guess I did, but it is inter-related to the saronite question which I am speculating will decrease in value in relation to the death of the saronite shuffle.
Sorry for the Hi-jack Marco.
Grodus said... November 15, 2009 at 2:44 PM
I'm sure Markco doesn't mind. In response to your comment though, there will likely be a decrease in the cost of enchanting mats, but that means that you'll be able to make scrolls way cheaper. I'd suggest dusting off the old armor and weapon vellums.
Goth said... November 15, 2009 at 3:03 PM
Grodus said...
I'm sure Markco doesn't mind. In response to your comment though, there will likely be a decrease in the cost of enchanting mats, but that means that you'll be able to make scrolls way cheaper. I'd suggest dusting off the old armor and weapon vellums.
I hope I am wrong, but if not and 20% of the people on your server run 5 heroics a day, you are talking about a lot of enchanting mats and "JoeLoL" outnumbers us 50 to 1.
I just don't want to be stuck back in trade whoring for enchants on some street corner again.
Not a pretty picture.
Orcstar said... November 15, 2009 at 6:16 PM
I think saronite will go up. But it's only anecdotal so I might be wrong.
2 friends of mine farm titanium to sell it. The saronite is a byproduct. This is why saronite sell just above vendor price here. The real gold is in the titanium.
If they find out I can make unlimited titaniumbars with the transmute their incentive to farm titanium will go down. Their profit decrease and they might go and try do something else.
noSleep said... November 16, 2009 at 9:54 AM
i don't really see saronite spiking for long, but i do see titanium dropping and staying low. I see alot more titansteel, since many don't burn their titansteel cooldowns daily due to the cost of titanium, so i expect alot more 'wtb titansteel cooldown' advertising in trade, so the 'titansteel cooldown' will probably be worth more.
Marketeer said... November 16, 2009 at 10:08 AM
Orcstar just hit a home run.
Currently, titanium price is set by "normal" supply and demand. By "normal", I mean, as the price goes up, more people farm it.
Saronite, on the other hand, is a by-product. Many of my fellow raiders will buy stacks of Saronite to craft their new +5 sword of awesomeness, but balk at the price of titanium (or titansteel) and head out to farm it themselves. In the process they farm tons of saronite and just throw it up on the AH "to get rid of it." (Their words, not mine.)
If you want to know where the Saronite price will be a month after the patch, just ask "at what price will people decide to farm Saronite?"
My prediction: 3.5g Saronite Bars, 28g titanium bars, 16g titanium ore (compared to 2g, 30g, & 17g on my server today)
Anonymous said... November 16, 2009 at 10:33 AM
@ the qq about auto de. Unless I'm wrong, the auto de will be the lowest tier of rolling, ie need before greed before de
If your getting your panties in a bunch over this, calm down, and just roll greed for the items ;)
JKlos said... November 16, 2009 at 12:36 PM
I thought the way it worked was when someone wins a green item, they can choose to receive the item or the DE mats instead. Or maybe I'm way off...
Anonymous said... November 16, 2009 at 2:00 PM
"I thought the way it worked was when someone wins a green item, they can choose to receive the item or the DE mats instead. Or maybe I'm way off..."
Nah, it's a new option on the loot window. So Need, Greed, DE, Pass.
It will only go to DE if everyone hits DE or Pass. And the group only gets this option if there is an enchanter in the group with high enough skill to DE the item.
Anonymous said... November 17, 2009 at 6:39 AM
Even if you have the option to roll greed, people will surely expect you to roll disenchant. You really want to go against the grain?
I concur with most that has been said. Titanium bars and Titansteel will drop in price, saronite ore and bars might go up slightly, and infinite dust will go down even further. Oh, and borean leather will go up slightly with arctic fur going down (in case we forgot).
Anonymous said... November 17, 2009 at 8:57 AM
titanium bars and ore should drop in price, as there will be more titanium bars (thanx to transmutes) and more titanium ore (since the ore is no longer required to get the bars), which in turn could result in the price of epic gems going down (more epic gems prospected since there's more ore to prospect)
Saronite on the other hand shouldn't see much of an increase in price
Unknown said... December 3, 2009 at 10:23 AM
Anonymous said...
Even if you have the option to roll greed, people will surely expect you to roll disenchant. You really want to go against the grain?
uhhh... yes?
I'm an enchanter and I'm not DEing greens in heroics. I'd rather sell them.
I will roll DE on any BoP items that nobody wants, but anything BoE tha drops will be greeded by me.
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