Finding A New Ryhthm

Mommar here.

One of the things with being a gold goblin is the need for new adventures.   Once you have dominated a market long enough that it stops being entertaining,  it becomes time to look for new places to conquer.

In my case I decided that it was time to look at a new server.  After weighing my options including what i could carry over with my toon I went ahead and loaded up my bank with items that would sell,  took 50,000g (yes I know you can take more with you but what's the fun with that) and transferred to the new unnamed server.

As i and others have suggested before,  starting a new toon on your target server and getting the lay of the land economy wisely can save you a world of hurt.   If it's a low population,  low profit server then there will be a much larger battle to regain your fortune.   A high profit server will do the opposite,  giving you opportunities to regain your wealth in no time.

Having decided to look and test two or three servers I decided to take server A for its combination of competition and population.   I do enjoy a good challenge.   Deciding that one of my Jewelcrafters that also had the blacksmith profession to the new server I waited for the transfer to complete.

After a couple of days I was able to enter the new frontier and get myself settled.   I threw up some flare sales of the items I had carried over (a couple of Mechano-hogs and some other high end items) to see how sales would go.    They went okay for it being the weekend but this weekend will tell the tale on whether i can conquer this new land.

The key to my transfer is the key to doing anything both in game and out of the game.  Planning and research will put you far ahead of just guessing and finding out whether you're right or wrong.   Fortunes are gained and lost in a moment with bad research and not planning ahead.  

Have I abandoned my old server economy?  No,  I'm still there,  but it may not be as high a priority for me for a bit while I set myself up on the new server.   But what's the fun in doing something new if it's easy.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

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Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now
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Enchanting add-on for quick flips
Prepping for 5.3:   Profit lines
Realities Of Making Gold

2 comments: on "Finding A New Ryhthm "

  1. *Rhythm

  2. I wish you luck on your second server. I did something similar back in late Wrath, started up new toons on another server to see what kind of damage I could do there (it was the server my first ever toon was created on, so basically a random choice). It took a while since I started with zero resources there but I had about 100K by the end of Cat (along with 1 or 2 max-level toons) and will be passing 1M sooner than later (2 weeks, more or less, sooner if a DMF trinket sells).

    In my case, though, my new server's economy was surprisingly similar to my main server... slower (ie. fewer items up on the AH... a lot fewer) but sales seem to happen at roughly the same rate and at similar profit levels. I just don't have the toon resources that I have on my main server, even now... rep-required recipes are a major issue, I'm sitting on hundreds of high-end cloth with nothing to use them for since my tailor isn't max level (and I'm not going to do a daily regular dungeon for rep on him). It's been a rougher slog but probably more satisfying as a result.

    Your comment that you could have brought over more than 50K in gold caught my attention, I thought that was still the limit to actual gold going cross-server.

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