If you followed the Warlords of Draenor discussion since Blizzcon, you are on the cusp of a large change with how players will gear themselves.
Without getting involved in all the specifics it boils down to everyone will lug around one set of gear for all of the different role builds. If you are a tank then when you switch to a dps set you will end up having all of your base armor switch stats to match the chosen talents.
This is a complete change from the original setup that players who ran both a tank and dps build would have to drag both their sets of armor for any raiding or instances. This also provided twice the chances to sell gear to the same player.
A change like this will also take the emphasis on multiple sales from the base gear (hands, chest, helmet etc) and place it on the 'accessories' that can allow more customization. Rings, Wrist and even feet will end up taking the forefront on demand for new manufactured equipment.
We also know from the new changes that there will be less jewel slots in equipment but their will be more powerful gems. With the removal of hit, dodge and parry from the chance tables there will be less gems to manufacture. This again will create less opportunity to sell but make it that much more important to obtain as much gold as possible per sale.
If you have not already diversified your abilities with your crafters now is the perfect time to start setting your army of gold makers for the upcoming storm. Your jewelcrafters and any professions than can create addon items will become important for future sales.
Details on this massive gear stat change are still being revealed. This includes whether there will be a reworking of previous content gear or if it will affect only the new WOD gear. A change in how stats and quests was finished during the Cataclysm expansion and allowed gearing up for content much faster overall.
Keep this in mind when you start looking to invest in future gear. Players will be burning through the old content at increasingly faster rates. This means players will spend less and less on their alts for the 'best' gear and be more concerned with appearances (transmog) or getting to the highest level with the WOD expansion.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
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