Keeping up with the Black Market Auction House

The Black Market Auction House was introduced at the beginning of Mists of Pandaria.  Very little was known about it because it wasn't activated during the Player Test Realm phases of the expansion.  The players rushed to get there as fast as possible on the promise of old world items as well as very high level raiding/PVP gear.

Now that we are 4+ patches into MOP, on many realms the BMAH goes bare.  The Gear items are not as shiny.  The recipes are obsolete and only bid on by the profession completist.  Even pets and mounts go by with only a few deciding to bid on them.

But now this is where gold goblins should be swooping in for some prize pickings for resell.  Whether you use Underminejourrnal,  the smart phone app or go in person to check out the auction goodness you never know what might pop up.   The mounts and recipes and gear are BOP but pets occasionally pop up for bidding.  With a lack of bidders a person can grab a pet and resell it for a nice tidy profit.

Even if it appears that today the pet won't sell,  remember that in a few months there will be plenty of hungry pet searching mouths to feed.   With the way that Blizzard is setting up the next expansion,  a free boost to 90 will draw in a lot of new players who are concerned with having to level all the way through old content. New,  hungry players will drive the pet markets in the next expansion.   With new pets to sell on the horizon as well as older pets for new pocketbooks now is the time to look at your investments.

Many players made the mistake of not putting the BMAH to good use.  They looked at it as a gold dump and not an investment opportunity.  Take for Instance the Shimmering Wyrmling.  This was a pet you could buy during the Lich King expansion.  It was linked to a specific reputation to use (Silver Covenant) so couldn't be used by the opposite faction.

Now fast forward to today's Shimmering Wyrmling from the BMAH and this version of the Shimmering Wyrmling has no rep requirements.  Which means either faction can use the pet.  It's little bits like this that allow a Gold Goblin to raise the price of an item.  Other pets have popped up on the AH that I have bought for 2k gold,  flipping them for four times the amount.

The idea of flipping items for profit is not a new concept.  Every gold guide and gold management system tells you this is a great way to make huge amounts of gold.   The key to learning is to where the best place to obtain these pets are.  The farther away that players get from content,  the more apt they are to forget how to obtain certain pets and items.  Their lack of knowledge is what feeds the gold making machine that we try to create.

So the next time you're bored,  go head over to the BMAH and see what might be there.  Your next gold fortune might be sitting there just looking for your bid.

Good Luck and Good Fortune Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

I love me some Oqueue In The Morning
Will They, Wont They, Will I Care?
The Importance of Quick Decisions
WOD:   Leave The Wheelbarrow At The Door
Adding To The Sales Floor
60 Dollars to Leave Your Level
Stop Teasing My Rocket
Stop Beating My Warforged Seals
Buying Vs Ending
My 15 ate your 14 (Season 15 PVP)
Keep Your Head Up
Disenchant,  Rinse and Repeat
WOD: Guild? I have a Guild?
Leave Your 'Tude At The Door

The Importance of Quick Decisions

Mommar here.

I seriously thought about titling this 'my 20,000$ days' but that felt a little too much like humble bragging.   But I will share a story that occurred this weekend to help you understand why it's important to not just sell but know how to trade your items.

Since the opening patch of 5.4 I have burned my cooldowns on all of my professions.  Many players have been slowing down their professions and just concentrating on the items that make direct sales.  One of the items that are produced on the dailies is the Balanced Trillium Ingot.   Each of these if done on your daily rotation costs you a the Trillium Bar (yes,  I know you can use a Spirit Of War + a Trillium Bar but these are still expensive on many servers).

Most of the time,  when I've produced 21 of the bars I will go ahead and craft one of the belt recipe.   Having an overabundance of plate wearers on my server that DPs I generally will craft an Avengers Trillium Waistplate selling at around 9500g.   Doing quick math and producing my own Trillium bars from my miner, I end up profiting the entire 9500g.   For the 21 days that ends up Avg about 450g a day.  Some servers show this item going for higher.   My server seems to like this number with maybe a 10% give or take.

So I listed my belt (Saying "Avengers Belt Assemble' because it amused me) and went on my merry way to finish up some game chores.  Receiving an in game message a player asked if I would take 6500g for the belt.   Depending on my attitude for the day I sometimes would take that deal simply because I am not that worried so much about eeking out every bit of profit I can.  (Save the bricks and pitchforks,  I'm not the overbearing miser that some have set me up to be).

Deciding that his offer was a little low I dropped my price 500g.   He countered with an offer of 3000g and throwing in a Gooey Shaling from SOO raid.   Those that have read my missives before know that I do not like to buy pets from raids.   They feel unearned and I like to think I've earned everything I have in my inventory.   In this case I made an exception and considered making the trade.  I was near the AH so I went to see what the going rate on the Board was for the little Gooeyness to see just what the entire total was being offered.   To my surprise, I saw that there was one listed on the AH for 500g.   Knowing the drop rate for pets in any of the current raid tiers is pretty low that seemed very cheap to me.  So I jumped over to my favorite listing place  to get a quick peek at what the normal going rate was.   The barterer had graciously suggested that the pet could easily be sold for 5k.   On most of my trades I like to trade for a little higher value than an item would be just from a gold transaction.   TUJ showed that the going rate for the pet was 7500g.  Doing quick math in my head that gave me an approximate value of 10,500 g.  I liked that number so I made the trade.

Here is where the fun begins.  After making the trade I quickly grabbed the 500g Gooey Shaling pet off the AH,  listed one on the Ah for 8500 and then added the new Shaling pet to my stable of awesomeness.   30 minutes later I received an ingame message saying that my pet had sold for 8500g.   So after all of these trades I ended up with

3000g  - original trade
1 Gooey Shaling - Original trade
8500g  sale on the AH

Subtract the 500g investment to flip the pet
Subtract AH fees

Ending up with a profit of just over 10,000g.   Now I could probably take the Pet I added to my book and sell that for another 8500g which would net me for three transactions just over 17500g.  But he's so cute that I just can't sell him... til he starts eating at my profits.

So why tell you this?   It truly isn't meant to make me feel superior.   I've told many stories of where I took the wrong end of a deal and ended up eating some crow.  Everytime I see someone selling a Sky Golem Mount for 15k it makes me kick myself for how much I paid to try to control the market early.  The reason I shared, this is simply because direct sales can net you a lot of cash.  Bartered sales or combinations that allow you to flip items off the AH can net you a huge increase in revenue.  Plus, you can come out with some nifty little toys in the end.

Now me and my little pet Blinky have to go whoop some pets around Azeroth.  Papa needs a new achievement.

Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting

PS.   The reason I was going to call it 25,000 day is because adding all of my professions that day I netted around 36,000g.   But that just was a really, really good day.

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

 WOD:   Leave The Wheelbarrow At The Door
Adding To The Sales Floor
60 Dollars to Leave Your Level
Stop Teasing My Rocket
Stop Beating My Warforged Seals
Buying Vs Ending
My 15 ate your 14 (Season 15 PVP)
Keep Your Head Up
Disenchant,  Rinse and Repeat
WOD: Guild? I have a Guild?
Leave Your 'Tude At The Door
Going Looney over the Lunar Festival
Cleaning Out The Closet (Achievement Edition)
WOD: Future Catch Up Zones
Ebay Warriors Prepare For Battle

Stop Teasing My Rocket

For those that have lost their calender somewhere it is Valentine's day.   This is the first year that I didn't feel like ranting about the holiday and how ill the commercials make me feel.  Wait,   does that count as a rant?

If you are like me, you have been queuing for the chemical brothers run for cash and prizes.   The same items have been available for a couple of years now so most players already have at least Peddlefeet.  But with the new expansion and new blood, possibly arriving it would be good to have a few available for sale.

The big sales item during and after this holiday is the Swift Lovebird mount.  With the patch rotation starting to wind down many players do not want to spend the time to obtain 270 love tokens.  So if you have all of the items that you want from the holiday picking up one or two for future sales might again be a wise investment for those extra tokens.

I will be honest,  another grind for item x gets a little old after a time.  Just putting the lovely charm collector's kit and finishing up your Timeless Isle mob grind makes this cake to finish.  This has made the entire holiday start to grow old in the tooth.

Adding personal challenges have made the events at least tolerable.  The mobs to kill in the Scenerio die quickly with even an average geared group.  The longest I had the entire event last is 2 and a half minutes.  But it's all for the Big Love Rocket.  The downtime in the event is that it takes longer to run to the three main cities than to finish up all of the quest events.

Not to jump on a Valentine's soapbox, but this is another event that is in need of updating.   Either new items (lets face it,  who wouldn't want to buy new valentine's garb for tokens) or new events that can add to the enjoyment.   The older events like this get, the more they are to be skipped by players to do other things.

I am a big fan of innovation and change when it comes to events and gaming.  Games such as Rifts and the announcements for Everquest next has set a high bar for innovation.  This is another pretender to the throne when it comes to being the king of MMO's.  But the king is starting to show a little tatter at the hem of their clothes.

Enjoy the holiday and the weekend.  Take some time to remember those you care about that you're still around and alive.  Eat some candy,  watch a love story and have some fun.  

Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Stop Beating My Warforged Seals
Buying Vs Ending
My 15 ate your 14 (Season 15 PVP)
Keep Your Head Up
Disenchant,  Rinse and Repeat
WOD: Guild? I have a Guild?
Leave Your 'Tude At The Door
Going Looney over the Lunar Festival
Cleaning Out The Closet (Achievement Edition)
WOD: Future Catch Up Zones
Ebay Warriors Prepare For Battle

Buying vs Earning

Mommar here.

When I started making gold it was mostly out of the need to repair my gear.   This was long before repairs could be charged to the guild bank, automatic deposits into a guild fund, etc.   After it was obvious that I could earn much more than what was necessary for basic needs I was able to look at toys and items that I thought were neat.

Fast forward to the current gameplay where if you combine the black market auction house,  regular auction house and even buying heroic mount runs just about every mount in the game is available to you if you have enough gold.   Selling gold mount runs is a hefty income maker for many hardcore raiding guilds.  Spend 20k+ in gold and you get a mount.   Oprah would be proud.

This isn't a condemnation of this practice.  You earn the gold,  you should spend it how you like.  It is a personal choice on whether you want to 'earn' the mount with your guild or just buy it.   I decided a long time ago that I would prefer to earn it or not have it.  Buying it would always be a reminder to myself that I wasn't good enough to be a part of a group that could finish the entire requirements for the mount.

The farther that we get away from many of these old world raids and instances the more apt that people will be buying and selling these mounts.  And it still will be a money maker with the next expansion.  Selling level 100 runs into Seige of Orgrimmar.   Even older raids will be able to be soloed quickly for cash and prizes.  Bringing along someone who isn't as geared but wants an awesome mount for 5k will add that much into your pockets.

Mount/achievements runs and selling them have always been the area of heavy guilds.  But picking up the lower level raids and selling spots can add some into your guild and personal coffers.  Even enough to buy your way into a nice mount run of your very own.

Good Luck and Good Profit Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

My 15 ate your 14 (Season 15 PVP)
Keep Your Head Up
Disenchant,  Rinse and Repeat
WOD: Guild? I have a Guild?
Leave Your 'Tude At The Door
Going Looney over the Lunar Festival
Cleaning Out The Closet (Achievement Edition)
WOD: Future Catch Up Zones
Ebay Warriors Prepare For Battle

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