I Have Created a Wow Gold Making MONSTER

Photo Taken 12/03/09

Many readers of this blog have taken the 'red pill' so to speak and visited the JMTC Wow Gold Forums. What awaited them was probably overwhelming, exciting, intimidating, and overall fun as hell. I had no idea when I created the forums that they would evolve into the monster collection of wow gold making ideas that it has developed into. Everyone from Millionaire Gurus down to brand new players share their wow gold making experiences, ideas, and guides for all to see. Even though competitors from the same server could be reading each other's information no one seems to mind as the unhindered free sharing of ideas seems to be everyone's collective goal while browsing the JMTC forums.

When I originally designed this aucitoneer's playground I had hoped that it would be the perfect forum to send people who had wow gold related questions which I saw every day and just didn't have time to answer in detail. At first I thought that I could just write a big FAQ section but the dynamic nature of wow and the diversity among the questions made this unreasonable. A forum seemed like the perfect way for newer users to get their feet wet making easy gold in wow without having to pick my brain to do it. It ended up being far greater than I could ever imagine, and soon even I, the gold making master, found myself learning from the forums as well!

Many have commented that these forums pose a direct threat to my gold guide. Here you have THOUSANDS of players pooling their ideas together creating incredible strategies and investigating every aspect of the game for the sole purpose of making gold. I'd have to agree that this does create an obstacle for the guide, but luckily from the onset I designed a document that taught people how to think instead of how to play directly. By avoiding the do this do that and you'll get rich quick methods of other wow gold guides I actually inadvertently designed a guide that fit perfectly with the JMTC forum.

There was another unforseen byproduct of these wow gold making forums that I never saw coming... people enjoyed writing about wow so much on the forums that they started their own blogs. I've counted dozens that have spawned from readers of JMTC and many more appear each week. Previously, the wow gold blog niche was originally filled with nothing but spammers and gold guide oriented blogs that had almost no real information on them. Now, thanks largely in part to the Just My Two Copper community and JMTC itself, there is a wide variety of gold oriented blogs which discuss real, current information on world of warcraft. When someone thinks gold making blog today they think of Just My Two Copper or a cousin blog founded by one of the forum members.

So what can the forum do for you and how can you participate? First off, register a new account and I recommend posting in one of these areas:

Be sure to read thoroughly any threads which deal with whatever questions/areas of interest that concern you before posting. That being said, don't feel bad if you post duplicate information or worry about doing so. There's always someone else thinking the same question and unable to find the current answer so it's no big deal if duplicate threads develop. Even if you consider yourself a gold making master I can assure you that these forums will be a humbling experience. There's something for everyone, regardless of skill and I'm sure there are ideas in your head you'd love to share with the community.

Be kind to your admins/MVP's and enjoy the rich content that is the JMTC forum. It's your forum, make the most of it. /cheers

5 comments: on "I Have Created a Wow Gold Making MONSTER"

  1. JMTC Forum is the best place on the internet to make gold. mmo-champion guides....? LOL

    Thanks to Markco for making it all happen.

  2. Your profession forums are probably the single best thing to ever happen to me. I used to have to do dailies every freakin day to be able to afford everything I needed.

    Now I'm actually turning a profit and I'm spending much less time making money than I used to. Not having to actually worry about currencies makes the game a lot less tedious than it used to be, which is a lot to say for an MMO.

  3. YOu have indeed Markco but one which is in fact very informative and useful for all concerned. The best thign about this community is that it very very rarely descends into a flame war and that generally all comments are valid and useful to somebody.

    Thanks to your forums and the readers and posters therein I hit goldcap last weekend and am currently sitting at 250k. I have been meanign to update the blog with more info on how and why I did it but I have a very good reason. My second child and first son was born 2 weekends ago and needless to say , time is very short but life is wonderful.

    Keep up the good work mucker.

  4. Congratulations Magz!


  5. jm2c is THE source for making wow gold on the internet and most of the good money makers realize that no matter what server youre on you have competition.

    freedom of information is a must in every situation - everyone benefits from more money. everyone.

    if you dont have haters youre doing something wrong.

    never stop markco. you dont realize how much this helps.

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