When the going gets rough...

The tough get going! If you write me an email that looks like this. To make things interesting, I made it a madlib!

Write down a Negative Verb, Present Tense.
Write down an Expensive item in game.
Write down an Inexpensive item in game.
Write down a Negative Adverb.


Dear Marcko, Marko, Marco, Guru Gold Guy,

I can't make gold because my economy [Negative Verb]. People undercut each other instantly all day long. I can't make gold. Help! This [Expensive Item] is impossible to craft to make gold! Also, this [Inexpensive Item] has fallen below vendor cost! These are just two examples of how [Negative Adverb] unprofitable my server's economy is. What should I do?


First off, I won't ever make fun of you for sending this kind of an email. There's no such thing as a stupid question in my mind. We all start off like this and I don't mind if you spell my name wrong either. It's actually pretty funny if I don't catch it and then post the email on the site at a later date.

Next, I want you to think about what it is you are saying. How could anyone possibly make gold under your scenario? I didn't elaborate much in the example email but a lot of people will go to great lengths to tell me how bad their server's economy is. Your economy is NOT BAD! I say that in all seriousness and in the nicest way possible. Instead of looking at your economy as an absolute good or bad, look at it as a living, breathing animal. This animal cannot be tamed, EVER, but it can be influenced by intelligent use of bidding, buying, crafting, modifing and reselling. Before you can ever be successful with the auction house you first have to get over your incorrect way of looking at your economy.

Everyone, and I mean everyone looked at their economy in wow and even the real world this way at some point in their lives. There's no way to force someone to see their world differently; instead it has to be discovered. I can yell all day long and stomp my feet in a terrific display of orc superiority yet my words will always fall on deaf ears until you open up to the idea that maybe your world view needs to change.

Don't worry, that's why I'm here. Keep sending the emails and I will keep answering them with helpful information to get you on the right track.

If you are thinking about sending an email like the one featured today, please look at my Helpful Wow Gold Forums. Feel free to ask for help but please be very specific with your professions and server prices. More information is better than less. Also, look around for other people with the same professions and how they make gold.

  1. "First off, I won't ever make fun of you for sending this kind of an email. There's no such thing as a stupid question in my mind. We all start off like this and I don't mind if you spell my name wrong either. It's actually pretty funny if I don't catch it and then post the email on the site at a later date."

    I like u better then gelvon just cause of that

    Gelvons a £^%2

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