I am going to start pushing social media even more on the blog and I want to continue to develop ways for the community to get together so this week I launched the Markco Polo wow gold facebook page. Here I'll be posting gold tips, questions to get you guys engaged and other fun stuff. I am even considering creating facebook applications in the near future. Get involved and friend Markco Polo on facebook!
I wish you all luck selling your wares during July 4th weekend and I am very jealous because I will not get a chance to play this weekend.
Recently I mentioned on twitter and youtube that I have been trying to hit a gold cap in under 3 months. To make it a fair measurement I sold off my items so that I'd be starting off with a clean slate and I have been sending all my gold earned since that point to a single character. Sunday will be week 7 and I should be pretty damn close if my 48 hour auctions I post today sell over the weekend. Hoping to be at around 190-200k and then next week I should hit a single cap. If I don't get to post tonight then I will probably have some issues but I'm pretty sure I'll get about an hour or so of auctioneering in. If I manage to make around 20k next week (child's play) and get my posts finished tonight then I will have earned a gold cap in under two months with much less play time than ever before! The highest week so far was a 40k beauty earned early on in the endeavor and I've been working hard to revise my strategies in order to get the most gold for my time. In fact the "snatch list of a pro" chapter for the gold guide is exactly how I've managed this feat of auctioneering and is pretty much the culmination of everything I've learned about making gold in world of warcraft (for straight crafting between professions that is).
I'm averaging about 10 hours played and 30-35k gold per week. If I had the time and energy to put in 15 hours a week I'm sure I'd be breaking 50k on top of finding more deals to take my profits even higher.
When I hit the single cap in two months by next weekend I should have around 30-50k in materials left over and stuffed in my guild banks. Having that many materials on hand is a bi-product of this strategy. I'd like to try doing this again some time soon and stop stockpiling materials once I'm in the 180k+ range so as to speed up making the 37k more gold necessary to pass the cap.
Expect more posts about this when I get the chance, especially when I finish up. I hope you all have a safe and happy July 4th.
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5 comments: on "Markco's Corner - A Gold Cap in Two Months"
Bawheidbob said... July 2, 2010 at 2:59 PM
Sounds pretty amazing mate nice work.
Anonymous said... July 3, 2010 at 1:13 AM
Hi Markco.
I have one simple question:
What should I do with my wool cloth?
I play on a realm where it's like 98% alliance and 2% horde.
I've tried selling some on horde side, but there simply isn't enough players on their side.
I also tried to buy all wool cloth stacks(cheapest sell for about 3g) on alliance AH and repost them all at 25g. Some stacks sold, but it was fast down to 3g again as people go crazy and start flooding the AH.
Any tips? Any chance they will be popular in Cataclysm?
azgul said... July 5, 2010 at 2:13 PM
Wouldn't really say that I'm impressed. I've done the same myself, sitting on 198k (and approximately 60-70k in mats/sellables) after 7 weeks - starting with 5k.
Markco said... July 5, 2010 at 2:43 PM
Azgul I'm playing on a tiny server with very limited play time. That being said just because my numbers may not be as impressive as yours does not mean they are not impressive. Also keep in mind that I didn't get to post this weekend nor did I play at all two weeks ago. I'm still counting that time against myself.
azgul said... July 5, 2010 at 11:35 PM
Same here, can't really seem to decide whether being on a smaller server is good or bad though, I imagine the competition with everyone using QA3 nowadays is immense on full servers. Even on my server (listed as medium, used to be low) there's at least 2-3 Chinese gold sellers abusing the AH online most of the day.
Having a fulltime job and raiding 12-16 hours a week I really don't have a lot of time spend to spend on earning gold. I try to repost auctions when I wake up and when I get home from work, then a 3rd time before I go to bed. In weekends I stock up my supplies for the next week of sales.
I was had no time this weekend either and I'm going on a 3 week vacation this Saturday. Actually my aim was just to be gold capped before Cataclysm, I was stunned that it'd be so fast to be honest.
I did not mean to mock you or anything by the way, although it might have sounded like that.
I don't know what my best week is, as it's a bit hard to count, but according to Auditor I had 67k gold gained on my main (sent from my bank alt). It was very slow to begin with though, as I did not have a great capital and kept investing although I didn't really have anything to do it with, but when I started having 20k gold on me consistently it has just been shooting up by at least 30k each week, it feels so good!
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