Patch 4.0 - Were You Prepared

Like every other patch day I'm sitting here tuesday morning muttering to myself...

... did I miss any markets?
... are my addons ready?
... could I have started purchasing sooner?
... did I craft everything I needed to?
... did I miss a patch note or information on any website?
... am I prepared?

It's patch 4.0 and for those of you who have been following this blog/forum for long enough know I've been spoon feeding you with exactly what you need to stockpile and what's going to happen once 4.0 is released. This post is for those of you who have been trying to prepare for this "glyph-mas" or in some cases "gem-mas" and now you're wondering if it was enough.

I'm going to tell you straight up that whatever amount of preparation you've made has not been enough. You may think that's a terrible thing, no actually it's an amazing thing. If one person could physically stockpile enough mats to take care of their whole server then that would mean some pretty heavy losses if a handful of other people did the same thing. Instead, patch 4.0 will create such high demand, low supply that everyone is going to be a winner regardless of how much they stockpiled. Let's go over what you could have stockpiled and maybe in the comments discuss how much you measured up against me, the auction house master... muhuhuhahahaha! /twirl long curly mustache

Saronite Ore - I nailed a huge shipment of this stuff not once but twice this week, getting as much as a thousand ore at a time. I used the ore to get rare gems necessary for the epic transmutes.
Eternals - It was too late yesterday or even the weekend before to stockpile eternals as players had already decided now was the time to buy everything not nailed down. Life, fire and shadow have all hit obscene prices as of the tuesday maintenance. I can't image what they will reach in the next few days.

Abyssal Bags - This came out late and I tried to tweet it to followers who might have a chance to take advantage of the fact that all abyssal soul bags were becoming a 22 slotter (unique).

Inks of the Sea - Man alive do I have a lot of ink of the sea saved up from past adventures in inscription. I also have 20 of every glyph that isn't becoming charred. Before crafting I also took the luxury of buying all glyphs below 10 gold on the ah to save myself some time. It's important to note that glyphs will cost three times as many inks to make so using them up before the patch was much more beneficial than just stockpiling the inks themselves.

Books of glyph mastery - are going to be funny flips throughout the day, I'm hoping for 200 gold per.

Frozen Orbs - Many players will post these for normal prices throughout the week, in fact that goes for other items like eternals. They will see no items up there since everyone is buying them out like crazy and they will foolishly post for the normal prices. Get these and turn them into fire or life for easy flips or gem transmutes.

Belt Buckles - Yeah I have belt buckles to sell and I'm not afraid to overprice them. Eternals will go through the roof and so will the price of belt buckles since they are made from eternals. I plan on cornering this market big time for the next few weeks if possible.

Rare Gems and Crafted Glyphs - People are going to be undervaluing their glyphs and gems all week so I'll happily be flipping them for large profits.

I downloaded Zero's newest confirm start auction addon to allow qa3 to work with patch 4.0.

EDIT: Here is the new ZeroAuctions addon which has the confirm start auction as well as more fixes. Download this instead!

For your listening pleasure Bigjimm, Euripides and myself have teamed up to rush an episode of Call To Auction out just in time for 4.0. We literally recorded this episode last night so big props to everyone for getting it out in time. Enjoy.

If you need something to do on patch day while surfing the internet for information and celebrating your auction house victories stop by the JMTC IRC channel and chat it up with us.

43 comments: on "Patch 4.0 - Were You Prepared"

  1. I think I'm just about set, 100 of each glyph a stack of Books of Glyph Mastery to learn the new glyphs and to sell on the AH. And a tab full of mats for epic gems. Even another tab full of Eternal Earth, I figure if the cooldown's removed from Eternal transmutes then I can supply myself with whatever Eternal are moving best (at 1g30s cost each) and if not I can make rings and DE them.

    In either case, this should be a crazy day.

  2. First time posting. Subscribed about a month ago.

    Hit the bid on some very cheap epic gems auctions (with 12 hours or less left) right before the server went down last night. By the time the servers come back up, I will be the proud owner of some very cheap cardinal rubies and king's amber.

    I also took your advice and stocked up on all necessary glyphs at really great prices.

    Still making money on netherweave bags as of yesterday. Great tip!!

    Thank you!

    Well worth the price of admission for your site.

  3. I must admit, I am disappointed over myself. I started preparing for this patch ages ago. I started stocking up Glyphs, Inks, Gems, Eternals... everything!
    But yet, I sit here, 9 hours before the patch is launching (EU), thinking that I should have had twice the amount of Glyphs, and triple the amount of Inks.

    As of now, I'm bombing my servers' prices of glyphs down to 5g, just to wait 30 minutes for undercuts, and buy up all of their glyphs. As long as they sell glyphs, they seem to keep posting, regardless of whether their value will increase by 10000% tomorrow.

    TL;DR: I should have set my goal for glyphs to be 100 (as Khaas), instead of my lousy amount of 40. The patch will hit tomorrow, and I won't keep my stock long enough.

    PS: I amuse myself over the fact that I am obviously the only scribe on my servers' faction to really prepare for this patch, and I hope that due to the removal of the Ink Trader, I will be sitting on the monopoly of "lesser-ink-glyphs", and will be attempting selling them for over 100g a piece.

  4. I question whether Eternal Belt Buckles are really going to spike in the coming weeks. According to wow-head, they're not usable on iLevel 300+ gear, so they're about to become vendor trash. Rather than spike, I think they're going to go down as every smith dumps their inventory.

    (Though I hope you're right, because I am one of those smiths with inventory to dump.)

  5. One thing your readers can still do to prepare for the upcoming patch:

    Start WOW as you normally would and finish downloading the patch and let the install process complete.

    I started WOW this morning and found that the last 60 MB of the 4.76 GB patch had not completed, I suspect Blizzard was holding it back to prevent early peeking at the prezzies.

    Let the install program run while the servers are still down, this should let you get right to gaming when the servers are back up.

    Saorse on Sentinel'S

  6. One thing your readers can still do to prepare for the upcoming patch:

    Start WOW as you normally would and finish downloading the patch and let the install process complete.

    I started WOW this morning and found that the last 60 MB of the 4.76 GB patch had not completed, I suspect Blizzard was holding it back to prevent early peeking at the prezzies.

    Let the install program run while the servers are still down, this should let you get right to gaming when the servers are back up.

    Saorse on Sentinel'S


    Auction Profit Master is the new Quick Auctions 3!

    "QA3 was abandoned by Shadowed for 4.0 because of the hardware-event requirement being added to posting auctions. I have taken on this addon and implemented a button that the user can spam click while posting to fix the problem and I will be continually improving and maintaining this addon for the foreseeable future."

  8. Copied from

    "Auction Profit Master is the new Quick Auctions 3!

    QA3 was abandoned by Shadowed for 4.0 because of the hardware-event requirement being added to posting auctions. I have taken on this addon and implemented a button that the user can spam click while posting to fix the problem and I will be continually improving and maintaining this addon for the foreseeable future."

  9. "removal of the Ink Trader" First I've heard of this. Really? I've been searching and can't find any verification of this.

  10. Feck. Is that true about the Eternal Belt buckles? If it is I'm boogered as I have 500 in stock and the mats to make another 1000.


  11. you believe in the sarointe ores?

    there are more than i can buy on my server ..

  12. I've put almost all my stockpiling effort into glyphs - I have almost 38,000 of them stockpiled. At least 100 of each glyph that isn't becoming charred, plus more of ones that I expect will be in demand.

    Still, despite that, I wish I'd made so many more at Wrath prices; whatever happens to demand in Cata, the cost and price per glyph should go up.

    Don't have a BS so not in the belt buckle market, but also skeptical about that - gear upgrades only come from ICC at this point, and AFAIK the 30% buff is being removed from ICC with the patch. That means ICC is either a little bit harder or about the same as it was, so there'll be no huge influx of people with new belts that they need to buckle.

    I'm somewhat skeptical about the gem market, but I've got a few thousand saronite ore stockpiled in case I need rare gems, and 500 frozen orbs for eternals if need be.

    Overall, I think I did as much as I could without sacrificing other things I like to do in-game, so I'm happy with what I have stockpiled.

    @Anonymous - The ink trader is staying as is for this patch according to people on the PTR. She's going to start using the Cataclysm ink rather than Ink of the Sea, but that's a Cataclsym change...

  13. The ink trading isn't getting removed. They are removing the use of Ink of the Sea as the ink to trade in. The new ink coming in cata will be the new ink to trade in to get all the current inks plus Ink of the Sea.

    I find the QA3 issue to be right at the plugin that was made for it to keep the canceling and posting over and over. I knew this was going to happen and this change to the auction house is right at that.

    I hate to say this, but that QA3 plugin was a bad idea form the start.

  14. i would clear out those belt buckles magz, come cata they will be fodder for the ignorant, and vendors as they do not work on gear over I lvl 300. IE you will have no use for them in cata gear.

    shadowstep of us bloodhoof

  15. Although I haven't seen anything on it, I am wondering if they removed the transmute cooldown from eternals (>fire). Wouldn't that be a pleasant surprise!

  16. Nigel with transmute spec you could then vendor your way to gold cap. No way that's happening on purpose.

  17. I think belts will still sell, but maybe not as much as they did come Cata. I say that because they will likly as I heard with Cata Gems only being used for Cata gear, the same will hold true for the new blet buckle in Cata. Which means, between level 70 and 81, you will have to use the current belt buckle if you want a gem on your belt for your alt.

  18. I just wet myself with anticipation.
    I am very very excited to get home.
    and start advertising.

  19. EU here. I know I'm not prepared. I know it. This panicy feeling means I can't be. I snatched up a ton of saronite at 11g yesterday, I'm not sure whether to prospect it or leave it as ore for later in Cata. Eternals have gone crazy though apparently alliance missed the memo and I bought 8 stacks of eternal fire for 18g each which I'm selling horde side for 40g + I have my own ready for tomorrow. I never got into selling glyphs, maybe selling around 30 a week even when babysitting them for long periods of time but I'm hoping this patch will net me a huge amount from them. I'll make as many as I can tonight with the 'cheap' amount of ink if the AH can keep providing me with herbs which is looking unlikely!

    aaaarrggggh Illadin was right!

  20. Is there a list of all glyphs that are being removed? What will happen to those glyphs if they've already been created?

  21. Here's the list, thank Jennifer from the forums:

  22. Markco you should have put up a image of Illidan with the subtext "You are not Prepared!"

    I'd get a laugh out of that. xD

  23. NU,

    Good to see you share by 14yo son's sense of humour.

    EU servers just went down so I had better have managed to stockpile enough.

    Is there ever enough ?????

    Someone dumped about 60 rare (Northrend, I did double check before hoovering them up) gems at 3g with 5 minutes to go so either they've misunderstood or I have.

  24. @DFM's called humor for a reason. I suppose you fail to think so. Just because something is funny, doesn't mean only a 14 year old would think so.


    I wish more people would lighten up really... just relax yeah know.

  25. - Materials to transmute at least 200 of each epic gem and over 1000 of some.
    - 5 tab guild bank and 3 tabs in another bank full of eternals.
    - Around 40 stacks of Frozen Orbs.
    - 5 tab guild bank full of Saronite Ore and about as much again in the mail.
    - 3 guild bank tabs full of Infinite Dust and a bunch more in the mail or on the auction.
    - 1.5 guild bank tabs full of other enchanting mats. Everything but Infinite Dust and including odd mats like Golden Pearls and Crusader Orbs for heirloom chants.
    - About 200 Book of Glyph Mastery.
    - 100 eternal belt buckles and plenty of mats to make more. Been selling ~50 a day for a while anyhow.
    - 1-5 each of 100 or so of the most popular enchant scrolls.
    - Over 500 ZG Bijous and a few hundred coins. I might get burned on this one, everyone's farming bijous, been buying them all out under 25g for a week and reposting for 50-75g but I keep getting undercut steep and in large lots.

    Virtually no herbs or flasks. That market is ultra competitive on my server. Sometimes it's worth making them but most of the time it isn't... Half the time I'm better off just buying the cheap ones in the morning and flipping them in the evening.

    There's a lot more but that's all I can think of off the top of my head while waiting for the servers to come up.

  26. just a question about the saronite as well. i've stocked up around 6000 of them and duno what the best option is for the use of them. my patch is still downloading so i cant see AH prices yet but are people gonna sell by the stack of ore, break em down into gems, hold til cata?

    thanks for blog. first time poster, longer time reader kinda guy. made 40k or so running my own enchant scroll market. would have been alot more if i didnt have a 24/7 ah camper doing scrolls as well.

  27. Glyphs are going for about 30 g a piece wth a bunch priced higher in the hundreds? Do we being offloading glyphs right now or wait until only the glyphs posted for a 100g min are left?

  28. @anonymous turn off all other addons including bean counter and auctioneer.

  29. 1800 cardinal combines and 4000+ together of the other colors. If someone thinks, he had a bad day... just look at me and start feeling better :)

  30. Calm down NU,

    Given that my 14yo son is smarter and funnier than me (as proven by sharing a sense of humour with yourself) I was only jealous that I hadn't thought of it.

    Some folks are just so very sensitive ;-)

    Anyway how are things progressing over there?

    Anything unexpected those of us in the Old World can learn from ?

  31. so uh epic gem transmute still at 24 hours... Is it just me or is this supposed to be the case

  32. So was I prepared? Yes and no.

    Yes: I was very prepared for the epic xmute cooldown to go away, but but but....

    No: I didn't buy enough glyphs. I purchased a few hundred off the AH for 1 - 5G on a whim, and now am selling them for 50 - 150G.

    Nice return, but I had expected the gems to be the moneymaker. :-P

  33. "It's important to note that glyphs will cost three times as many inks to make..."

    Dammit, just discovered this the hard way. All the glyphs I posted have sold which makes me think I posted too low, before the shortage of herbs had a chance bite.

    230g per Book of Glyph Mastery at the moment and I have 30 in stock :).

  34. Umm..probably something most folks have noticed, but just in case; the epic gem transmutes are currently on 2hr 45 min CD. Discovered this when I went and did an eternal transmute (just had to check if they were being removed anyway :)). Nothing like a last min change, hopefully they do actually remove it later.

  35. Currently i'm very glad I didn't prospect the 4000 or so saronite ore i have stored. Any word if the transmute cooldown is intentional or a bug?

  36. Any word on the weird gem transmute cooldown that's still there? That was a bit of a kick in the nuts...

    I'm hoping it's a bug seeing as how the time for it appears to be semi-random. Keep your fingers crossed, but wow that put a crimp in my patch day world domination plans. *sigh*

  37. Anyone who can tell me what's happening with the AH-prices on US servers?

  38. Marcko,
    I've been using jmtc religiously for the past few months and i must say that im thourghly impressed, and thankful for that matter, you've help me net a profit of at least 25k profit in the past month, i know its not a HUGE profit margin, but it is something i am very proud of, with the patch 4.0 becoming live i stocked up on all sorts of things expecting a huge sale, in gems there were they jumped to nearly 300g per epic cut and rougly 50-60g per uncut rare, the only thing is that the transmution for whatever reason hasent had the cooldown removed yet, which has put a big damper on my investment's, and you can still buy everything that you could with honor points and badges, such as frozen orbs and epic gems, which if you think about it, is a huge way for undercutter's and competators to beat my prices. just wanted to inform you of this issue, thanks for all of your hard work and keep it up
    -your loyal fan parker

  39. Marcko,
    I've been using jmtc religiously for the past few months and i must say that im thourghly impressed, and thankful for that matter, you've help me net a profit of at least 25k profit in the past month, i know its not a HUGE profit margin, but it is something i am very proud of, with the patch 4.0 becoming live i stocked up on all sorts of things expecting a huge sale, in gems there were they jumped to nearly 300g per epic cut and rougly 50-60g per uncut rare, the only thing is that the transmution for whatever reason hasent had the cooldown removed yet, which has put a big damper on my investment's, and you can still buy everything that you could with honor points and badges, such as frozen orbs and epic gems, which if you think about it, is a huge way for undercutter's and competators to beat my prices. just wanted to inform you of this issue, thanks for all of your hard work and keep it up
    -your loyal fan parker

  40. Nah I was only joking, after all we all come here for the same thing after all.

    But you know something? I can tell you that I was not prepared.. as in not prepared for the gem cooldowns to be bugged out and not work or the fact I made over 20k last night and still counting just form glyphs, I couldn't even look at anything else last night, they where selling way to fast for me to keep up with. Lucky I got a good number of add-ons to work, even know I was over 2 hours late getting on to even start listing.

  41. I didn't realize how unprepared I was until logging in. This is mostly due to having a goal to hit the gold cap before it was increased (which I did only hours before the servers went down; 215k+change), so I was trying not to spend anything in the last week. I had no idea the demand would be that high--it was staggering.

    I had retained investment of eternals for the x-mute cooldown removal, but that didn't happen (still 2+ hour CD). I even found out this morning the CD increased as I was still on CD from last night and showing 12 hours remaining. I think Blizz saw the madness and ninja'd the CD.

    The other big factor was that ink trade-ins and glyph's now cost 3x the ink. Arghhhh, how much more I would have stocked up if I knew that... Although, I sold quite a few glyphs for 200-300g. People were even whispering me if they were being bought.

    Anyways, I net +16k gold last night with a late start, and knowing right when I logged in I wasn't prepared. Not bad, though, I hit my goal, and made decent profit for day 1 (for me at least).

  42. Just before those rumors regarding a somewhat "random" transmute cooldown spread: Blizzard altered all those former 20h-cooldowns to reset upon 12pm server time.
    There is no random element involved!

    The cooldown was obviously NOT removed, for it depends on the time you actually craft the gem (difference between current and 12pm)

  43. I made 31k just from glyphs last night. By the time I got in and mods functional and glyphs listed it was 2am. Hopefully I'll be able to set up some gems tonight, but without the supply I had been counting on, my stock is severely limited.

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