Patch 4.0.1: How to Sell Snowfall Ink Cataclysm Guide

I think I have received 30 emails this past week alone on the topic of selling off all the snowfall ink people acquired thanks to glyphmas.

First off you definitely need to get rid of your snowfall ink before cataclysm.

Let's start off with a list of ways to sell the inks, these are always fun:

  • Runescrolls of Fortitude
  • Cards of the North (green at 462)
  • Faces of Doom and Iron-Bound Tome
  • Sell in raw form
Runescrolls are nice sellers for the recent rush to farm 5 mans and finish off 10 man lich king. They also could sell to levelers both now and during the start of cataclysm.

Cards of the North should sell well and you can advertise that they will raise reputation with the darkmoon faire. Also, with the changes to stats in 4.0.1 many players would gladly take the greatness trinket over whatever they have now, unless of course they have some of the best trinkets in the game. If you saved up eternal lifes for the gem rush in 4.0.1 that never happened, well maybe you could afford to make some cards of the north one last time. If you want you could also save these cards to provide skill-ups at the start of cataclysm since they go green at 462.

The off hands sell less than they used to but don't give up on them entirely. Try to get rid of a handful of inks this way.

Selling off your snowfall in raw form at a deal is still something for your time. Diversify and sell off a good amount of your stock this way. Sell singles, stacks of 5 and also 20. Try not to flood too much and find a happy medium between your posting and the demand for them. Expect demand to shoot up during next week and into the following.

On the topic of inscription, I bet you that certificate of ownership will sell very well in cata with all the new pets people can acquire and wanting to rename them different things. If players can rename their water elementals and warlock pets (calling it now) then that would greatly expand the market for certificate of ownership. Also, expect to see lots of the Rituals of the New Moon appearing in trade chat during cataclysm. "Want to look like a worgen? Buy this off-hand and become one! Only 200g, PST ME!"

12 comments: on "Patch 4.0.1: How to Sell Snowfall Ink Cataclysm Guide"

  1. Just thought I'd note a few things on this - this is very solid advice, but there's a few changes (4.0.1 wise, and beyond as well) that should probably have been noted in this article.

    Firstly, there's now a macro command to rename water elementals. I don't remember it off my head, but I saw it on WoW Insider's mage columns (which, being a mage, I read weekly - of course, since I'm a frost mage, I wasn't able to test it out myself.) It's a one-time script, though, so if the certificates allow you to do it multiple times, the market should easily still be there.

    Secondly - and I don't know how this affects Runescrolls, but I assume it is the same way as regular scrolls - scrolls of Fortitude now count as Guardian Elixirs. Since most raiders come flasked, they can't use the scrolls and thusly have no reason to buy them. That isn't to say they won't sell at all, but the demand spike won't be quite as high as one would assume =P

    Finally, and to end this on a much better note (for gold makers anyways, not achievement hounds), the Darkmoon Cards are a great idea as Blizzard has announced that, due to some of the changes in Cata, Insane in the Membrane will more than likely be unobtainable once it comes out. Junkboxes should see a huge spike too once that news becomes common knowledge =D

    Other than that though, solid advice - now to get my scribe maxed!

  2. I still sell 2 offhands a week on a small server. Thanks for the tips. I was wondering what to do with the rest of my inks.

  3. Nice post Foo. I disagree on bloggers influencing the fall of snowfall ink prices however. It was due to so many people selling solely glyphs during glyphmas and having lots of snowfall left over.

  4. I chose to dump all of mine (20 stacks) in raw form about a week ago. I decided that my time was more valuable if spent elsewhere and I'd also rather have the added liquidity to work other lucrative markets before Cataclysm drops.

  5. Nice relaunch of the site, like the design!

  6. I plan to use about 50 snowfalls to level Inscription to 460 the day Cata drops. Runescroll of Fort is cheap to craft and greys out at 460.

    I reckon about 5 snowfalls will get me a skill up saving the new inks for later skill ups.

  7. Markco,

    I just saw your new site... Its great!!
    You really make a huge profit on this!
    Congratz man! Very pleasing to reading!

  8. I'm still having the most luck just selling the inks themselves, or turning them into other inks (via the ink trader in dalaran) as the hardcore glyph makers need those various inks and don't want to go to dalaran to get them.

    Just keep in mind that some of the other inks are a 3:1 trade, meaning it takes 3 snowfall inks to get one of the other kinds. You might still be able to get enough gold for 1 of those inks than you could with 3 of the snowfalls, but this is a realm-specific detail.

  9. Wow, I love the redesign, Markco! These are some great ideas. Was wondering what to do with my 80-odd Snowfall Ink. The cards sound like a good idea. It will help in boosting Inscription 10+ points when 4.0.3a hits. :)

  10. Iceveiled said:
    "I'm still having the most luck just selling the inks themselves, or turning them into other inks (via the ink trader in dalaran)...

    Just keep in mind that some of the other inks are a 3:1 trade, meaning it takes 3 snowfall inks to get one of the other kinds. You might still be able to get enough gold for 1 of those inks than you could with 3 of the snowfalls, but this is a realm-specific detail"

    Am I missing something here, was pretty sure you couldn't do this - wish you could though! Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the ink trader only trades in Ink of the Sea and will not swap Snowfall Ink.

  11. I have sold 5+ stacks of snowfall ink for 650g each. I've been able to cover the costs of escalating herb prices and essentially make my glyphs for free. That being said, sales have slowed in the past week.

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