Prepare for Cataclysm

I sent the following email to my subscribers almost two weeks ago but you can still act now and take advantage of knowing what items will sell the first month of cataclysm as well as what items will become utterly worthless. You do not HAVE to get this guide to do well when cataclysm launches, as I have given out enough information on this blog to make you quite a bit of gold. But if you want to take it to the next level and get a beta insider's view on what's going on in cataclysm (I only have access to live currently) then this article is definiately worth a thorough read. I feel that it can fill in the blanks for those of you completionist auctioneers out there who want everything there is to know about cataclysm for making a killing off the expansion's release. Even if you only have 1,000 gold to invest you should still learn the best ways to spend that hard earned gold and which items you should liquidate to then turn around and reinvest for even more profits.
Did you get through patch 4.0.1 and think to yourself... man if only I had prepared better, I could have made a killing! That was a minor patch in comparison to what awaits you when cataclysm launches on December 7th. There will be so many more opportunities to make a fortune if you start preparing now and the trick is to focus on the right items in order to not waste any of your valuable time or gold.
Do you have an idea of the changes coming in cataclysm and how they will affect the auction house? Do you know what to buy now and sell after cataclysm is released? Wouldn't it be great to know exactly what's going to happen when deathwing arrives and how the prices of popular items will change?
Your answers are closer than you think, keep reading...

Preparing for Cataclysm is simple as long as you know these three things:
  1. Which items are becoming more valuable in cataclysm (buy now).
  2. Which items are becoming less valuable (sell now).
  3. How to automate the process of buying and selling.
Hexigames has come out with an awesome list of items you should buy for cataclysm in their brand new guide, as well as why they are going to change in value. Even I, Markco, the gold making master, did not know about all of these terrific items to buy pre cataclysm.
If you take the principles I've been preaching in my own "20k Leveling" guide and apply them to preparing for cataclysm, you'll know that identifying, diversifying and automating are the keys to your success. By reading the master list of items in the hexigames guide to preparing for cataclysm you will fulfill that first principal: identify. The other two: diversify and automate, are where hexigames can also help you with addons as well as how and when to sell items.
You can get this master list of items to buy now and sell after cataclysm at the Hexigames website. It comes extremely highly recommended as the best master list of what to buy and sell in the coming weeks ahead. Get a hold of this guide now and make the most of your time pre cataclysm. Don't waste a moment, someone else on your server could get this guide before you!

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