Auctioneer: Vendoring for Gold

Here goes one of those emails that is so good I let it stand on its own two feet. Please see 22 steps to auctioneer for information on vendor scans, or perhaps view the fully documented and detail oriented walkthrough in my cataclysm gold guide for searches with addons.

I have been reading your blog for a few weeks, and I would like to congratulate you for the great work.

You will probably know about this, but since I haven't seen it on your blog (I might have well missed it), I thought it would be worth sharing.

There are some goods whose offer is (almost) always far above the demand. As sellers keep blindly undercutting each other (probably via miss-managed addon automation), the price of the auctions quickly falls below the vendor price. At this point, smart players may have two options:

1) Try to flip these goods: risk is low-medium, because of the low prices, but profit margin is also low, due to the continuous market flood.
2) Buy out and vendor the goods. Profit will normally be low, but the good thing is that risk isn't simply "low", but actually zero.

I have been doing (2) for a while and, although it didn't made me rich in two days, it's become a slightly noticeable bonus to my regular gold input. For example, last night there where several Super Healing Potion auctions going on, with the following pricings:

  • Several posts of 20x, ranging from 12g to 20g.
  • Some posts of 20x at 10g. -> Silly point: you won't get either a benefit nor a loss from buying these and vendoring them, but the seller is lossing money (due to deposits/AH cuts)!
  • Several posts of 20x, at 9g and lower buyout -> Critical point reached! Vendor price for 20 "super" pots is 10g (50s/potion)
  • Several posts of 1x, at 40-45s buyout -> Same as above, but many more clicks to buy them out.

I just netted ~30g last night in less than 5 minutes. This would be equivalent to a 360g/h ratio, which is not a great thing, but it was entirely risk-free.

The goods I have most often seen auction for less than the vendor price (on Darkmoon Faire EU, Alliance side) are these, but YMMV:
  • Silk cloth (not bolts, not silk-sewen gear, but the cloths used to make bolts and bandages): vendor for 1s50c/each, 30s/stack. Sometimes they go as low as 5-10s/stack (that's a 200-500% profit!)
  • Solid stone (the ones that drop off Mithril veins): Can go as low as 1-2s/stack, despite they vendor for 1s/each, 20s/stack (1900% profit margin is just so silly!)
  • Super Healing Potions (these are the "outland" potions, lvl65 requirement, made from BC herbs): See above, can be found on the 5-10g/stack range, vendor for 10g/stack (50s/each). Super Mana Potions have the same vendor price, but tend to go at more reasonable prices at the AH, they may be worth taking a look at, but don't expect a great profit from them.
  • Other healing and mana potions: these flow at a much wider price range; but when they fall below vendor price you can snatch them for the small, risk-free profit.
  • BC/Outland and WotLK/Northrend uncommon gems: vendor for 25s uncut and BC cuts, 50s Northrend cuts, 1g perfect cuts. I have seen perfects going as low as 20s (400% profit). Note that this flows wildly as there are always people leveling their jewelcrafting. Uncut gems may be worth a flip attempt, depending on the market.
  • There is another zero-risk oportunity here: if you have a JC (preferably with gem perfection), any uncommon Northrend gem is worth 50s on your hands (you can cut it, then vendor): you'll often find them for lower than that. Each time you get the "perfect gem" proc, add a bonus 50s to the mix.
  • Other stuff: do your research -> know the market -> *own* the market ;-)

Again, these won't make you *a lot* of gold. However, they will make you *some* gold at *zero-risk*. Use this money (together with your questing income if you do quests) as a complement to your main gold input and to fund more risky ventures. Another advantage of this method is that it yields its benefits nearly instantly. If you need a bit of cash, here and now, approach the nearest AH and take a look for vendorable stuff.

(I'd rather stay anonymous!)"

16 comments: on "Auctioneer: Vendoring for Gold"

  1. Vendoring for profit is a super way to enhance your income. I'll make sure to run that search more often--I have forgotten more times than not of late.

  2. Mostly related, I've been doing vendor scans every time I scan the AH and it never comes up with anything. Now I can believe that most folks are smart enough to list things for above vendor value. I could believe that some people are nabbing the easy buyouts before me. But every single time? Is there a chance there's a problem with my copy of auctioneer? Or am I just unlucky?

  3. This is one of the easiest ways to start building wealth on a brand new server.

  4. Justkiddingmate said... November 11, 2010 at 10:01 AM

    only do this if you have just too much time on your hands or have just rerolled on a server for the purpose of making money, you make it sound like its free profit and it is in a way, but it still costs you time to buy, collect and sell the items and as we all know, time is money friend. You could have done a few quests for your alt earning a few g in the same amount of time and later the alt will have max professions on it earning you even more.

    Smelting ore for profit also falls into this catagory , but imo only smelt when you are away from the computer, its not a good money deal to watch all ore get melted for 50s profit a stack.

  5. Icy Dragonscale is another big one on my server. They vendor for 1g a piece, and are almost always listed in the AH below that price.

  6. I do vendor scans all the time but I usually don't get much luck...though my profit margin is set to 50s. I might have to lower that after seeing all of the luck you're having :/

    And I'd love to be able to buyout solid stone like you do. My server always has it selling for ~10g per stack. But its definitely flipable...if that's a word?

  7. I usually set the auctioneer scan to 1c and turn off show bid. I then collect all items below vendor, then change the scan price to 50s, turn on show bid, then collect everything else. I don't feel it worth my time to bid on a thousand items for 1c, but the lists are usually pretty short doing it this way, and it's instant profit (if small) for a few extra seconds while doing my regular ah routine.

  8. A tip on this, Figure out when the least populated time on your server is and do all your buying then and on the weekends. I buy at 6 am before work and I win most of my bids and find great deals. Saturdays are good because people are farming and leveling professions so the markets are flooded. These are the times when you will usually find items below vender. Early mornings and Late nights on the weekends are sooo good. I typically manually search for them too cause Auctioneer tends to miss a lot. Oh and vendoring uncommon cut gems = win everytime

  9. Justkiddingmate if you do some research and find items like this guy did that are typically below vender you can throw them in your snatch list in auctioneer and it takes only a few seconds. :) easy money my friend :)

  10. Skypirate - Chromaggus-EU said... November 11, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    I've found most of the current blue WotLK gems sell below 4g50s so as soon as I see them I snatch them all up, cut them and vendor them and sometimes run the risk of selling them on AH but seeing as it's coming to the end of the expansion my plan is just to vendor them all.

  11. Netherweave cloth sells often below 3g/stack. Heavy netherweave requires 2 stacks and vendors 6g/stack. Crafting, however is time-consuming.

  12. I just set mine to 5s, keep the bid/buy checked and max $1000gp. When it's time to run the AH, my bank toon logs in, collects any mail, restocks and then goes off to scan the AH. I set my vendor search for 5sp, bid/buyout checked and max $1000gp. Once at the Ah, scan then the following: vendor, snatch, appraiser (sometimes resale before appraiser). Then go to mailbox, collect anything that's there and sell it to vendor. Not really that much extra time spent.

  13. QUOTE:
    There is another zero-risk oportunity here: if you have a JC (preferably with gem perfection), any uncommon Northrend gem is worth 50s on your hands (you can cut it, then vendor): you'll often find them for lower than that. Each time you get the "perfect gem" proc, add a bonus 50s to the mix.

    Buy eternal earth, it's usually 3 or 4 gold/piece, and make green neck/ring worth 3.14g, (0.2 eternal earth = 60-80s) so it will be a much bigger profit.

  14. Just had to say Vlakarados' idea is awesome! I had never even thought of that and on my server there seems to be either no one doing this or not enough to dry up the market. I am buying all eternal earth up to 4 gold and gems up to 2 gold and I am making a killing. Well for no work other than crafting that is. Thank you Vlak.

  15. The health/mana potions have been showing up in my vendor list. But if you have a leveling alt and the bag space, keep them. If they need they, this is clearly the cheapest way to get them. If they don't use them, you can vendor them in 3 months for the same price as now.

  16. Hey just found your account...a guy I met in WOW told me about your sight...he is making serious cash so I listened to him...really love the sight...I for a long time only used two professions and just sold everything at AH at total undercutting strategy...I could make about 500 a day if I farmed real strategy...however, that will change now meeting you...

    But my main reason for posting is because of this post...I never even thought of looking at vendors verses AH to sell...I just assumed it would always sell for more in AH...

    Great the 22 step to AH...did it last night so still learning...

    + do u have a post on great places to grind for gold...someone told me about ozzez and making $1000 gold in an hour...just wondering

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