Pre Cataclysm Gold Guide - Elemental Invasion

Elemental Invasion Part 4: Twilight Bosses Loot Table

251ShieldMeleeOff HandBarrier of the Earth Princess
251PlateHealWaistGirdle of Oblation
251PlateMeleeChestTectonic Plate
251PlateMeleeChestSalamander Skin
251PlateMeleeWristTwilight Offering Bands
251MailPhysical DPSLegsSacrificial Mail
251LeatherHealFeetFlamewaker's Treads
251LeatherPhysical DPSChestPulmonary Casing
251ClothHealChestEarth Bride's Gown
251ClothPhysical DPSBackCloak of Mocking Winds
251ClothSpell DPSBackZaetar's Deathshroud
251ClothSpell DPSFeetSandfury Sandals
251FingerMeleeFingerOld Gods' Blessing
251FingerPhysical DPSFingerSulfuron's Favor
251FingerSpell DPSFingerRing of the Three-Headed Beast
251NeckHealNeckPendant of Burning Spirits
251NeckMeleeNeckFlamelash Amulet
251NeckPhysical DPSNeckAmulet of the Centauri
251NeckSpell DPSNeckAmulet of Evil Winds

Great Markco you pasted some info from MMO-Champion. What are we supposed to do with it?

Make GOLD of course!

Now, the first thing you're going to want to do is focus on the items which you can actually provide upgrades for:

251ShieldMeleeOff HandBarrier of the Earth Princess
251PlateHealWaistGirdle of Oblation
251PlateMeleeChestTectonic Plate
251PlateMeleeChestSalamander Skin
251PlateMeleeWristTwilight Offering Bands
251MailPhysical DPSLegsSacrificial Mail
251LeatherHealFeetFlamewaker's Treads
251LeatherPhysical DPSChestPulmonary Casing
251ClothHealChestEarth Bride's Gown
251ClothPhysical DPSBackCloak of Mocking Winds
251ClothSpell DPSBackZaetar's Deathshroud
251ClothSpell DPSFeetSandfury Sandals

So if I were to write up a short pre cataclysm gold guide based on the items dropped from bosses during the elemental invasion, it would look something like the following:

The legs are mail dps, so agility leg armor should sell nicely. You'll want +10 stats to chest for the plethora of chest pieces made available by the Twilight bosses. For shield it's a tanking one so titanium plating will fit that one well. Gems of the primary stats (ie strength, int, etc) will sell very well at this stage in the game and you should also be selling belt buckles for that Girdle of Oblation. +50 attack power to wrist is a good one for the Twilight Offering Bands as well. The boots are leather healing and cloth dps ones so icewalker and tuskar's vitality to be great sellers.

You'll want to sell enchanting mats (namely dust and greater cosmics) if you have any left over so that enchanters who get new rings will be able to upgrade with self enchants.

With the new demand for these enchants I have seen dream shards dissappear from the auction house on my server and abyss crystals almost double in price.

Have you seen sales go up with regards to these item enhancements pre cataclysm?

7 comments: on "Pre Cataclysm Gold Guide - Elemental Invasion"

  1. D'oh, I'm an enchanter and I should have thought about the opportunity here! But instead, I've been so focused on trying to make glyphs for Cataclysm that I completely overlooked this glaringly obvious gold-maker.

    Thanks for the heads up! Now to see if the patch goes live overnight. :)

  2. Don't forget glyphs! People who have let their alts idle glyphless due to the cost increase are now busting out these toons to get the easy epix from the new bosses. They seem to be filling their glyph slots while idle in the capitals waiting for the event to restart. Since Merry Glyphmas began to slow down in the last weekish I'd fallen to the rate of selling maybe 20-30 a day, but I easily sold 50 between 6:00 PM and midnight. I'd wager when the servers come up and I check my mail there's another 40-50 sold sitting there waiting.

  3. For the Twilight Offering Bands, I'd actually suggest the +40 Stamina enchant since they're tanking bracers.

  4. I've only been seriously playing the AH since a few days after 4.0.1, so this is one of the first big demand pushes I've seen outside of just normal weekend stuff. I cashed in on 8-10 leg armors last night, as well as a few Major Agility cloak enchants and AP to bracers.

    I have also noticed a general bump in demand for uncommon/rare cut gems on the servers I play, probably due to people making that last push to 80 before 12/7. I know that the phasing of the pre-cata events definitely made me think about hitting the grind a little harder on my two 70+ alts.

  5. Now is also the time to dump and boe crafted epics that you already have made as many of these items replace some of the easily acquired gear.


    I warned about this 6 weeks ago, where were you? Check it out here:
    Pre-Cataclysm Twilight Bosses Loot

  6. Heh, don't forget about gems. I made 6K in the first two invasion cycles and the raws were dirt cheap due to stock dumping. I'll keep selling gems until Dec. 6, then drop the rest into my bank to help guildies level JC'ing.

  7. Yup, lots of people are idle in the cities and deciding to spend some gold while they wait. Take advantage!

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