Coming Very Soon

Hey guys, it’s Markco here. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
I hope everyone’s excited about the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria which was announced at Blizzcon 2 days ago which I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.
Capping off a very, very busy week for me, I had an extremely fruitful  meeting  with a very special person at the event yesterday and convinced him to help me on a very special project, something I have been working on for a very long time and is almost near completion.
A little insight into what I’ve been working on
In the last 5 years, I have helped over 13,537 players in making gold through my gold guide, 20KLeveling, one of the best-selling guides on the market. This is a testament its quality, the outstanding customer support and, of course, my loyal readers, I couldn’t have done it without you.
And just as World of Warcraft is a constantly evolving game, I am constantly searching for new ways to communicate and build a lasting relationship with you guys…
Close observers have noted that Blizzard is releasing new content and expansions at a faster pace, with new expansions (Patch 4.3) and a new expansion in the not too distant future in an attempt to solidify customer loyalty.
At JMTC, I constantly ask myself what I can do to reflect the shift in the WoW landscape.
Change = Opportunity
Sure, 20KLeveling remains the foremost authority on gold-making, but over the years I noticed that more and more players have been asking for a more complete solution to all their problems in the game.
They didn’t want to spend more than 2 hours a day playing the game to achieve all their goals in PvP, raiding and gold-making. They wanted an all-in-one answer, and a simple guide wasn’t going to cut it this time.
And so that’s what I’ve been working on. I needed a format that was going to take the WoW community by storm and provide you with exactly everything you needed to be the best in all aspects of the game. It took me a while but I believe that after the events that went down this past week that I have finally stumbled upon the perfect answer and you are about to become the beneficiary of that discovery.
This is probably the most ambitious WoW project I’ve ever attempted and it will be my final, lasting legacy to the WoW community.
I haven’t decided on the exact release date yet as I’m still putting the finishing touches to it but no doubt you will all be seeing it out VERY VERY soon, so keep your eyes peeled to this space.

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