There are 18 different BoE recipes that can be obtained in the Firelands that are crafted through the Blacksmithing, Leatherworking and Tailoring professions. Four can be used by Tailors, 6 by Blacksmiths, and 8 by Leatherworkers. All of these recipes require regular materials like volatiles and items like Dreamcloth and Pristine Hide among two others that before now had separated themselves from the rest of the required materials. The two I'm talking about are Chaos Orbs, and Living Embers. Since the arrival of the Firelands nerf, the Living Embers market on my server has plummeted to the ground. More people getting into the Firelands, and more people killing bosses equals more Living Embers on the auction house. These items have dropped on my server to around 500g each, leaving a huge profit margin for anyone who wanted to invest some time and a little gold into a sale with a large opportunity for profit.
With the news of the arrival of Chaos Orbs becoming BoE, I have seen more than one player with a crafting profession looking to use their Orbs to craft gear and other items before the price of them hits rock bottom. I can almost guarantee that the price will be higher while they are still a rarity, and can only be obtained through running heroics. I know people who through Cataclysm have stocked up 100s of these, and when the patch hits, there's no doubt in my mind that these orbs won't drop to an insanely cheap price.
The question is no longer who I can get the best deal on orbs from, but now who will be willing to sell their orbs for the lowest and still make some gold off them, instead of watching the patch drop and all their hours spent in heroics farming for them slipping away while the undercutting war rages. Finding a crafter with that mindset won't be hard at all, but the real challenge will be finding the crafters that actually have these recipes you're looking for. With the diversity of BoEs that can be crafted, theres no telling the opportunity available to the entrepreneur who decides to poke his head into this market. I know for a fact that many of these items are well itemized (Look into my previous post on selling BoE items if you'd like tips or help on moving these items once they've been manufactured). I know that the boots specifically are top sellers. The plate dps boots with strength are excellent, the plate tanking boots are very good, and the cloth dps boots are also excellent sellers. Some of these BoE items like these boots are better than the actual drops within the Firelands itself! They are well itemized and easily obtainable now that the prices of Chaos Orbs and Living Embers are down the drain. People looking to gear up for the next patch or looking for that final upgrade will be interested in these, and the newly available possibility to craft these cheaply and sell them is something that cannot be overlooked. Below is a full list of all the new Firelands recipes and the items that accompany them.
- Firelands Crafted Item RecipesBlacksmithingLeatherworkingTailoringSee if you can look into these markets and make sure they're profitable before jumping in. Test the market. Try and judge the demand, look for someone who can craft the item you're looking for, and make sure that the material cost of the item isn't too big for a solid profit margin.Feel free to get in touch with me or give me suggestions for future topics through my twitter @AlerickF
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