I first got into gold making because I needed some money to cover my usual expenses in-game. Training, mounts, enchants, gems and other expenses add up. My buddy loaned me 200 gold early on (Wrath era) so I wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to train or repair. I look back at those times now and simply can’t remember how I ever functioned that way.
As I started reading blogs, testing addons and learning the ins and outs of the auction house, I quickly discovered that I enjoyed playing this side of the game. But my first love was still running dungeons with friends and getting into the occasional raid. The problem is I don’t have much time to do those things, so I had to find short-cuts to make it possible.
One thing I've learned on my way up the auction house ladder is that it's important to have a purpose or goal in mind while making money.
Putting My Gold To Work
Eventually, I realized that I had everything I needed to make my life easier because of my auction house business. When Cataclysm dropped, I loved the idea of challenging heroics. Shortly after hitting 85, I wanted to get into them quickly, but I couldn’t afford the time to grind regulars for gear. So I purchased several 359 crafted items and BoE’s to get into the game quickly. I’ve done the same on two other characters so I could enjoy the game the way I want to.
I also love helping out my friends in-game. The buddy who loaned me gold recently celebrated his birthday. He was leveling his Hunter and was almost to 85. I wanted to run dungeons with him, so I sent him the two crafted 359s for his class in the form of wrapped gifts to speed along his journey into heroics. I also like gifting gems and enchants to guildies when needed.
Does it cut into my profits? Yes. But having a purpose for gold-making helps keep me going. I enjoy the auction house game, but I think I’d grow bored with it if there was no other purpose than to have lots of gold. Knowing the purpose of my gold-making also helps me spend it wisely to get the most enjoyment possible out of the game.
The Auction House isn't a total grind for me because there's a reason I'm doing it. It's fun, because it helps me run dungeons and raids with friends by providing gear upgrades and enhancements. It's fun because I get to help others who need it, while making a healthy amount of gold along the way.
So why do you make gold? Is it to purchase mounts, pets or gear? Are you chasing the gold cap? Do you do it just for the enjoyment? Are you trying to dominate a market? Is this your PvP? Or is there some other reason? How do your goals help shape your auction house game?
I consider myself a somewhat casual auctioneer. I can be found via Twitter @Aleithia3. I also like getting email at Aleithia AT jasonthedce DOT com. Send me your questions and I'll try to write about them on the site.
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3 comments: on "Why Do You Make Gold?"
Simen said... November 4, 2011 at 9:37 AM
I make gold because I don't like to worry about not having enough.
For a while I just made profits from aucitoneers resale function, but I quickly expanded into crafting equipment/gems/enchants/glyphs once cata hit.
I make more than enough to cover my own expenses, so once in a while I strike up a chat with someone asking for gold in general/trade chat. If they seem like nice people that need the gold for a good reason I usually give them around 5k.
Helping out the guild and fellow guildies is also nice. I quit right before 4.1 and the guild I was in had 5k in the gold bank. So I deposited 100k and said goodbye.
And I still had more then enough to restart my business and buy equipment for firelands raiding when I got back into the game 1 week ago :)
J.E. Douglas said... November 4, 2011 at 12:20 PM
For me, making money brings a lot of flexibility to playing wow.
If I need to get a toon geared up quickly because my guild needs it, then I can craft/buy the items quickly and be geared.
If I want some trinket or vanity pet on the AH, I can buy it.
Also lets me both teach people how to make money, and be generous to those that need it.
Plus if someone pisses me off I just bring out my big wow wallet and club them over the head with it
TheWoWExp said... November 6, 2011 at 5:39 PM
I make gold because it's something fun to do for me. Not many people are gold-capped (I'm not, myself), and it's always fun to mess with my friends at how much gold I have when they have very little. ;]
Although I do tend to hoard the gold I make for myself, I do like to help people out. I'll do random contests, give free items to people, or tip people for their services really high.
I've never really thought of using the gold I make to buy different vanity pets on the AH--most of them you can buy from a vendor anyone, unless they are the opposite faction's only.
The same goes for weapons and armor on the AH, I guess, though sometimes the urge to buy better gear is pretty immense. :P
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