Tips on How to Maximize Your Weekly Gold Income

Tuesdays are arguably the most important day of the market cycle. Tuesday is the day of the week when Blizzard applies patches, conducts maintenance, and makes overall repairs. These events occur during the morning on Tuesdays, and along with the above, there is an overall reset in the WoW community. All raid lockouts, valor point caps, conquest point caps and heroic dungeon lockouts are reset. In addition, through the early hours of the morning, to the afternoon following the maintenance, a lot of auctions will have expired, leaving said markets empty. This allows the attentive auctioneer who can try and be online as soon as possible after the servers are up, to post his auctions for whatever price he sees fit, and when people log on they will buy his stuff because it is the only of it up there.

People are often rushing to cap their conquest points on Tuesdays through arenas and rated battlegrounds in order to get their shiny new PvP gear asap. When these people get the gear, most of the time they want it enchanted and gemmed asap. They will pay the price on the auction house, and if you're keeping a close eye on it, the reset should have pushed the price up substantially if you were the first to post. For example, lets say the average price of Delicate Inferno Rubies on your server was 150g each. If they all expired during the hours directly before and during maintenance, there are none up. If you are the first to post, you can set them for say, 300g each. Now most of the time, people will begin to undercut from there, going from 299 to 298 to 297 and so on, and every gem that sells will be bringing in almost twice the gold it would have otherwise. Now on paper this sounds great, but if your market has a notorious auctioneer who will only post his items for a set price, and like to keep the market at a low(ish) profit margin where he is not maximizing gold, but instead holding himself to a certain limit; this could be a problem for you. For the most though, the market reset brings in a high demand for items like gems, enchanting mats,food, flasks, potions, and enchanting scrolls.

Now in addition to PvP, PvE raids also reset on Tuesdays. Many raiders will be looking to raid later that night, and in turn will have to stock up on flasks/potions not only for that night, but possibly for later in the week. The sales will be ok on Tuesday afternoons, but if you know what times the raiders on your server raid, try and make sure you are the only poster of an item they will need for the raid such as flasks,potions, and food, and try to create the most appealing auction using stack size, price, and number of stacks(if you want more detail, see my previous post on stack sizes). Since you know the demand will be high, and if the market is flooded at first, you can wait for the people whose auctions are much cheaper than yours and are selling for a loss to sell, or you can buy them all and repost a few of them at a time; channeling gold into your own bags if the demand is right. Keep in mind, doing something like this is only good if you know the demand of an item is high when you plan to sell it.

While keeping an eye on your auctions, make sure you're catering to the lower end audience as well as the higher. Oftentimes, people will be willing to spend less gold on things such as enchants, and since many people are more invested into the higher end and supposedly higher profit markets, having one for the more casual players will allow you to diversify, and diversity is key in this auction house game. Lesser versions of enchants such as +35 strength to gloves as opposed to +50, and +15 stats to chest as opposed to the better +20 can be a much better market to get into. The material costs of the slightly lesser enchants are oftentimes extremely substantial. You could be crafting the slightly worse one, for 10x less gold, and still be selling it for half or more of the price of the best one. Hardcore raiders and people looking to maximize their characters in every aspect will be the people who buy these high end enchants, but if you're just looking to throw an enchant on an item, and don't care if you're missing +5 stats or not, you will indefinitely purchase the cheaper of the two auctions especially if you're saving 50 percent gold. Keep all of these in mind while doing your auctions today or next week, and GL!

If you have any suggestions for future topics of discussion, want to get touch with me, or just want to give me feedback, feel free to contact me through my twitter @AlerickF

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