Do you Own Your Tree?

If you read the blurb at the end of my articles you can see that I spend much of my time on the Shandris server.   This has been the home for myself and the alt army since I started this game.  There have been other servers I've dipped my foot into,  but Shandris has been home for my gaming.

There are a mix of characters that have come and gone on the server.   I wouldn't say that Shandris is anything spectacular.  We have a little above average raiding group.  A average to above average economy (which I'm trying to make extraordinary of course) and a pretty good group of players.  With any server you get players who probably should be doing other things than griping in trade.

But there are a few that have made themselves known just simply by one thing.  They pseudo own a piece of property in Orgrimmar.   While watching trade chat he will announce his wares depending on which alt and profession he's selling that day,  and it all revolves around a tree that almost everyone knows is his tree in Orgrimmar.

I"ve even seen arguments of others saying 'that's not your tree,  that tree belongs to everyone.  Seems like a very valid argument til 10 players verbally lay a beat down on them saying 'he has had that tree for years'.  It's a fascinating deluge of support for something that technically isn't a part of the Warcraft game.   This is the epitome of having a reputation that everyone knows.

The question is have you set up your reputation in your home city that players know?   Do you have a spot that players know to come to you.  In the beginnings of wow I would see players (as well as myself) run to whoever had 5g for my crafting wares.   This was long before I looked to dominate the Auction House.  Running like a panting dog to get another 5-10g into my coffers.  As I progressed I saw a change in my attitude because I could wait for them to come to me.  Controlling my own crafting and selling destiny instead of being dependent on the whims of others.  Before the biggest letdown was that a player would change their mind the minute I arrived to finish the transaction.

Do I own a tree in Orgrimmar?   No,  not really.   There are players who know the spots that I pop up from my hearthstone so if I am arriving in town they know to wait there.   But I'm more partial to bushes than trees.   Still,  it would be nice to own a nice oak in Silvermoon.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Previous Entries

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Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2:  Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2:   Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?

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