I wasn't planning on ever joining the MMO scene again, especially not through a Blizzard game. All that changed this week when Diablo 3 announced two separate auction houses; one for gold and one for real money.
That's right, it will be possible to trade gold, items and even characters for real money to other players. What's more, you'll be able to cash out; transferring the money from a Blizzard account to your personal Bank account.
I. Am. So. Excited.
For this reason alone I will be returning to the blogging scene. I plan to dominate the game through youtube, twitter, podcasts, forums, and yes even a blog.
Right now I'm purchasing the domain Diablo Gold Secrets but you may need to visit through the wordpress version until it is finalized. If you're interested in witnessing the return of Markco to Blizzard's newest economy then please take a look at the site! It's going to be one hell (pun intended) of a ride.
My first post focuses on misconceptions that players have about this new auction house, like the idea that they will all Make Money Playing Diablo 3.
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10 comments: on "Markco Will Return for Diablo III"
Daniel Mckibbin said... August 3, 2011 at 8:44 PM
Haha, good to hear mate, I am planning on getting Diablo 3 as my first Diablo game, loved Starcraft 2 can't wait to see Diablo 3!
Darth Solo said... August 3, 2011 at 9:45 PM
I doubt anyone will be able to make lots of real money off of this, you included Markco, no disrespect. Blizzard said that if someone finds a way to game the system, they'll take measures to prevent that.
The problem here is that the most valuable items will also be very rare but at the same time there could be certain competition. For example if there's a 1/100K chance of an item dropping and there are 500K players using an auction house, there is a possibility that 5 of that item will be competing at the same time. Considering that the deposit costs are actual money, people will have an incentive to keep the price low so they can sell it quickly.
But we'll see. I'm skeptical. I won't even be playing D3 due to the lack of an offline mode.
Markco said... August 3, 2011 at 9:58 PM
It's an experiment in game economics on a grander scale than has been seen before (possibly more than second life). Who knows what will be possible. That being said, the fees blizzard imposes will cause players to have to post for a minimum amount or else they'll be losing money.
You can be certain that this will create an opportunity for savvy investors. At the bare minimum, I expect there to be money in that aspect of the auction house.
Zamboni said... August 4, 2011 at 3:15 AM
"For example if there's a 1/100K chance of an item dropping and there are 500K players using an auction house, there is a possibility that 5 of that item will be competing at the same time."
5 items, and 500K buyers. That's not competition.
Anonymous said... August 4, 2011 at 4:49 AM
yo Markco, great to hear
I will also try to make a buck in D3 and I think it will not be a problem. Friend of mien said. Remember in a new game no one has ingame currency at first. But everybody has money.
Anonymous said... August 4, 2011 at 8:07 AM
Diablo3 is not a MMO...
Thoriadok said... August 4, 2011 at 9:46 AM
Yeah man, I'm also very excited about this feature of Diablo 3. The gold auction house also looks interesting. When i first read about it, I imagined myself making lots of gold by just working the AH. And, on top of that, to be able to sell my hard earned gold for real money on the other AH, it's just fantastic.
One other D3 feature that caught my eye was the crafting system. We'll be able to "DE" most items we'll find on the game to get mats, and then use these mats for crafting. I imagine a lot of ppl will spend their days farming these mats to sell on the AH. Can you see where this is going?
Anonymous 1 and Zamboni: You make a very good point.
Anonymous 2: Yes, even though D3 is not actually a MMO, the AHs give it a MMO like feeling, since you'll be able to interact with the whole community, even though you won't be able to play the game with that many people.
Darth Solo: I think you're underestimating the ingenuity of some people. And yes, Blizzard will work hard to prevent exploits in the system, but they cannot prevent people from genuinely working the market. Just like in WoW. With the added difference that there will be real money involved.
Thoriadok said... August 4, 2011 at 9:47 AM
Markco said... August 4, 2011 at 1:15 PM
5 buyers, 499,995 buyers to be precise.
Darth Solo said... August 5, 2011 at 9:19 AM
Well, let's be honest here, not every one of those 500K players will want to buy items for real cash. I would imagine that relatively few would. I wouldn't.
Some of the possibilities are starting to sound intriguing. Like being able to sell gold. Or your characters.
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