Get thee To a TradeSkillMaster 2.0

If you have ever looked over at or there are a plethora (there is your quarter word for the day) of addons.   Addons that can change your view of the world.  Addons that can change how you attack,  defend, play pvp etc.   Just about anything you can dream about (other than farm for you).

One of the caveats I've always had is the attempt to automate gold making.  Addons can give you a large amount of information on the economy.  Addons cannot make those decisions for you with 100% accuracy.  No matter what the amount of information put into any gold making system,  there are peaks and valleys in a market that can cause hiccups in the system.

The other caveat I've always had with large money making addons is the idea that they are a jack of all trades and master of none. Addons becomes so large that it takes a college degree to be able to do the simplest of actions.  The Auctioneer addon fell into this trap.  The original version of Trade Skill Master also fell into this trap.  Both are excellent pieces of programming without the Blizzard API system.  But unless you spent hours and hours of tinkering most players would only use 2-3 parts of the system.

Now many journals ran reviews of the new Trade Skill Master.  I delayed mine the same reason that I delay jumping from one version of Windows to the 'upgrade'.  There are always bugs to work out even after an extensive beta testing.  Bugs are just going to happen with new software.  It is a part of having worked with computers for over 30 years (yes I'm that old).  I downloaded the beta version of the software and liked it.  Upgrading to the release version of the addon didn't change my like for the new interface and changes to increase productivity.   Now a couple of weeks ago version 2.1 was released that fixed many 'undisclosed software features' and made Trade Skill Master into a force to be reckoned with.

Sapu94, Bart39 and Drethic along with a large contingency of testers and developers have created the must have addon for any serious gold maker.  But fair warning:  It is still big and daunting.  It has a high learning curve to be able to put it through it's paces.  But it has improved many of the simple functions as well as made a complete overhaul for posting and storage.

There are already many tutorials and walk throughs on setting up your new toy properly.

TSM Official Forum from Sapu94
Cyan TSM has a good starting setup guide on TSM 2.0
TSM 2.0 video Tutorial by Phat Lootz

After you have all of your items ready for the patch day next week.  Take a look at TSM 2.0 and see if you're ready to take a dive into the deep end of the pool. 

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

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