Sense of Entitlement

Mommar here.

When I started playing World of Warcraft it was a very creative,  difficult game to master.   I've given you many stories of my questionable calls when playing.  Just as everyone else who plays WOW,  there is a steep learning curve on how to play.

As the game progressed through expansions it became easier and easier to obtain epic items.  At first it was only during raids and very high level of reputations could you get the ultimate in purple gear.  Later expansions opened it up to crafting,  making epics more and more available. 

Now it feels that you only have to shake a stick and an epic falls from the trees.  This is both a good thing and a bad thing.  The good is that it can make the game enjoyable to play.  Setting up the idea that players talent isn't dwarfed by the luck of the epic drop.

The bad thing is that there builds a sense of entitlement for epic drops.  As Patch 5.4 approaches this will become more and more apparent.  How many instances will you run where someone will start cursing up a storm because 'their drop' didn't happen.  Or worse,  they lost the roll for that drop and it's all your fault.

This is why I like making gold.  Where I might not be able to be the most epic of items with gold.  I can put together a nice set of gear just from crafting and buying.  My ability to make gold in the game is the only limitation that I have.  It can relieve the pressure of waiting for 'my drop' to happen.  This doesn't give you everything in the game of course.  Just read my not so legendary search for the Reins of the Raven Lord here and you can feel some of my phantom pain.

The biggest tool you have is your mind.  And making gold in this game,  obtaining epics and enjoying the game is completely dependent on that tool.  So the next time that someone throws an epic tizzy because they didn't get their drop for the 50th time.   Take a peek at that epic sword you bought and enjoy the rest of the run.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

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