Yep gang it's here. Today is patch day. In a few hours we will all be logging in, running around checking out the new toys and enjoying the freshness of a new patch.
Before the servers dropped off to load up the patch I did a quick grab for all of the cheap materials that were on the server. Surprisingly there wasn't a lot there which usually means they are higher priced. But the average cost were reasonable especially with the possibility of charging for higher prices less than 12 hours later.
The biggest goal I have for today is to make sure that I have all of my crafting professions starting to generate the new patterns available. That means they all get to run over to the Pandaria until the magic tome or pattern drops. I expect many a grumbling about bad rolls in the upcoming couple of days.
Also before I went to bed for the night with dreams of smacking down Hellscream and his minions I dropped presents in the mail for my farming mercenaries crew. I decided that they probably needed the friendly motivation to be reminded who takes care of them in both the cutthroat opening days of a patch and the dog days as interest in crafting wanes.
The last thing I did is plant all of my toons that would be farming for patterns at my favorite spots depending on their classes. My warrior will be running around the new Timeless Isle getting geared up for a return to raiding. I had been lax in my gear runs concentrated on leveling toons and making gold. So it will take me a concentrated week to get up to raid gear worthy status.
Ans as always, my last but not least goal is to have some fun in the next couple of weeks. I belittle this to death I'm sure but it's just as important to me as how much gold I made yesterday. The longer a game goes the more that boredom can kick in. So finding the enjoyment out of simple things can bring me back to the keyboard over and over again.
See you on the other side
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Patch 5.4: Mental Preparation
You Found What????
Hearthstone: The Beginning
Patch 5.4: Budgeting for the Patch
Get thee To a TradeSkillMaster 2.0
Patch 5.4 Prep: No Sleep til Brooklyn
Customer First
You're Squishing My Items
The Ways of The Force Are Strange
It's a Date.. Maybe?
Kill The Death Knight.. Kill It Now
Time to Remodel The Financial House
Sense Of Entitlement
Patch 5.4: Golden Lotus Beatdown
Four Levels of Wow Activity
Patch 5.4: Preparing your Farmers
Patch 5.4: Easy Gear.. Easy Go
Prepping for Patch 5.4: The Beginning
The End of a Pricing Era
Patch 5.4 prep: Do You Know Where Your Tailor Is?
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