17 Steps to Using Quick Auctions 3

Quick Auctions 3 Guide - 17 Steps

Setup and Posting

If you are using skillet, type /skillet standby to temporarily disable it while using quick auction. This is necessary for when you go to craft your glyphs, gems or enchanted scrolls. Since this tool is most commonly used by glyphers, I will be saying glyph while I explain how to use it, but you can interchange the word with gem or scroll. You can also expand quick auctions to include any item you sell in world of warcraft.

1. First off, type /qa config
2. Scroll down to post time and make it 12 hours
3. Post Cap at 2
4. Per Auction 1
5. Undercut by 1c
6. Price Threshold 3 gold (This is the value at which the price has gotten too low and you won't go any lower. YOu will post at this value at that point.)
7. Enable Auto Fallback
8. Fallbacks 60 gold (This is the value you will post when no one else has posted the item. Definately change this value for gems or scrolls.)
9. Now you are setup and ready to get started!
10. First, go to the auctions tab of the auction house UI. Select Summary at the top right, and then select glyphs on the left of the new UI that pops up.
11. Next, select get data, and then view the list on the right hand side of the UI that appears. You will see three columns. Column one tells you the name of the item, has an x if you can't craft it, and if you left or right click you can modify how many of the glyph you'd like to craft. In the middle column you can mouse over and get a description of what each value means. Green means you are the lowest, red means you've been undercut. You don't really need this number right now, atleast not until after you've posted the first time. The final column is the lowest buyout of that glyph currently on the auction house. Keep in mind QA does it's own scans, so you don't need to keep rescanning each time you use a feature of the tool.
12. Left click on any items above the value you'd like to sell glyphs for. I personally like to use 8 gold as my lowest point to craft glpyhs. Run down the list and use the Hide Uncraftables option in the bottom left to remove all the X's from view. Make as many glpyhs as you want, but I recommend 2 of each that you'd like to sell to get started.
13. Now exit the UI and open up your inscription tab. Here you will find a list on the right of all the glyphs you'd like to craft. Scroll down the list to see the materials you need for your crafting adventures. Go get them and then left click each glyph once to do a create all for that glyph of the amount you specified. This means you click once on Glyph of Disease and it will create as many as you specified earlier. If it was two then two will be created and you only need to click once to make that happen. You will need to click once for every glyph type you wanted to make.
14. Once this is done, type /QA config
15. Select Item groups at the bottom of the left hand side UI and type in the name glyphs or your character's glyphs or whatever you'd like. Now select that new Item Group and look at the auction settings tab. Here you could overide any general selections you made earlier, which is great for glyphs or gems or scrolls that sell at very different prices from the rest (ie an enchant like berserking).
16. Now go to the Add Items tab and type in glyph, then click add item. This will add every single item in your bags with the name glyph to your list of items you will use QA for when posting/canceling. You can make as many item groups later as you want and you can then add items individually by clicking on them. For the berserking enchant you could make a whole new group for just berserking with its own auction settings if you wanted to.
17. Now go to the auction house UI and select auctions. Click Post from the options at the top of your UI. BAM! All your glyphs magically get posted super fast at the perfect prices! Come back in a few hours to do the next step.


To cancel your auctions go to the auction house UI and then select auctions. Click Cancel to cancel any auctions in which you are no longer the best price. You could view your summary tab under the auctions tab to see how many glyphs you have been undercut on first (remember to select get data under glyphs first). Now go to the mailbox, get your glyphs, then return to the auction house and click post under the auctions tab. All your glyphs will magically get shot back onto the auction house at the best price.

Quick Tips

To turn skillet back on, simply type /skillet standby

You will need to add more items to your glyph item group should you create new glyphs. Simply open up the item group, select the Add Items tab and type glyph then add item like you did before. Do this if you notice items not appearing in your QA list of items to craft after you've selected them in the summary tab.

Have Materials should be unchecked when viewing your profession tab. Otherwise items you want to craft but need materials for won't show up.

All prices in Quick Auction are based on individual items, not stacks.

11 comments: on "17 Steps to Using Quick Auctions 3"

  1. Please tell me you use KTQ to craft your glyphs. I used to craft them using QA but it took forever.

  2. Are you sure @ #6? For me, if market is below threshold, it posts at fallback (#8).

  3. Long time reader, first time poster, just wanted to throw in something for today's post:

    I'm not sure if Skillett has been updated, but I've never had to manually disable it to post with qa3; it's always worked fine.

    Another thing I've found is that if you play on a server with a low population, it's better to have the fallback turned off: I'll have the lowest price for a gem, but I won't sell both of them (posting 2 at a time). It's not because my prices are too high, it's just because there's not enough market for blue gems on my server to sell more than 3-4 of each gem per day. Posting at auto-fallback for me is like throwing away the 67s listing fee.
    Other than that, I'm glad you wrote up a QA3 tutorial. It took me a few days to figure out how to work it, and tweak it.

  4. Thanks for the great guide, just started using QA3 and it was always posting at the lowest price and not the fallback price even when there were no other auctions, I'll look through my setup and see if there is anything I missed when I next get a chance (it will probably be really obvious)

  5. Great Post Markco...I been begging you to do this for months..Thanks!

  6. A million times thank you!

  7. #5 is confusing, if autofallback is not used then it will post at that value, otherwise fallback will be used.

  8. Marco, awesome guide!!

    For some reason all of my glyphs are not being added to my group. Because when I go to post all my glyphs, there are still a bunch left in my bags. I've tried adding them several times but when I go to post auctions it says "you have no new auctions to post". Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you =)

  9. you probably already have those glyphs posted so it won't repost more. For instance if I have one glyph of whirlwind on the ah and I told qa3 to only post one total then it will not post more no matter how many times I try to read the glyph. If you want to post more glyphs then you need to tell qa3 how many total glyphs of each type can be allowed on the auction house at a time.

  10. Hi, just installed QA3, did all the settings, but for some reason it's only posting a small portion of my glyphs... For all the others I get a message in the log saying it's been queued?

    For example: "Queued [glyphph] to be posted"

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong? ty

  11. I have the same problem. I am sure it is something I have missed out on but I have not found the solution yet.

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