Markco's Corner - Where is my Borean Leather?


Not much game time, maybe made like 20k or so and didn’t do any crafting or purchasing of materials. I have two guild tabs of saronite ore, a tab of frostweave/netherweave cloth, a half tab of titanium ore, a tab and a half of enchanting materials (including eternals and vellums) and 6 tabs of finished goods from all professions waiting to be sold. Gems take up the most space as I am selling rares, uncommons and epics. I also have a toon with all inscription bags selling my glyphs and she has 5-10 of every glyph within my profit range. The only thing that bothers me is that I’m out of is borean leather, which sucks because I love my leg armors! If I don’t find some supply soon I will need to start buying much more expensive leather and raise my prices across the board for leatherworking. I think I have like 20 leg armors total that are crafting and selling today and if those run out I will be one sad Markco. Blizzard stop banning my suppliers lol (my only explanation for lack of borean leather on the ah)!

My cross faction trading has been very limited and I’m basically buying only a few items on my horde toons to get some gold over to the alliance and then I simply use my alliance toon as a second source of mats for the horde crafting side. I’d love to actually work both ah’s at once but I just don’t have the time! Just looking at the sheer volume of items I post horde side (2-3k!!!) I can’t imagine doubling my time and posting the same quantity on the alliance side. For now my alliance friends will remain my suppliers of materials :D (mmm titanium ore for 8 gold a piece? yum!).

I have a character with a duplicate profession (mining) and I’m going to turn him into an alchemist for some crazy bonus daily transmutes :D

Work was pretty tough this week and I had to really cut back on the game time. I also started looking into game coding again, one night I spent a few hours looking through some of the games I made in college: a side scrolling 2-d space shooter, 3-d stick figure zombie game where you run around a little city saving people from the hungry undead, 3-d flight simulator that reminded me of starfox, a puzzle game where you build your own 3-d boards for the playing pieces to travel on although the game had no real mechanics besides building the board and traveling around it, and even some of my old c++ games like crazy eights. Looking through all this stuff made me wonder if maybe 5-10 years from now I’ll go back to school and try my luck at game programming. Maybe I’ll be the next mmo designer for blizzard haha. You wouldn’t like that though, because prot warriors would kill everything with a single shield slam >:)

8 comments: on "Markco's Corner - Where is my Borean Leather?"

  1. You wouldn’t like that though, because prot warriors would kill everything with a single shield slam >:)

    You could at least be modest and only take 50% of my life :(, oh wait they did in s5 (I played vs you in S5 when you played hpally prot warrior and you crit my priest for 12000) :P

  2. We played as ret pally (in holy gear) prot warrior actually! It wasn't until the very end of season 6 that we switched due to nerfs but we had gladiator already.

    Ok maybe I will make it 50%, that way you have a few more seconds to scream and run before dying lol

  3. Instead of waiting 5-10 years to go back to school, why don't you just take some online courses from a real university? Might cost you some money and time yeah, but it'd be worth doing now, instead of later.

  4. Ah yes, I forgot about the ret/repentance spec in S5 for pallies. I guess there was a reason I forgot /shudder. I played Priest/Rogue in s5 so it was nearly impossible to get glad in 2s had to do in with RMP where you didn't really see prots.

  5. AJ Boilanger said...

    Instead of waiting 5-10 years to go back to school, why don't you just take some online courses from a real university? Might cost you some money and time yeah, but it'd be worth doing now, instead of later.

    Probably because it's really hard to break into programming for these large game companies, if not almost impossible.

    I know one university just opened up a Game Programming Degree. Demand for the course was 2-3 times what they expected. I suspect that most drop the major at the first or second C++ midterm.

  6. Hey Markco, your programming reminded me I wanted to ask you something:

    Any plans on making a Starcraft 2 blog? It is amazing I can't find a single up-to-date blog about starcraft 2 (not just news, analysis, opinion, etc. Stuff like wow blogs).

    I can find dozens of wow blogs...but SC2 blogs just dont seem to exist...I've been thinking of starting my own!

  7. Hi Marko,
    Since 3.3.5 are some bots detectable. Expect prices to go up up up

  8. Borean Leather has been ridiculous on my realm since 3.3.5 dropped. I'm currently looking at stacks of 8 gold. For the scraps! Regular leather is 25-30G a stack, up from about 8-9 pre-3.3.5. I haven't done this before, but I'm almost motivated to find a farmer for myself.

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