What would you do if you reached the cap?

Pass the twinkies, beer and arctic fur coasters, it's time for the Wow Gold Blogging Carnival! Come one come all, Markco the gold guru with the most commonly misspelled name of all warcraft legends has gathered together quite a collection of wow gold articles from across the Azerothean blogosphere! We have everyone from gold aficionados to common players all mixed together into a smorgasbord of information. Pass the popcorn and enjoy the vast range of topics and cataclysm gold lovin' goodness. Feedback is greatly appreciated and be sure to comment on articles you enjoyed reading. Also let the author know that you found their link via my site to promote collaboration among bloggers. That's the goal of a blogging carnival after all, besides providing excellent content.

Be sure to check out past carnivals and give feedback in the comments on what you'd like the next carnival to be about. If you are a gold blogger and looking for additional ways to generate traffic for your site between carnivals then take a look at Traffic Blogger.

Prncesspwn's AH
Since being on this quest for gold capped, I've always knew what I was gonna do when I get gold-capped. I've always said I'm gonna buy every mount in the game & every pet I can find. Since I'm a pet and mount collector this makes since for me, because before I seriously considered collecting serious amounts of gold, I couldn't finish my 100 mount achievement, because I never had enough money to get the last 6 mounts I need.

Bangkok Bill's World of Goldcraft
Well the basic answer to that is easy. I'll set aside 100k to spend on any doodads that I want and then use the rest to speed me on my way to two million gold. The thing I haven't decided is how risk averse I will be in my path to two million gold. I could use the 900k in a relatively safe manner - sticking to whatever tried and true tricks of the goldmaking trade are profitable at the time.

Auction House Addict
Well, I would really like the 100 mount achievement so I guess I'll buy mounts to make up that total & also the pet achieves. I still haven't bought a chopper or the traveler's tundra mammoth so I guess I'd have to allow myself those luxuries but whether I splash out for all my level 85's or just for 1 or 2, I don't know yet. I suppose I should treat my ever suffering husband to something special & probably a few of my closest guildies too but I don't quite know what yet!

Player Vs Auction House
If you have been using Auditor for any length of time, there is feature of it that is useless 99% of the time, but this happens to fall under the 1%: total audit. The release of 4.0 broke most of my addons beyond repair, so this is only since Cataclysm was released. I broke the 400k mark for the first time a few days ago, but nearly 2 million gold has whipped through my bags in the last five months. Does that not count? Why do I say "I've broken the 400k mark for the first time?"

The Gold Queen
Hey guys, ever really really been attracted to a gorgeous girl (or guy) and flirted your heart out, and been slightly disappointed when she turned out to be a big pushover? Ever been back to an old dungeon in World of Warcraft, like Scarlet Monastery or Molten Core, and remembered how difficult the pulls were, how hard it was to complete and then felt a bit mellow to discover those bosses you worked on for so long were now just a walk in the park.

Dark Tuesday
To actually hit the gold cap, and then spend the gold, I’d have to stop doing half of what I love most… spending gold.  The other half is making gold.  Spending gold at that level presents an actual challenge if you’ve been buying up the gold sink items all along the way. I and my friends have the choppers and the Tundra Mammoth and every other (normal) gold sink there is.

Capped By Cata
This one is quite an interesting question. What would you do if you hit the new Gold Cap? Well, I don't really think a lot would change. Other then that fact I would spend my way back down. The original Gold Cap of 214k had sort of a nostalgia factor, while this newly imposed cap doesn't feel quite the same to me. Anyway, I think my goals would stay the same. I would still look for the newest ways to make Gold. Focus on consistency overtime, and continue to develop the content I bring to you guys.

Just My Two Copper
Personally I think this is a great topic that bloggers can write about. I'm almost at 600k, what would I do with my million gold? Trading Card Game mounts for one, I've had my eye on a swift spectral tiger for a while, and a mottled drake & a riding turtle wouldn't hurt. I'd also probably buy a couple achievements/mounts that are obtained through raiding, mainly Invincible and Mimiron's head. I'd also probably hand out some gifts to my friends, mainly choppers and sandstone drakes.

Xander's Gold Mine
Well I already have a hard time keep a hold of the gold I do have. But my problem is not spending it on vanity items its spending it to make more. But if I was to have a million I wouldn’t stop anything I am currently doing right now I would still be making gold. But I would also be able to buy whatever the hell I wanted. Be it armor, pets, mounts. I think when I reach the 1,000,000 gold. My quest to obtain every mount possible in game will be able to be put into action.

WoW or Gold
With 1 million (currently sitting at 800k+) gold at my disposal i'll be happy about having reached my goal. It will feel like a good accomplishment after all these years of auctioneering and learning about gold making. When i've reached my first million i'll pat myself on the back and say "job well done!". After that i'll set my aim on the next big WoW goal. That goal will either be a gold related goal, ie. accumulating 3 million gold or it could be a gaming related goal like levelling Alliance Grayz to 85, get active with PvP or even PvE on my main (level 85 Hunter).

Alto's Goldish Advice
Well, most of you know I am capped. Been that way for a while now. I guess the thing that I see the most is folks say they will purchase "this, this, and this" when they get there. The drag is, I gotta call bullshit on that. Your spending will follow the same you do now. Let me rephrase, if you blow your gold now (no, not that way xander...) you will continue to do so. If you spend very little, keep your gold close to you, then you will cap and then some.

That's all for this month folks! An excellent set of submissions from the blogosphere, be sure to drop by and leave a comment or two on their blogs! Also be sure to check out the past JMTC Blogging Carnivals for even more great stuff to read!

4 comments: on "What would you do if you reached the cap?"

  1. Just reached the Cap Friday night, and now im sitting with a kinda Moo feeling. Most of my time in WoW was restling with the usual Goblins on the AH (esp a little gnome named Ruthan), raiding and that was it. So now im kinda in a void...I still check and post when i log on, but dont really feel inclined to log on other than for Raiding.
    But I didnt have an exact plan for what to do when i reached the goal-line. All started in Aug last year where the goal was to reach the cap of 100K, but then came Cata, and the bar was raised, so i just kinda followed suit and just pushed my own goal to 1 mio...
    Bacially, I need a new project! And dont say to cap out all my 10 chars...the missus will kill me :)

    Newly born Millionaire
    Adises of Draenor (EU)

  2. I reached cap on 12th feb, now i am sitting on 1,5 mil+ cash.
    As anyone can see, my next step is to reach 2 million gold.

  3. Soon to hit 2million.....will likely just stay in glyph market as it is just too easy. The rest I will just leave.

  4. Well I can attest is the more money you have the more money you can make. I hit gold cap on 3/4 and now 2 months later I'm at 2 million liquid plus massive inventory.
    But I've probably need to slow it down as I am spending 15+ hours making gold, 10 hours raiding (9/12), 10 hours playing, and a full time job. Something has to give me for as it's affecting me too much. Personally I think I want to stop raiding and playing. Then maybe just focus on gold making and casual leveling some new toon and spenting only 10-15 hours a week in WOW.

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