Written by Razz. If you'd like to see more posts from Razz, give a thumbs up in the comments!
This post will teach you how to make a lot of gold even though you’re not online. Or well at least not
in game. Picture yourself doing 5-10k extra every day while you´re in school, at work or with your
time-consuming girlfriend. Awesome right!?
I call it Igold, it`s not a revolutionary way of making gold, it`s just a new way of using your old skills
in a modern way. Whenever I`m at work, going to work or just slacking with my girlfriend I can just
pop up my AH remote on my iPad and put some Gems, Enchants or just materials like Volatiles etc
up. With the AH remote I can adjust my auctions to the markets ups and downs and in just that way
make 1xxxxx of gold in a few months.
I´ve been using the AH remote since the start of 2011 and made 1,45M G which is pretty good in my
world. Note that I only possess Enchanting, JC and low inscriptions so I have limited tools but I use
them very well. And I only started with a couple of hundred G.
I start my day by taking a coffee by the computer and prospect some ore if needed, shuffleshuffle,
and then I cut all gems I can, enchant some scrolls and then I’m off to work. This is like 25-30min
work and will generate $$ later on.
By reading the earlier post made by all the pros you can find all the tools that are needed for Igold
too, but here is a bullet list that I put together. Of course you can dig deeper in each one but this is
the key bullets that I use to make it as efficient as possible:
-The best time to sell is 7:00-9:00 , 16:00-20:00 and 00:00-7:00. (At my server)
-Make sure you know your competitors i.e. you know how they sell and when they do it.
-Don’t over flood the market i.e. you only have 200 ahs so make sure you use them right.
-Take advantage by knowing what to sell and how much you need for example crafting
-Have as many different auction up as possible during the time periods mentioned above,
not meaning you should put up all crap you have but all gems, enchants, volatiles etc.
-If you can, control the market i.e. if it`s only one auction up and it`s cheap, buy it and re-
post it for a good price.
-Earlier posts always talk about patience, this way of selling is really demanding in that way.
You will not get rich in one day, a week or even a month. You have to keep those ahs up and
try to avoid your competitors when they over flood the market.
-Think of Igold as the extra icing on the cake, not your major income (even though it has
become that to me)
So to sum up Igold it is a way for you who see yourself as a goblin and want to earn that extra gold
when you usually make zero/nada. But it can also be helpful tool for you who hardcore raid, play a lot
of pvp and don’t have time for ah-leechin. Or maybe you do play 4-5h a day, but you just don’t want
to spend them at ah. In either way you can make extra by just keep your ahs on top and sometimes
use the fluctuations of the market.
I hoped you enjoyed the post and I`ll be happy to write more on how to really use the Igold more
Best regards
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7 comments: on "IGold: Remote Auction House"
Selenity said... July 7, 2011 at 8:29 AM
Actually, for me that is a time consuming boyfriend...I hate getting boyfriend aggro when I am trying to post auctions. >.<
Raz said... July 7, 2011 at 9:13 AM
Hehe, im sorry, it should be GF/BF...At least they steal our precious time ;)
Anonymous said... July 7, 2011 at 3:49 PM
To each is own I suppose.
I see buying the RAH every month as akin to buying gold.
You might as well take the money you spend and by gold with it instead.
Not saying your strategy is bad or does not work.
It's just not my cup of tea!
The article itself was insightful... Good job.
scottiegazelle said... July 7, 2011 at 7:19 PM
I see where you're coming from, you're essentially trading money for gold. But instead of your $$ going to some poor guy forced to play WoW or some dude hacking acts, it's going to Blizz, while you get the feeling that you're being strategic (what I, and I think most goblins, like best abt playing the AH).
That said, I'm too cheap to buy an iphone so no way I'm dropping money on mobile ah lol. Good strat for those who do, though.
Raz said... July 8, 2011 at 1:12 AM
Thanks for reading and your comments!
I do use the traditional AH as everyone else but feel that since I started to work I don´t have the same amount of time to hang around to see I´m not undercut.
To answer your comments:
1. I got the phone from work.
2. 3,5$ (dunno how much it is a month) is in gold-buying-terms...3k or what.? I made 340k last month. Better equation to me.
3. Isn´t blizz already taking our money every month? I just like to play arena/raid when i get back from work and not have to go through my mails and re-post every single ah.
Critical Goblin said... July 8, 2011 at 2:25 AM
Condensed 2 line version:
1. "This post will teach you how to make a lot of gold even though you’re not online."
2. Use RAH on your iphone/ipad.
Magical. Why did Critical not think of this. I could have 3mil gold instead of 2mil. Oops did I just accidentally slip how much gold I have into my post to make me sound more credible? How silly of me, my bad.
Critical says put down the ipad, pull your dingdong out and do the freaky with your hot girlfriend. You make us nerds ashamed.
Raz said... July 11, 2011 at 4:25 AM
Ehm you`re truely living up to your name.
It´s a tool that some people can use, not said every gold nerd have to. But it´s a way to make gold so that you you don´t have to farm when you really can play. Try to get best gems/enchant if you´re just able to play a couple of hours per week. That said it´s a post for people with real lives ;)
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