Wow Rep Grinds and Gold Guides

This post was written by Dicci as a submission to become a writer here at JMTC. If you liked the article then please leave a comment letting Dicci know!

Hey guys Dicci here, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find that making gold is awesome provided you don’t have to do much work. Who wants to be sitting by the AH babysitting your gems when there’s still achievements to get, reputations to grind, heroics to run? Not me, that’s for sure. I like finding simple, lazy ways to make gold while enjoying other aspects of the game and you know what? I found a few ways that work mighty fine for me!

I started with reputation grinding. I worked hard over the course of a few months, and got the “Insane in the Membrane” feat of strength. In this rep grind I found myself running Stratholme, Dire maul, and Scholomance multiple times in order to find all the large brilliant shards, librams, skins of shadow and abomination stitching I needed to get through my Shen’dralar rep. At this time I was able to get almost a stack of shards each scholo run, and therefore ended up with way more mats than I needed (please be aware this was pre-Cataclysm, read on to see new zones for farming these). This got me thinking; why not use my rep grinding to my gold making advantage? Even after Cataclysm hit, there are still some valuable grinds to do. Now, is this the best g/hr? No. However, you can still make gold while playing the game, and I’ve found there are a few different reps that can be highly profitable:

Shattered Sun- Farm Magisters Terrace to gain a mount, a pet, and bucket loads of enchanting mats like arcane dust, and planar essence. Not to mention there’s a chance to find a fun little trinket! With the extra gold you make, you can even buy yourself a lovely new title!

Sha’tari Skyguard- Farm the Skettis Arakkoa mobs in Terokkar forest to get scrolls for your rep, and a chance to get an awesome trinket from Terokk. The mobs sometimes drop greens to DE, but those extra scrolls you get are great to sell for some extra cash, not to mention the boe epics and blues that Terokk so kindly leaves to you on his death.

Cenarion Expedition- Farming the Steamvault gets you rep all the way to exalted, plus there are the usual enchanting mats and some coilfang armaments which can be sold to all those reputation whores who won’t do the hard work themselves! Another easy way for rep with the Cenarion Expedition is the repeatable quest in Borean Tundra from Arch Druid Lathorius (with D.E.H.T.A). Killing these humanoids for the quest nets you a bit of frostweave cloth, and if you’re a tailor you can increase your profits here considerably.

Hydraxian Waterlords- Get into Molten Core and farm up some rep with the Hydraxian Waterlords. With each kill not only will you get your enchanting mats, but you’ll get a few drops that can be used to increase your Thorium Brotherhood reputation! That’s two birds with one stone! Don’t forget to sell your extra fiery cores for easy gold. Also this is a raid so you can only do it once a week!

Cenarion Circle- Get out there to Silithus and farm those Twilight Cultists. The cultists drop Twilight Texts which can be turned in for reputation, and also garments which until 4.1 would allow you to summon bosses. Killing the cultists gives the chance to collect greens for dust and runecloth to sell. The texts and garments can be traded, so selling them for reputation or for RP can prove to be profitable also! There is no news yet as to when or if this windstone boss bug will be fixed.

If you’re looking to sell reputation, then some profitable rep’s include: Aldor/Scryer (Marks and signets from Outlands), Darkmoon Faire (dense grinding stones and any DMF deck), Consortium (ethereum prison keys from Netherstorm), Sporeggar (sanguine hibiscuses from the Underbog), and Ravenholdt (pickpocket mobs in Lower Blackrock Spire).

Finally, my favourite of them all: Argent tournament. This reputation is the BEST for money making. Firstly, you’re getting about 13g a quest turn in, not to mention the extra 10g from the bags in the quest reward. Second, you’re killing mobs that drop frostweave and greens, allowing for great profit on cloth and dusts. Finally, you’re getting seals from completing the dailies; these seals can be turned in for pets and sold on the auction house for around 3-5k each. You should find that prices on these pets won’t drop too much, as they’re always in demand (especially with achievements for pets out there) and dailies aren’t always the most enjoyable thing to do in game so supply rarely ever meets demand. So if you can stomach some dailies, then the return isn’t too bad!

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16 comments: on "Wow Rep Grinds and Gold Guides"

  1. Please note: If you're worried that you don't have an enchanter of your own, then all you need is to have an enchanter in your group (not necessarily in the instance/zone with you) and you’ll be able to DE everything instantly!

  2. Very good post, i am currently doing a number of these runs for achievements/mounts/pets at present. While doing some of the rep grinds i was willing to pay silly amounts of money just to get exalted quicker.

  3. "I like finding simple, lazy ways to make gold while enjoying other aspects of the game.."

    ..And then you contradict yourself by suggesting to go farm reps.

    Ye. Not everyone finds rep grinds to be a 'simple, enjoyable aspect of the game'.

  4. Woah, Dicci!

    ...are you even on Grizzly Hills anymore?

  5. @ Anon 1, I find zoning out while i watch TV and kill mobs is pretty lazy. Not for everyone, but oh well.

    @ Anon 2, I surely am on the Ghetto Hillz! Who might you be? :D

  6. Awesome point. I do spend my time babysitting gems and I've been looking for other things to do as well, I may take this up. Not to mention that some reps get you access to designs/patterns that you can't get otherwise and can sometimes make gold off of. Nice post, Dicci!

  7. Dicci!! i have to say we think alike =D i do exactly that. plus i love to farm reps/pets/mounts! im not too big about making gold, but it does accumulate doing just those things. i was able to give a good amount of gold to my lil sister. was being helpful considering this is her first time playing WoW =3

  8. Random Faggot said... July 10, 2011 at 8:42 PM

    I really enjoyed your guide. That achievement is a long one, but tackling it is very rewarding like you said. It's a great way to appreciate some forgotten instances (long enough until you've become sick of them). Plus the trash you loot and materials you gain fixes the economy; vendering the trash puts gold into the market, and the bulk of enchanting materials gives you control over that market. If it's not about the gold for you, then maybe you could sell the mats for an appropriate price :3

  9. I really enjoyed your guide. That achievement is a long one, but tackling it is very rewarding like you said. It's a great way to appreciate some forgotten instances (long enough until you've become sick of them). Plus the trash you loot and materials you gain fixes the economy; vendering the trash puts gold into the market, and the bulk of enchanting materials gives you control over that market. If it's not about the gold for you, then maybe you could sell the mats for an appropriate price :3

  10. Rich Uncle Pennybags said... July 11, 2011 at 2:38 PM

    Good stuff. I don't particularly care about rep, but I would dearly love the trinket from Magister's Terrace as well as the rare enchants. If one happens to be an enchanter, one will be able to pick up Void Shatter with the rep one gains from the instance, which dovetails quite well. Also, it's nice if one has a toon or three of a level appropriate to the instance tagging along, and even nicer if their your own from an additional account(s). Free exp is free exp. Also, the BoP formulas and recipes are visible only to toons with the respective professions. A pet herbalist would be most welcome in Dire Maul.

    Finally, as to the hater @#3: we all know that the most efficient GPH is babysitting a diverse array of auctions on both factions while scanning for bargains and prospecting/ milling/ crafting 18 hours a day. The payoff is fantastic. The process is unimaginably tedious. There's really no more to be said about it. At worst, this article adds value to an activity one might be inclined to engage in anyway. It's fine.

  11. This was well written grammatically, but it was ruined with the thought of tediously grinding out rep. If I want to that, I will camp the AH.

    I give it two thumbs down.

  12. @Last anon, the point of this article was to do things outside of camping the AH, did you not read this? I didn't say it was the best g/hr, and I didn't say it was for everyone. In fact I said "works mighty fine for me" not mighty fine for you anon.

  13. Thumbs up and I shared it with my lazy guildies who want easy ways to make gold.

  14. Rich Uncle Pennybags said... July 12, 2011 at 6:13 PM

    You guys are a trip. ***NOTHING*** is as boring as playing the AH to its fullest potential. That's just as it should be, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Let’s say rep farming were equally tedious, an argument I'm unwilling to concede. So you get less GPH but are compensated with an intangible: the ranks and eventually the title (s). Is it worth it? That's a decision any individual is entitled to make for themselves. Either answer is perfectly valid. Dicci's article simply assists people in making that decision in a more informed manner.
    “I’d like the ‘Shattered Sun’ title, but meh- rep grinding is a chore.”
    “Well sure, but if you’ll get more than the title, see. You’re an enchanter or you’ve got an enchanter on another account, right? You’ll disenchant the epics in Heroic Mode and eventually learn the faction rep formula to shatter the shards into a LOT of Dust and Essence. Netherweave Bags are the best value, gold per slot, in the game. You’ll have a shot at a total of four rare enchanting formulas and several other crafting recipes. There’s a rare mount and an awesome RP trinket as well.”
    “You’re right- the grind is WORTH more than I thought. There’s a lot of additional VALUE there that I wasn’t considering, both tangible and intangible. I’m off to Magister’s Terrace!”

    Get it?

  15. Very nice guide reminding folks of a different approach to making gold.

    I'd say that I would enjoy seeing more from this writer, but only if she doesn't make a habit out of responding defensively to any comments she perceives as being negative. Readers will sometimes be tough on you (though you should know this as you've made some extremely critical comments yourself). It doesn't add to reading value to see a defensive back-and-forth happening.

    Have confidence in your work, answer questions or extend a discussion, but don't get all huffy over criticism. It ain't interesting =P

  16. Doesn't add reading value.. but drama can create more views, amirite? ;)

    I was actually expecting tougher criticism, as I made a mistake in there that no one has pointed out. :P

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