Multitasking Madness | 500 Gold Per Hour

This post was submitted by Jens. Leave a comment and let Jens know what you thought of the article!

Subject: Goldmaking

Requirements: One extra account, at least vanilla.

Time required: 1 minute per gaming session.

Professions needed: Fishing, skill level 1.

Expected gold: 500g per hour. Calculated from 1 account fishing and a Volatile Fire price at 5g each.

I recently read a study on how you could characterize the typical gamer. I’m only going to mention
select parts of it here, most certainly taken out of context, so don’t get stuck on the validity or
reliability of these factoids. But I found at least parts of it fitting myself.
According to these scientists, your typical MMO gamer is:

  • Above average intelligence.
  • Highly adaptable to new intellectual situations.
  • Able to keep a high level of concentration for extended periods of time.
  • Very good at multitasking.
  • Dexterous and with fast reactions.

Whether these things are a prerequisite for success in gaming or a result of the intellectual stimuli
you get while playing, I don’t know. The thing I do know and care about is this:

We can use it to make gold.

What really caught my eye here was the Very good at multitasking part. Most of us here play quite
a lot, doing very different things. I’d say the only common part of them all is the waiting. Waiting for
Arena/BG queue, waiting for the pull in an instance, flying/running while questing, you name it.
For myself the majority of the waiting is while raiding, waiting for the pulls, even waiting for energy
for my next ability. Here’s where the multitasking comes in, you can almost always spare a second
here and there. But how do you make gold with one second once every twelve (minutes/seconds)?

You guessed it, fishing! What we’ll be fishing is Volatile Fire. You can fish this from a Pool of Fire,
just a normal fishing pool except it only gives Volatile Fire. Four of these spawn in Mount Hyjal and
Twilight Highlands. Each pool yields 1-8 volatile fire and has a 12 minute respawn time. That means
20 – 160 per area every hour.

I used this extensively during the progress of the first raid tier in Cataclysm. I have two monitors
and three accounts, so I set my main screen as my raid screen and on my off screen I had two small
windows with one character in Hyjal and one in Highlands. This way I fished on average 800 Volatile
Fire each raidnight, which sold at 15-20 gold each in those days. It’s still very profitable, especially
with 4.2 around the corner where the demand for Volatile Fire is expected to rise, as is the time
spent raiding.

Now I understand that most people might not have 2 monitors and 3 accounts with an 85 on each,
nor a computer that can handle that while raiding at the same time. But that’s really not needed.
The only thing you need is one extra account, doesn’t even have to be upgraded beyond vanilla (you
could make sure to buy when Blizzard are offering promotionals, something which happens from
time to time).

You will need to make a few changes to the in game settings before you start.

  1. First, set your Display Mode to Windowed (Fullscreen). Options -> Graphics -> Display Mode. This lets you tab between your games faster.
  2. Then raise Ambience volume to max while lowering all other sounds to 0. Options -> Sound -> volume. This makes the fishing sound loud and clear.
  3. Then check the box that says Sound in Background in the same menu. Now you should be able to hear your bobber sound even while dodging Shadowcutters of Doom on Sinestra.
  4. If your computer needs it, you can also lower Max Background FPS, so that your fishing account doesn’t strain your computer as much. Options -> Advanced -> Max Background FPS.

Now you should be ready. Log in to both accounts, make a level 10 character and get fishing on
him, pools luckily ignore fishing skill. Summon him to Hyjal (it’s better than Highlands for low level
characters since there are no mobs around there) and place him by the poolspawns. If you have a
character with a flying mount, you can fly in the middle of the lava lake and you can catch any pool
spawns with only a glance. When you raid, tab over once in a while until you catch a spawn. Start
fishing and tab back and keep playing until you hear the fishing bobber. Start a long cast/drain your
energy, tab over and loot the fire and cast your line again, then tab back. Repeat until the pools are
fished out, stick to your main account for 12 minutes, and then start checking for new pool spawns.
You will pretty soon get in to it and find that you can keep fishing and still keep a full DPS rotation
without missing any pool spawns. I know, I did.

While doing this you will get competition by other players, but most of them will fly past looking for

pools and fly away if they can’t find any. Thanks to this, you can keep the area for yourself as long as
you make sure you fish the pools as soon as they spawn, thus not letting anyone else get their hopes

If you do this, you get yourself a new account, which is good for several reasons. You get the Recruit
a Friend leveling bonus, mount and free month of game time. You also get a great chance to start
an Alchemy Army. Not to mention a pretty large sum of gold every raid night, without spending any
extra time.
The only downside I’ve found is that you can’t really browse while raiding

Feel free to share any other gold making activities that suit raid multitasking!

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12 comments: on "Multitasking Madness | 500 Gold Per Hour"

  1. Seen a similar thing on another gold forum, so didn't read the entire post.

    But my question is, you say you need a minimum of a vanilla account - can vanilla accounts access Hyjal in the first place?

  2. How about a 100K pr week tip?

    If you have multiple accounts, set them around where the sea pony spawns.

    Now the sea pony has 5 spawnpoints, so you would need 6 accounts if you plan on raiding aswell, but by not having that second, thid account in vashj'ir while you are raiding = zero chances of scooping the sea pony up.

    I have a mate that uses 5 accounts for this, so far he's gotten 3 ponys + the other drops and made 450K off selling these boe items since the pony first came into game(4.1?).

    Doubt he will ever make a video of this, all I can say it works, to some degree as he has not gotten all, but maybe only 3 have spawned during 07-00:00(he works from home, has his PC's and mac on all day) and does yield more gold then fishing.

  3. This post has been on so Many other sites (intact I think it has even been mentioned on JMTC awhile back) that I didn't bother to read the whole thing. IMO it was a little long for being a post about fishing, even if it did give strategies.

  4. To those saying that you didn't read the whole thing because you've seen it before, I suggest that you actually read it. At least I haven't seen anying like this before.

    As far as I understood, the point isn't really the fishing at all, it's more of a post about multitasking, with fishing thrown in as an example. I could be wrong though.

    Should be way more than 500g per hour with current fire prices, and I'm sure going to use this for Firelands progress.

    Great post, excellent writing and fun read all in all.

  5. Interesting and well-written. A bit of an unusual twist on gold-making, with some great practical tips on how to set up your system if you happen to have a second account available.

    Nicely done, and a fun read :)

  6. Anyone who buys extra accounts for a video game is a moron that needs to get out more.

  7. Waisting my own money to get more gold in WoW, seems like a bad idea. More like an industry to me...

  8. like the people who post on forums about that video game?

  9. Griping about posts is fine, I've griped about plenty myself, but you need to read the whole post first to make sure you're not making a fool of yourself griping about something addressed further into the article.

  10. with the new change in 4.2 to allow free access to play the game up to level 20, this is a nice little tip without having any extra out of pocket expense

  11. I enjoyed this article. It's nothing new to me in terms of the content, but I'd imagine it certainly appealed to someone reading and was well structured.

    I mainly wanted to respond to the Anonymous who stated "Anyone who buys extra accounts for a video game is a moron that needs to get out more." My suggestion would be to read Markco’s post on opportunity cost, specifically the following extract:

    “Opportunity cost is how much gold you could be making with your time. If you can spend an hour farming eternal fires but you do it farming eternal waters then you have reduced your opportunity cost by the value of the fires minus the value of the waters.”

    Apply that to real life. Let’s say you allocated two hours, three evenings each week to WoW and liked to raid as much as possible. You also had a personal goal of reaching one million gold within the next three months. You refuse to play any more than that due to real life commitments – getting out more as you say. On your second account, you can do what is mentioned in this post, or set up macros to transmit key presses to both WoW windows. Sinister Strike in window one, where you’re raiding, transmits the same key press to your second account’s milling or prospecting macro. Switch over to craft gems or whatever, add a disenchant macro to the same keybind and the elementium shuffle is complete. After 90 minutes raiding, post all with TSM and log off.

    The relationship to opportunity cost is the time saved prospecting. 90 minutes overtime at work, 90 minutes more with your family or friends. If it is worth more than £9/$15 to you then the second account is paid for in one night.

    This may seem like an extreme example, and you could say why bother aiming for one million gold with that kind of time. It’s the same reason someone aims for the Gladiator title or full BiS raiding gear. It’s the same as any game; you set (or are given) a goal and aim to reach it. At the same time, the statement has to be qualified – someone on benefits has a different opportunity cost to someone on £30k a year, for example.

    None of that even touches on anything else that a second account brings. It’s convenient to be able to cross-faction trade on your own, without finding a trusted friend to assist. Do you own a kettle? Why not just boil your water in a saucepan on gas and save on the price of the kettle and electricity. You pay a little extra for that convenience. The convenience of a second account is worth £9/$15 a month to some, myself included.

    Comment over, but as a side note, the above is classed as multiboxing – in-game, one key press, one action per game client. In a brief moment of inspired failure, I asked a GM if it would be 'legal' to do the same in Word while typing, but unfortunately it’s not allowed as you’re technically not in-game, even if the window is open on another monitor.

  12. with the release of firelands (and the daily quests involving killing fire elemental), volatile fire prices are down 50%

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