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Mommar here.
Every so often as I'm looking at a market I get a wild idea to try something. But first I must preface this with a conversation I had with a fellow gold goblin on my home server. One day I was listing some Jewelcrafting items up and noticed that someone had started a couple of the more popular gems at the astronomical price of 750g a piece. Now I'm not a huge fan of going for the home run ball in this way but I figured I would give it a try and take a look at what happened.
Later that day as I was doing some market cleanup and collecting gold I saw one of my gems had sold. This surprised me a lot because why would someone want to pay 750g for a gem when they can get a black for 125g and offer a 25g tip. Was someone's time worth that much that they would pay 4 times what the gem was worth?
So back to the story at hand. I wanted to take my idea of Zero Point Investment to an extreme and see just how much I could squeeze out of a couple of markets. The Ghost iron bar market had been pretty light even with the opening of the thunderforge. The curve had not kicked in from players stocking up on cheap ore previous to the patch. Combine that with ore itself still not at an extremely expensive level bars just were not selling as much as they probably should. So I went ahead and purchased all of the bars on the market at that time for a reasonable amount, then flipped them all at 3 times the amount. I fully expected to just eat the Auction house cost and go my merry way.
But after my normal 12 hour listing I went back to my mailbox and watched 3 of the lots had sold at this extreme amount. This more than paid for the investment in the bars themselves, plus a decent profit. Now I probably shouldn't be surprised at one of my ideas actually being profitable. It was a whim to put the bars up for that price and gain a profit.
So when you see a weak market as your looking at your local auction house, take a chance and throw an incredible number out there and see who is fishing in your waters. This doesn't mean go for the million dollar gold bar, but listing a flip at 3-4 times the amount you paid for can net you some interesting reactions. And some extra gold in your pocket.
P.S. Hoppy Easter Weekend
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
1:20 PM
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Okay, so if you hear from hardcore PVPers they will tell you that with the possible changes in 5.3, PVP will be dead. Some of the changes include
- Removal of Resilence on Gear
- Players have a base of 65% resilience
- PVP power will be balanced on gear.
There were some other changes when it came to the equipment you could buy with conquest and honor points. Most of our business ends up being players trying to piece specific pieces to their set to allow them to enter PVP without getting slaughtered. Enchants and Gem slots get filled in by some but the majority of these are reserved for the high end PVP players.
Patch 5.3 is still months away. But reading these changes should spark some ideas in your gold minded head figuring out what opportunities will exist. Just how powerful will PVE items mixed in with PVP items become? Will players look to min/max (Dungeons and Dragons flashback here) their gear to become monsters in the PVP world or will they stick with just straight PVP gear.
No one really knows the complete answers to these and other questions. It's to be expected that during the PTR stage of patch 5.3 there will be some changes and tweaks to the new system. And how those tweaks go will determine the validity of sales to PVP players as a whole.
One thing to look at now is to look at just where your enchants will be at. Not just the two new possible PVP enchants from patch 5.3 but previous enchants and gems. Gems and enchants will become that much more important to players than straight gear swaps. Players will look at a gem they can buy for 100g to place in a gear slot over paying 2000g for a piece of gear that gives them only a few more points of power.
PVP tends to be a very fickle market. If you live on a server that has an active PVP grouping then it can be a goldmine to print your own money. But if you live on a server that has a weaker PVP system then it can be much more difficult to conquer. Just keep an eye on the PTR notes and look to see where the wind blows.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Future Gold making,
Gem Market,
Patch 5.3,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:26 AM
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As with any early patch notes there is much gnawing and gnashing of teeth on any changes. PVP changes (which we will discuss possible opportunities later), your favorite class getting hammered with the nerf bat or buffed to near legendary status. In the long run this is a rough draft to what will occur with patch 5.3.
So before everyone grabs their verbal and digital pitchforks lets keep in mind that your comments do end up being heard. As long as it's not included rants and raves and new combinations of four letter words that you wouldn't say in front of my momma (what you say in front of your mother is entirely up to you).
As MOP starts over the mid point and starting to gain momentum, people's patience tends to run thing on many things. Including the running of instances and raids. Players run instances for one or two items and then they drop the group when it doesn't become their new precious. It's a nature of the game to see players that get frustrated when a tank goes a little bit slower than they would like. Remember when your playing that at times you will be dealing with players that are just learning how to tank on an ALT, or just learning how to heal. It's a part of the nature of this game to learn new things. It is what makes things fun and exciting, or frustrating and hair pulling.
So keep your patience chip on the desk when you get a little agitated by something you do not like. Figure out whether you're helping someone, or just ending up being ignored with your 'insightful' comments. You probably aren't nearly as funny or as sane as you think you sound.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
loot drops,
Mists of Pandaria,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:16 PM
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Mommar here.
If your like me you have run your little heart all the way through the Isle of Thunder and obtained the exalted status with the Kirin Tor Offensive (or of course, the alliance version the Sunreaver Onslaught). If not then it shouldn't be that long til you have finished up.
Now, here is where you get to make a choice. The cache that you obtain from the finale quests of the day can contain a Kirin Tor Offensive Insignia (or again the Alliance version). If you look at the description you get to see that it's Bind to your account. This can become very handy if your leveling new toons on your off times.
Patch 5.2 allowed you to choose bonus reputation for running instances and scenarios (Instances were available from the start of MOP content, scenarios are available at level 90). This becomes important to be able to jump start to get up to the gear that's available both with the Isle of Thunder groups. The Avg player will run between 5-10 instances as they are leveling through the looking for group mechanic. This gives you a good jump of between 1500 to 3000 or more depending on how much you run as your leveling. Even after reaching level 90 you end up in a soft spot between having enough gear to be at raid ilvl and running instances for fun and profit. Making sure you have a useful bonus reputation chosen in your character screen can get you there faster.
If your alts are purely for obtaining more opportunities to obtain gold, this becomes just as important to choose the right reputation. The August Celestials offer the three Epic bracer enchants (Strength, Agility Intellect) and the Klaxxi reputation quartermaster offers both Leatherworking and Blacksmithing patterns that sell well (and will continue to sell well as players level their alternate toons).
Even choosing the Tillers for your non crafting toons can allow you to get to the point of being able to have that 16 plot farm to generate foodstuffs or raw materials depending on the seeds planted.
Gauging just what you want to finish up first with your toon reputation wisely can get you ahead of the curve and on a faster track to wow riches. Plan, execute and profit is your best mantra for the day.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:49 AM
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Mommar here.
If your server has been keeping up with the rest of the gang, the Thunderforge should be open for your Blacksmithing and engineering goodness.
Both professions get a new daily cooldown to craft either a Lightning Steel Ingot or Stabilized Lightning Source. Both are necessary for the patterns that are learned by finishing your new daily profession ritual. The important part to remember is that similar to another profession cooldown items these are BOP so will be worth a lot of gold for players looking to have things crafted using them.
The other important part is that both of these new profession cooldowns will effect Ghost Iron Ore/Bars on the open market. Now here is where your knowledge of your server becomes very important when determining the crafting options that you have.
Players are starting to look at getting the best bang for their buck when it comes to purchasing equipment. The weapons crafted with the Lightning Steel Ingots will be very powerful. And you end up learning how to craft the original weapon that is 'reborn'. The ilvl will be 463 so it won't be in high demand for its power (all raid tier weapons will be of higher ilvl). The demand will come from the look and aesthetics of the item.
Engineering gets a little less love but might end up being a little bit more in demand. With three new recipes including a new companion pet (Pierre) and the new Mount (Sky Claw) collectors will have both of these in high demand. Very similar to my favorite mount the Mechano-Hog players will want to have these crafted at the cheapest amount possible. Keep in mind that with both of the Ingots and Lightning Source being BOP you control just how much you're willing to sell them for. Negotiations will become very important and do not be afraid to walk away for another day.
(added 3:30pm)
Looks like Engineering got the short end of the stick again. Players are reporting that the plans are not dropping for the engineering doing the quest. Perhaps they will hotfix this but once again, Engineers become the red headed step children).
Also don't forget to do your transmute daily for Blacksmithing the same day that you finish up the quest to obtain the plans. That will put you one day farther to obtain that very soon to be a hefty priced item.
Keep your head up, your hammer quick and let the fun begin.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Determing Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:42 PM
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When Mists of Pandaria expansion was released Spirits of Harmony was the original crafting material necessary to make high end armor and weapons. As the expansion continued different spirits were introduced (Blood Spirit, Haunting Spirit etc.). In this discussion we're going to talk about the Spirits of Harmony.
If you have done any dailies in Isle of Thunder you should have a decent amount of Spirits sitting in your inventory. While finishing my dailies I usually end up with between one and three a day. Combine this with having my farm in Halfhill producing 16 motes of Motes of Harmony I generally can end up with 5 or more per day to work with. As with any crafting mat, the higher the mob killed generally the better chance of having one of the Motes of Harmony drop for you. So at level 87 mob will probably not have as plentiful a loot table when it comes to Motes of Harmony as does the level 90-92 mobs sitting in Isle of Thunder or Isle of Giants. Now I'm sure someone will point out that this is faulty calculations because they know if they sit farming in one place for long enough they will stock up on motes. Your milage always may vary depending on what farming technique you have.
The easiest way to determine the value of your Sprit currently is based on your professions. Blacksmithing, Tailoring and Leatherworking has the most outlets to determine value. Here's an example.
Masterwork Ghost Forged Blade
(prices based from theunderminejournal.com)
This item takes
Ghost Iron Bar x 12 (88g)
Kyparite x 30 (88g)
Spirits of Harmony x 5 (to be determined).
If the sales price of this ends up being 5000g then you walk away with a profit of 4700g. Rough math would show that each of those spirits of harmony = 900+ per. Technically they aren't truly worth 900g because if you were only able to sell the weapon for 4000g that would lower the value per Spirit. Also you are not including labor time and the amount of time it cost to farm. Still this gives you a baseline value of what a Spirit would cost.
The assumption also has some difficulties with the idea that you put a sword in the Auction House and it's guaranteed to sell. Anyone who has sold on the Auction House knows this isn't always true.
Let's look a higher value item with our base calculations.
Bloodforged Warfists
This item takes
Blood Spirit x 6 (4798g)
Living Steel x 6 (2982g)
2 Spirits of Harmony
If our sales price for this ends up being close to the mean Avg sale (22000g) then you end up with a much larger profit (14220g) per Spirit of Harmony). Again this becomes a rough calculation based on how many sales you are able to obtain. The farther along that the raiding schedule becomes, players are less apt to buy high end items instead of just waiting for looking for raid items.
Many of the new patterns that drop from the new profession mechanics also use Spirits of Harmony for their crafting. Being ilvl 522 these will be in high demand. The problem being the availability of Haunting Spirits which are only obtainable from Disenchanted 522 raid items. The Haunting Spirits aren't available from disenchanting looking for raid items which will put a kink in obtaining them for crafting.
So what sparked this expedition into simple math? It was an advertisement found in trade chat a couple of days ago. A player was advertising the creation of a Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer. The player had all the materials and was willing to pay 250g per Spirit used. This would net a profit of 250 x 5 = 1250g. Not a bad amount of profit. But if you do the simple math you can see that it isn't such a good deal. When I can take 4 of those Spirits of Harmony and craft a Bloodforged Warfist and net almost 6-7 times the profit.
Determining value for your Spirits of Harmony can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. It all depends on just how much research you put into your sales. And how much your time is truly worth.
For me, I don't roll out of bed unless 250g is involved.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:46 PM
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I have always been a proponent of the idea that the only true 'wow killer' will be a game that Blizzard creates themselves. Whether it's Diablo 3 (which was a great game on itself but definitely not a wow killer), or the much maligned and rumored Titan project. Many games have tried to take the reigns from the king of MMO's and some have done damage.
Blizzard announced its new game today, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Now Before we all jump on the 'O no, it's Pokemon Warcraft version" let's give this one a chance. Everyone suffers some burnout from playing warcraft week after week. Even with new content WOW has had its ups and downs when it comes to subscribers.
The important part of a new game is that Blizzard has always been masters of cross game advertisements. With the beta being available this summer I will not be surprised if they offer treats to get players from World of Warcraft the MMO game to try out the new digital card game. Diablo had some crossover items that could be used in Warcraft and vice versa.
Where I had been hoping that we might get some more info on Titan and its possibilities, I do not see a new digital card game as being the end of the world with it comes to our favorite game. So before the pitchforks and torches are pulled out, lets give this one a chance and get some more information on what Blizzard brings to the digital gaming table.
MMO-champion has a lot of information on the new game. Go here to see what our gaming masters have brought out for us to watch.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:53 PM
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Mommar here (again, someone else going to show up and entertain the masses?)
I find that as I continue in my life that some days are much more difficult to go through my full routine of listing, searching, farming, leveling and finishing dailies. At one point we talked about breaking down to different levels of activity on some days. Whether it's a A day (full listing, everything for sale) or a C day (just a couple of listings and finishing my dailies.)
Within this idea there are certain days that I find that there is a higher importance to finish certain activities. Listing of Raid quality items does not have as high of a priority on weekdays as they do on the weekends. Enchants and equipment that sell to leveling toons become more important during the week than they do on 'server raid' days.
Each server has its own pulse and its own calendar of expectations. One server I belong to have the majority of the raid guilds working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While another one is almost exclusively a weekend raiding area. These differences cause me to adjust what gets listed when on each server.
Both do hole similarities as well. I do a lot of my bidding on Tuesday. This allows me to take advantage of bids for auctions that will end during the server maintenance period. Another time for me to list on multiple servers items for sale are the weekends. Many players are 'weekend warriors' and put the majority of their time on during Saturday and Sunday.
The important thing for gold goblins is to determine when it's okay to take a break and relax the listings, and the other days that you should go full bore with everything you have.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
Auction House,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:28 PM
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Mommar here.
As I was working on my Isle of Thunder dailies I heard the call from the local channel
Looking for more Oondasta
Now up til now I had joined in on the kills on the server for Galleon and Sha of Anger a couple of times. To the point that these have basically become loot pinatas (or gold pinatas if you're ever so unlucky). I figured I would give it a try and see how it went.
As I flew there I looked up the gang at Icy-Veins for the strat for Oondasta (Pretty basic strategy with a couple of nuke bombs). As the raid was building (when I joined there were 1 full time and 1 half team) the chatter on the group and local was interesting. Most were betting on Captain Nasty to obliterate your golden hero.
I should have bet money on Oondasta too. After two face pulls and two quick corpse runs, getting reset and then making a full attack, I could hear the laughter from the big dinosaur with the big frickin laser on his back. Another run back and another reset. Take three ended up having more players (in this case more is not better) giving Shandris 3 full teams and 1 partial team to take on the world boss.
5 minutes later I'm corpse running back and realizing that more people was not going to be the answer. One of the biggest problems with Oondasta is his Spirit Beam. If someone gets hit by it it will bounce to another player that is within 10 yards of your position. You can imagine the difficulty in finding 10 yards of space when you have 90 players plus surrounding a boss, even if he is the relative size of a skyscraper.
So after 4 attempts I had a meeting I needed to go too and ended up leaving the raid, saying thank you for the invite and going my merry way. But I did not leave discouraged or upset. Always remembering this is a game of learning. And not every world boss is a loot pinata ready to give up it's tasty tasty gold treats.
It may not seem like much, but if your leveling a toon and hit the 88-89 mark. Make sure to joint a world raid for either Sha of Anger of Galleon. Especially with Sha you get a nice quick quest that can be completed at 90 to give you an epic pair of boots depending on class. Both are decent amount of gold making especially if you spend an extra token for an extra roll. But the best thing you can get is to feel accomplished from a world raid.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
Loot pinata,
Sha of Anger,
World Boss
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:20 PM
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Mommar here.
In my 'career' making gold in world of warcraft, the one thing I have always tried to do is to remain above questionable means to obtain my wow riches. Where I have no problem taking advantage of opportunities I believe that you can make gold without going to far over the bend.
With Patch 5.2, a new mechanism was created for new crafting patterns. Leatherworking and tailoring received theirs from the start. Blacksmithing patterns were not directly available tail section three of the Isle of thunder was opened.
But some resourceful players were able to get to that section of the isle and obtain the drop that started the quest to begin crafting Lightning Steel. This gave these players access to the Blacksmithing patterns that could be found on the daily timer. After a few days Blizzard hot fixed the area so that the boss couldn't drop this pattern until the area had been unlocked by the server itself. But the damage was done on some servers.
There is a balance between applauding creativity to do something beyond what the developers intended, and throwing the curve off of an economy. Gear becomes much more important as an expansion pack becomes more mature. Obtaining that magical ilvl for the gear you wear to be able to play with the cool kids in the highest raids available. But things like this also throw a monkey wrench into undervaluing of items from lower tiers. Most players want the best to play with, and will do anything to be able to obtain these items.
Also the danger of 'exploiting' this is severe penalties that can be laid down. In this case there were no known suspensions or bans given. But it wouldn't be the first time that a player or even a guild paid a heavy price for people playing on a fine line of disaster.
The question that a gold goblin should always ask themselves is the worth of being first with an item. Even if it means what some would view as cheating the system. A few 1000 gold or a few ilvl points for the chance of getting suspended or even account banned.
That determination my friends is always up to you. You make the choices on whether you will wear the white hat, the grey hat or the dark helmet.
(I refuse to say may the force by with you).
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Patch 5.2: Tap That Mob
Patch 5.2: The Great Ghost Iron Ore Rush
5.2 Watch: Capping Justice Points
Language People. Language
Patch 5.2: Know They Economy
New Leatherworking Pattern.html
Patch 5.2: Jewelcrafters
Patch 5.2: Thanks Uncle Blizzard for the Valor
Something Stinks In The Air
Get a Grip On Your Pricing
Patch 5.2: Prepping for the rush
How Do You Effect The Market?
He's So Great He's A Fivefather
Patch 5.2: Farming For Rep.. With A Farm?
dark hat,
Isle of Thunder,
Patch 5.2,
White hat