1k gold by level 10

As I was walking through Ogrimmar finishing up on auction house chores a discussion came up on trade chat.  Someone had made a claim that they had hit 1000g by level 10.

Having told the story previously about my first toon, scraping for every copper and silver I could see how those that were not familiar with gold making would be skeptical.  The average player still believes that the only way to make gold is to quest,  finish dailies and sell the occasional blue item on the AH.  Being unfamiliar with the tactics of a gold goblin limits their funds to a minimum.

After about 5 minutes of discussion including a couple of 'liar liar pants on fire' comments I decided to walk away to finish up my chores.  This may seem a little selfish because I could have easily popped off a few ideas on how they made their 1000g.  But the proverbial pearls before swine would have existed.

So how did the guy make 1000g in his first 10 levels?   Not having exactly how the blueprint went for them I can only speculate on what occurred:

1.  Sold everything on the AH.

There is still a large market for low level materials.  Especially copper/tin ore and Peacebloom to multiple professions.  This became more difficult since you obtain XP for each item that you pick/mine.

2.  Green/Blue items dropped and were sold

Players still buy low level items for transmog purposes.  Also for leveling of alt toons.

3.  The player started flipping items on the Auction House

It would not be that difficult once a player reaches a few gold in their pocket to start reinvesting these into the Auction House.  A couple of flips can get them to 100g pretty quickly.  After 100g you can just imagine 1000g is right over the horizon.

These are just a few of the ideas that came to mind on how they hit 1000g before level 10.  There are many more farming spots for mobs that could be killed quickly and looted.  So the next time someone says 'that isn't possible' take a few steps back and imagine whether you can do it.  Think of it as a puzzle that maybe only you know the answer.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbear @ gmail. Dot com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up, and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

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