Epic Gem Transmutations for 3.2

This email pretty much sums up what you should do with your twilight opals, forest emeralds, and sky sapphires (SAVE THEM FOR THE PATCH - HINT HINT).

With the newly announced mats for the Alchemist transmutes to make epic gems in the next patch there's a chance to probably make some very good money, the materials are sky sapphires, forest emeralds and twilight opals, all of which sell cheap on my servers (sapphires for as little as 5g per!). The transmute takes 3 of that particular type to create one epic gem (i.e.; 3 sky sapphire transmutes to 1 Majestic Zircon).

Even if you can't transmute them yourself I imagine the prices will skyrocket once people start stockpiling.

I'm definitely going to give this a go and see if it can make serious bank! :)

Sahiel - Medivh

EDIT: This post was prewritten weeks ago, unfortuneatley some of the information is outdated, here is a more accurate summary, thanks Hatch.

This information is outdated the current transmute materials are:* Red: Cardinal Ruby (mats: 1 Scarlet Ruby, 1 Eternal Fire)* Yellow: King’s Amber (mats: 1 Autumn’s Glow, 1 Eternal Life)* Blue: Majestic Zircon (mats: 1 Sky Sapphire, 1 Eternal Air)* Orange: Ametrine (mats: 1 Monarch Topaz, 1 Eternal Shadow)* Green: Eye of Zul (mats: 3 Forest Emeralds)* Purple: Dreadstone (mats: 1 Twilight Opal, 1 Eternal Shadow)

9 comments: on "Epic Gem Transmutations for 3.2"

  1. Patch 3.2 is going live today in the US and tomorow in Europe, time to start the quest for the epic red gem transmute (and for that you need to transmute all other epics first)

    For peeps in Europe: Get moar Titanium naow

  2. I stockpiled about 40 of each a few weeks ago. The problem is that alchemists are only going to be able to make 1 gem per day while all the prospectors and their titanium reserves will be making tons of epic gems.

  3. I would suggest selling them gems instead of creating the epic ones.

  4. This information is outdated the current transmute materials are:

    * Red: Cardinal Ruby (mats: 1 Scarlet Ruby, 1 Eternal Fire)
    * Yellow: King’s Amber (mats: 1 Autumn’s Glow, 1 Eternal Life)
    * Blue: Majestic Zircon (mats: 1 Sky Sapphire, 1 Eternal Air)
    * Orange: Ametrine (mats: 1 Monarch Topaz, 1 Eternal Shadow)
    * Green: Eye of Zul (mats: 3 Forest Emeralds)
    * Purple: Dreadstone (mats: 1 Twilight Opal, 1 Eternal Shadow)

    It used to be that 9 forest emeralds could make a cardinal ruby, etc. But now it's the corresponding blue gem plus an eternal.

  5. Sholozar Basin was massively farmed before the patch on most servers. On mine, there was about 70 players total including both Alliance and Horde. Can you imagine what it will be like in 30 minutes?

  6. Cant you buy epic gems with badges and honor as well?

  7. @Doug

    Yes, you can, even though some gems are more expensive (cost more Emblems) than others.

  8. Worked. I bought all of the sky sapphires on my realm which were 6g through 9g and Im now selling them for 32g a piece. Thanks Marcko'

  9. very nice post. I've been waiting for this on the net for a while now.

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