I'm linking, writing guest posts, hosting guest posts, tweeting, facebooking (is that a verb now too?), will be appearing on Tipoaa Sunday at 1:00 PM LIVE (you better be there!), exploring new media, improving the site, getting feedback from you and all in all I'm basically collaborating like crazy. Once Markco gets rolling it's hard to stop him (especially if he starts talking in the 3rd person). If you're a newer site or even a veteran blogger and want to collaborate, remember I'm only an email away. Odds are I'll probably come to you with the rate at which I've been engaging in this community, but please don't leave it to chance ;)
If you'd like ideas on collaborating or just want to help grow this community check out my post on spreading the wow gold tips. I'm also looking for ideas regarding topics of the next blogging carnival and will announce the details a week from now. I expect to release another within a month's time due to the insane popularity of the first carnival.
What are your opinions on the past month or so with this blog? Was the Carnival fun? Are you enjoying the growth and links to various sites in the community? Are you having fun participating and spreading the wow gold tips? Do you view growth as a danger with regards to gold tips as more people will then have access to them or do you see growth as a positive way to learn more about the auction house?
Looking Ahead
I'm always changing and evolving with the way I blog, just like when I play the auction house. I have numerous things in the works for enhancements to the site, future collaboration ideas with other bloggers and a few things I'd like to keep secret for the time being. Just know that some of them are BIG, very BIG.
New Site Layout
If you like the layout of JMTC, don't get too attached, I'm still working in a sandbox version of the site to vastly improve it. Keep throwing ideas at me on Twitter, the comments here, and Facebook. Do you like the castaclysm site? I'm considering moving towards a similar look and feel with a feed to my forums showing the top 10 current threads or something along those lines. I'd also move my blog rolls to a separate page and leave a news ticker at the top just like on the podcast's site.
There are a hundred different ways I could change JMTC to make it easier to access as well as keep the content 'above the fold' so to speak. I want to simplify the site and make more use of a condensed list of links to achieve this goal.
On the topic of condensing, be sure to thank Zerotorescue for reorganizing the JMTC gold forums.
Blog Monetization
I offer several ways to 'donate' to the site by buying products I've created. A new printable pdf guide was added to the Buy Guides section and is entitled: "World of Warcraft Auction House Guide" on It is considerably cheaper than my constantly updated online guide (only $11.99 vs $37) and contains timeless strategies which you need to become a professional auctioneer like myself. Note that the 20k leveling gold guide obviously contains more content and receives updates, but I wanted to provide a smaller version of the guide that teaches all the timeless information that is unaffected by patch notes. If you haven't bought my 20k leveling guide and would like to try something cheaper, please try this new ebook and also please leave a review since the ebook is brand new and needs more visibility. Consider your purchase a donation to the JMTC community as I am constantly funneling my time (40+ hours a week), money (upwards of $200 a month) and energy (never ending supply, I hope) back into this blog and various associated websites.
Real Life
One of the hardest weeks of my life just ended. Basically, two loved ones have passed away tragically. Not much else to say except that it sucks and life can be cruel at times. Religion really helps during these hard times as well as loving family.
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13 comments: on "Markco's Corner - Collaboration"
Erik said... August 6, 2010 at 8:48 AM
I'm sorry for your loss
Sablesyn said... August 6, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Yeah, man... my sympathies and condolences.
“When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on; or you will be taught to fly.” ~Patrick Overton
Cold said... August 6, 2010 at 9:09 AM
Sorry to hear about the tragedy Markco.
As far as the site...
It doesnt fit on one page at the moment. Have to scroll the page to the right to get the other margins to show. That would be my main recommendation. Make the page fit.
Anonymous said... August 6, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Maybe for the next blogging carnival you could spread the content out over the course of a week? I found all those links at once to be a little overwhelming. Great stuff though!
Anonymous said... August 6, 2010 at 10:45 AM
I'm sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you and yours.
Anonymous said... August 6, 2010 at 1:32 PM
Sorry for your loss Markco, my condolences go out to you.
Markcofan said... August 6, 2010 at 5:33 PM
sorry to hear that Markco. The site looks great
Anonymous said... August 6, 2010 at 8:12 PM
My sympathies for your loss, but the loving family is much more helpful/useful than religion.
Season said... August 7, 2010 at 5:17 AM
My condolences to you and your family at this time. I hope you get the support you need through this troubling time.
And remember, don't bury your head in work as the grieving process will catch up with you in the end. Take some time off if need be, am sure we'll all be here eager to listen when you return
Unknown said... August 7, 2010 at 7:40 AM
"My sympathies for your loss, but the loving family is much more helpful/useful than religion."
.... your views are best kept to yourself IMO. He obviously expressed a belief, if you don't agree - don't post it. Whether or not you follow any sort of religion is irrelevant. It's Markco's blog, I see nothing wrong with him mentioning his faith/beliefs. You, on the other hand, have no reason to bring negative comments to his blog, *especially* regarding something that is helping him through a loss and rough weekend.
Go away.
As for Markco, I agree with most everyone else - sorry to hear about your loss, I hope your family can pull through this time together.
Anonymous said... August 8, 2010 at 11:18 AM
Sorry for your loss. God is great and has a plan. With every joy there is sorrow. It is comforting knowing He is in control and has a plan. Remember, He will not give you more than you can bear. I find it important to lean on him for support in these times.
Kès from Onyxia
Anonymous said... August 8, 2010 at 9:35 PM
Sorry John, but I expressed a rather positive opinion as compared to your attack. I place a greater value on family compared to religion and your idea of support is to tell me shut up and go away? Now, whose comment was the negative one again?
Charlie said... August 11, 2010 at 4:21 AM
I'm sorry for your loss. It's true that faith and the community of other believers and a compassionate support system really can pull you through the tough times. My father was in critical condition for some time back around the holidays (he's much better now, thankfully), and our church members were extremely helpful in getting through it, whether it was bringing home-cooked meals over a couple times a week, giving us a lift to go visit him at the hospital, or just letting us know that they were praying for him and our whole family.
On the topic of more collaboration, I am all for it. Sure, there's the risk that there may end up being more competition but it only makes the gurus step up their game even further! Of course, there's always going to be those players out there that say they don't have the patience or are too lazy to play the AH game, or use their professions to make gold other than farming raw mats for hours. I've even pointed several of my friends to excellent resources like JMTC or Stokpile (so sad he's quit). The resources are out there for those that want to pursue their goals of having massive amounts of gold (or at least enough to buy what they need for raids).
When my friends ask me to buy them a chopper or something similar, I just laugh. I have about 120k, but I didn't get there from taking handouts or receiving free choppers. I have 3 80's, two of which are fully epic'd and best gems/enchants, along with 104 mounts on one, and over 50 on the other. Both my "mains" have extensive pet collections and lots of achievements. My fresh 80 DK (which I don't even enjoy all that much, just wanted extra professions) has even been a gold sink. All 3 have obtained epic flying, battered hilts, DMC:Greatness trinkets, and high-end crafted gear. I've even got 15k on the other faction just from selling primordial saronite and the occasional enchanting scroll. Point is, anyone that wants to make gold in this game can do it if they have it set in their minds that they want to. The same is true for real life. =)
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