Netherweave Bags still Gold

An Elitist Jerk made my bag!

"Hey Marcko,

A while back another reader wrote to you about how great netherweave bags were, and I've been using the tip ever since.

Lately in the AH slump, fellow gold-makers have been complaining about sluggish sales and unstable prices. The netherweave bag market is still stronger than ever; no matter how much cloth I snatch up, I can sell those bags as quickly as I can craft them. You suggested selling 4 at a time, but I list 12+ at a time, posting two and three times a day as they sell. Sometimes my twelve hour auctions expire, but not often. :)

Thank you for your great site!


The real beautiful thing about netherweave bags, and it's something which just occurs naturally when you buy out all netherweave cloth below a set price, is that you limit your competition's materials. If you buy out all the netherweave cloth below 8 gold then your oppenents on the auction house are forced to make bags worth at least 8.5 gold each to make a profit. Since there is only one item needed to make the bags (that isn't from the vendor of course) you will naturally inflate the price of netherweave bags simply by buying out netherweave cloth. So many bags sell per day that you will be hard pressed to find enough cloth to keep up with demand.

By far one of my favorite markets and I use a second account to craft the bags so I don't lose any time (20 seconds per bag can be tough!). Even without the second account I would still afk craft these bags since the money always comes back within a day or two after crafting.

8 comments: on "Netherweave Bags still Gold"

  1. I posted something in the forums about this as well. I have been saving up for cataclysm and have enough mats for over 2000 bags at the moment. Do you think I should go ahead and start selling bags with the cloth I buy daily or should I just keep stockpiling waiting for Cata?

  2. Yep they still sell, Not like demand is going anywhere, people are still making alts all the time.

    15seconds to craft :P still a long time when crafting in bulk.

  3. I would post these, but I'm stockpiling for Cata....less competition and more demand. Two bank tabs of nw bolts and climbing.

  4. I am stockpiling to sell tons of these in Cataclysm as well. This is a great seller on every server, but I have noticed that (at least on my server) they tend to sell more in The Overnight Market. So post more than a few before you log off at night.

  5. one thing i've noticed on my server is recently is that netherweave cloth is going for below vendor. i'm actually buying it and vendoring it because i don't have a tailor.

  6. don't forget the buy 2 stacks for under 6 gold for the pair and turn them into bandages and vendor them.

    if you have first aid (and every char should have first aid!)

  7. Why would you vendor the bandages when you could turn the cloth into bolts and then bags and make waaaaaayyyyy more than 6g for them. Other cloth I might consider doing that with but never netherweave. It's just too much of a loss to vendor netherweave for that cheap.

  8. I continue to buy all I can. I stockpiled 1 full gbank tab of bolts to be ready for cata. Anything I get between now and then I sell because I think I have enough saved.

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