Finding that Special Someone

I don't know what happened over christmas but a ton of new wow blogs have been popping up in 2009 (including yours truly). I stumbled across this place recently:


Although there are very few posts on the site, I really enjoyed the 'find a lazy friend' article.

The idea is simple, find someone who hates the auction house and get them to farm for you. I know you might think it's crazy but I've seen numerous players that would rather run in circles picking weeds than press alt+contr+shift+batch post and go afk.

Finding that special someone or someones is ideal for anyone who wants to create a market monopoly. When I was disenchanting cobalt chest peices I had four farmers getting me the cobalt for twenty gold a stack, and that's the kind of relationships you'll want to set up a monopoly on the auction house.

It's really quite simple, ask them to COD you their items and always be sure to pay them as soon as possible. They get to enjoy farming with instant gratification, and you get to enjoy incredibly underpriced goods to resell. It's a match made in heaven!

In the words of my chinese farmer friends: "Vury Simpur! Go round circur curektin weeds and come back hur fur gold."

6 comments: on "Finding that Special Someone"

  1. Racist

  2. No sense of humor? :(

  3. Not sure why this would qualify as a racist post, but apparently someone thinks it does...

    But I think it's a very valid construction. The idea of having people farm for you, basically goes back to how industrial companies work: They get raw material, transform that into half or complete endproducts and sell that with a "huge" profit.

    Only problem for me now, is the fact that on one server that is already done sort off by a girlfriend of mine (and I don't think us giving eachother competition is a good idea ;)) and on the other server I got crap professions. Hmm, I really need to start leveling alts :).

    ps. Markco: I tried the Spider's Silk, but to no avail, I haven't sold a single silk. Just not enough twinks (or people in general) on Deathwing.

  4. Dominique: Damn on the spider's silk. Just try to sell two at a time and wait it out, the posting cost is so minimal you'll eventually sell them and make money.

  5. Welcome Sarah, thanks for reading!

  6. you sir, have replied to a spambot :D

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