JMTC is looking for you!

Bloggers, Bloggers, Bloggers, I'm hunting you down. I am looking for quality guest posts to be featured on the site. It can be about anything and everything, as long as it's good, I'll make sure it'll get featured on the site and that you're given proper credit for your work.

I am looking to feature at least one guest post per week on JMTC, what does this mean for you? It means that I'm going to start hunting every single one of you down and e-mail you, asking if you're open to write a guest post for JMTC. Now don't be scared, I don't carry any scary guns ( except an MP5K ), as long as you produce a well written post that is interesting and eye-catching, the post will make it onto the site. Expect an e-mail by the end of this week! Talk to all of you soon!

I'm also looking for you, more specifically, I'm looking for " Help me! " E-mails. I want you guys to write to Markco asking for help, and twice a week, I will personally sit down and take 30 minutes of my own personal time to write you a specific, unique post that will be tailored according to your professions and where you are.

I feel that by doing this, I can help people out personally, rather than simply posting gold tips on the blog everyday. I can help you make gold in ways you could of never imagined! I will become your personal gold guru for 30 minutes, helping you in any way possible make those thousands of gold you've always dreamed of.

I hope to hear from you guys soon!

7 comments: on "JMTC is looking for you!"

  1. Hehe - I'll be on the lookout, Mageshadow!

  2. I guess I'd be willing to every now and then, if you'll have me :)

    I've written a few apps that might be of help to gold makers, which could probably do with a decent explanation or example of usage (eg: my SlyProfits to spreadsheet converter).

    You can reach me at jmtc[a] if you'd like :)

  3. Do we e-mail you, or Markco? I have a question regarding how to best break into a gem market, whether through prospecting or buying uncut gems.

  4. E-mail markco for the time being, he'll forward the e-mails to me.

    Thank you all for your e-mails :)

  5. Here is a topic for a post, somehow I missed vellums becoming vendor items. And when I said that in guild, it appears that quite a lot of people missed that change.

    Vellums cost 8s from the enchanting supplies vendor, you can usually find them in the AH for 25s or more ... just a hint.

  6. need help with gold and professions? said... September 18, 2011 at 11:47 PM

    hey guys/girls if you are interested i have a little tip of my own. i haven't hit gold cap before but if i wasn't a sucker and didn't give my gold away i probably would have reached it 3 times over. if you have a profession gathering or crafting, its not always the latest and best in slot epics you can craft that will get you their its all the pre cata stuff as well e.g 16 slot bags are worth about 15-40g ranging from server's the mats you can pick up off the AH for about 8g a stack thats profit from just buying crafting and reselling. with blacksmithing ( i personally dont have this profession) you cna make belt buckles i was at one stage buying all the mats sometimes even in bulk for about 30g and selling the finished product for around 180-250g each. with JC its lower lvl rings but mostly the end game gems =( buy the recipes farm the Ah and you will make gold if you need help with any thing in particular email me at

  7. need help with gold and professions? said... September 19, 2011 at 12:22 AM

    hey guys/girls if you are interested i have a little tip of my own. i haven't hit gold cap before but if i wasn't a sucker and didn't give my gold away i probably would have reached it 3 times over. if you have a profession gathering or crafting, its not always the latest and best in slot epics you can craft that will get you their its all the pre cata stuff as well e.g 16 slot bags are worth about 15-40g ranging from server's the mats you can pick up off the AH for about 8g a stack thats profit from just buying crafting and reselling. with blacksmithing ( i personally dont have this profession) you cna make belt buckles i was at one stage buying all the mats sometimes even in bulk for about 30g and selling the finished product for around 180-250g each. with JC its lower lvl rings but mostly the end game gems =( buy the recipes farm the Ah for cheap uncut mats and you will make gold. you dont always have to have the profession, you can also make gold from guildies or even other players without them knowing about it, instead of getting one item crafted get about 8-20 and make sure its a tip you are happy to pay, and also enough to make gold as well dont forget the upload fee and the AH cut between that will lower your profit

    if you need help with any thing in particular, e.g professions farming areas. email me at

    i dont have the answer to every thing but i can give some advice that may be of a use, and will do as much as possible to help. even willing to come to your server =')

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