Putting Your Listings On A Diet

Hey gang.

As we continue on our experiences with Mists of Pandaria sales can become bogged down due to needing to relist over and over again.   The monotonous challenges of listing the same item 5-10 times to be able to sell one.

Inscription and jewelcrafting can become locked into this repeating bubble.  Especially with items that are no longer in high demand such as mid level Cataclysm gems and armors.   Many gold goblins will list between 500-1000 items at a stretch using either manual clicks or addons to speed up the process.

Regardless of the addons or methods,  each auction listed takes up a little bit more of your time.  If there is one thing that Mists if teaching players,  every minute of their gaming becomes important for the long term goals of the player.

So as your listing your items,  this is a good time to figure out which of your items can be set back for another day of listing.  Which items should you go ahead and sell at an extreme discount or even vendor for your time.

Here is my challenge.  For the next 5 days time yourself on just how long it takes you to list all of your repeat items.   Keep track of it on a piece of paper and see how long you are spending listing items.  Then take the amount you sell each day and figure out just how much you are making in sales per hour.   This can give you good idea on whether you are spending your time wisely,  or waiting for that 5g profit to come in after having spent half an hour listing non salable items.

The key to being a gold goblin isn't just a mater of knowing what to sell,  and when to sell.  But how much time you should be spending draped over the keyboard selling items.   And this knowledge will give you the leg up on other players who mindlessly list items that have a small chance of selling.

Putting your listings on a diet can make your gold making streamlined and timely in the long run.  And put you on top of the pile ready for another jump at the gold ring.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Previous Entries

Must Have Farming Equipment
But How Much Is It?
You Just Can't Fix Stupid
Trick or Treat Time 
Can Pokewow be saved?
Buying Patterns For Investment
How Not To Influence People
Long Term Plans
The Measure Of A Goblin
Pulling the Deal Trigger
The Vikings Are Upon Us
Dailies For Second String
Flipping Out To Survive
Resetting The Plan
Discipline In the Ranks
The Professions Race To 87
Junk In The Trunk
I bought My Gear on Ebay

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