Tis the Season

Mommar here.

Figured I would take a few minutes from wrapping packages and decking the halls (better than decking my sibling i guess) to drop a few suggestions for you.

We are knee deep into the Winter Veil holiday for Warcraft,  and many players are finishing up their dailies
getting ready to unwrap in-game presents for Christmas Day.

But as with any holiday it's also the season to be giving.   Have you looked at your crafting list and seen things that maybe members of your guild would like to have as Christmas presents.   Engineers and Enchanters can take materials that are easily obtained now and craft some fun Warcraft pets to brighten up their guild mates festivities.   Know of any little kids that are playing Warcraft that could use a piece of armor as an upgrade?   Even a fun hat given in the right spirit can brighten up a players experience.

Usually we talk about how to make gold in Warcraft.  How to find that pressure point to make other players wallet cry uncle.  But we are all human beings,  and we all have to have a good spirit and good player karma for the future.

Even Deathwing likes a good Christmas hat.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Previous Entries

Tis the Season
Follow Your Strength
The Go To Gold Goblin???
Keep Your Head Up Gold Goblin
Plant Pvp Enigma Seed vs Songbell Seed
The Short List
Decking Out Your Farmer
Winter Veil Farming: Head Start
A Perfect Circle of Goblin Life
Addon Abandonment Issues
The Guild: Striking Tone For Sales
Controlling Your Reputation
Are You Experienced
Farming Post Patch 5.1
The Hours of Power
Profit Calculation 101:  GPH
Prepping For Darkmoon Faire
Limited Item Is My Favorite Word
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days

  1. love this. last year i farmed my lil butt off gathering, daily-ing, hunting and killing my way to grab pets for a friend (in game, never met irl) i done 12 days of xmas via in game mail and wrapped a pets each day with a little jingle each day until xmas day - 1 kitty purring, 2 moths a fluttering, 3 dinos roaring etc ended up with about 70 pets!! she was very grateful for the work i put in and it was nice to take a break from gold making to do it. by far the best time in wow ive ever had, unfortunately she quit playing right before i capped a million G :( always said id split it with her.

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