Mommar here.
It's time to face facts. Looking back at the week your sales have been slow at best. Too much inventory, too few sales. Don't look at your sales sheet because there are red frustration marks and a few Goblin tears staining.
We have all had these weeks. Every Gold Goblin has had weeks that they could not make sales even if they offered the golden ticket in exchange for a few copper. It's to be expected when you get hip deep into sales within the Warcraft community.
The key is to dissect why sales have been bad for that week. Was it just the time of the year that everyone was hording gold for a big push? Did you miss a financial wave somewhere that you should have been on top of and buying instead of selling? Were you zigging with your products instead of zagging?
The important part is not to let yourself get discouraged. One or even dare I say it two weeks of bad sales will not break your bank. Your merchandise will sell at some point in the future. Your inventory will shrink and that bank account will return to the black in no time.
Just be patient, and keep your head above water. And reposition yourself for the next week. Learn from your mistakes and trust your honed instincts.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Plant Pvp Enigma Seed vs Songbell Seed
The Short List
Decking Out Your Farmer
Winter Veil Farming: Head Start
A Perfect Circle of Goblin Life
Addon Abandonment Issues
The Guild: Striking Tone For Sales
Controlling Your Reputation
Are You Experienced
Farming Post Patch 5.1
The Hours of Power
Profit Calculation 101: GPH
Prepping For Darkmoon Faire
Limited Item Is My Favorite Word
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
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